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ROTFL!!!!  (I don't know how to those icon thingy-dingies).

anyway,  thanks, EKB......I just spit up some coffee on the keyboard! 

I am going to frame that chart and put it on my desk in order to give me a laugh each day.....just curious, but  did you get that from the Onion?  or National Lampoon?

ha...seriously,  look at what they put in the middle:   NPR, CNN, AP, NYTimes, Wash.Post, BBC, Reuters, the alphabet Networks;  USA Today....are all without bias???  too funny....

It's already been proven that those news networks are spokesmen for the Democratic Party....the Alt Left in this country.   At least on Fox you will hear ALL the news and not just news favorable to only half the country.

"One in the news is enough for us." - Ed Rodgers (maybe he's talking about Jordan?)

Ed Rodgers said he no longer had to brace himself for the inevitable questions from his patients first thing Monday morning...

In a few years AR will be done playing and those MM/Arm-Chair QBs will no longer be trying to bend Ed's ear over what his son did or not do the previous game. Maybe the distance while AR is playing is a plan/smoke screen to give his parents some bliss?

13 seconds I'll never get back.

Biggest Packer win since 2010 and people are worried about some low level TMZ type s**t from a tabloid rag like the NYT? I'll never understand why anyone airs their families dirty laundry to the public. If the media ever asked me about personal family issues the answer would always be, "No's none of your business." That goes for AR's brother, father, AR himself, or anyone in the family.

FreeSafety posted:


I know.  I agree.  You guys were actually taking EKB's graphic as truth.  

Pay attention boys and open your eyes....start watching other news programs....soon, you'll understand what is going on.  I take your sarcasm as a badge of honor.  The truth is I'm a centrist and realize what is going on.  I don't watch Hannity or anything...but I get my NEWS from FOX because they are not afraid to report ALL the news, not just what Democrats want you to hear.

Last edited by SanDiegoPackFan

I just find it funny that there's this whole notion that he's "gone Hollywood" and gotten too big for his family. Yet he still keeps in touch with people from his high school and Jr. College. If you didn't read, he bought his alma mater helmets for the whole team and helped fund a trip for a game, even sending a good luck video. Seems to me he still has time for his hometown, maybe just not his family. Suggests maybe things aren't as one sided as everyone would like the story to be.

Knock it off, CA.   Yes I am!    Don't drink the kook-aid with the rest.  You're smarter than that.

 I don't trust the mainstream news and neither should you.  I'm not a big Trump supporter either. 

But I do see what is going on and I do feel sorry for you IF you thought EKB's graphic was legit, then there's no reasoning with you at all.....and that's the problem with Democrats...if you don't drink the kool-aid, you must be wrong and called names.  You can't debate the issues.

"The Chickens have come home to roost!"


Last edited by SanDiegoPackFan
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