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Originally Posted by Pakrz:

Interesting that you bring that up.  I've been wondering for quite some time what credentials you and a few others bring to the table that allows you to constantly criticize coaches and make matter-of-fact assessments on particular players.



Funny guy, I get ripped for being an irrationally exuberant homer 

....and while you were busy firing MM and hiring Cowher, I was here defending him


What you read on the internet and what I read are two very different things.

What you LEARN from them represents a Grand Canyon of difference and here's why:



Most of what happens in life is gray area and nuance - neither one of those things are your strong suit. You live in a world of black & white, good or bad and that's a great fit in your line of work. No need to think and ponder and no need to consider other points of view. Shoot from the hip and move on.


Unfortunately, those traits are a horrible fit in building, assessing and developing an NFL roster. You'll be much better off once you accept your limitations and learn how to work around them. Look at how you reacted when I had the temerity to suggest that Bak has flaws or limitations...GASP !  very telling


I've been fortunate enough to meet some pretty smart guys here in SoCal via coaching youth sports. Former college players, consultants that work in the NFL and assorted performance coaches that work with NFL players and pre-combine guys.


Its amazing to be a fly on the wall and listen to their conversations. I have no skills, no training, I don't watch practice or review film, but I have managed to learn a few things along the way. ( mostly by sitting quietly in the corner)

I enjoy learning and its that curiosity that fuels my daily efforts around the Packers. But I know that I know nothing compared to these guys who do it for a living. And I try to be clear in stating that these are things I have read or heard elsewhere.


Every week I learn more and more about how little I know about the NFL


"My ignorance is based on this understanding. Your understanding is based on ignorance. That's why I am a humorous fool, and you are a serious jackass.โ€



I still love you too, but we're going to have to find a way to discuss players' limitations and shortcomings without you translating that into :


"Satori thinks Bak sux" ........because I don't.


Originally Posted by Satori:
I still love you too, but we're going to have to find a way to discuss players' limitations and shortcomings without you translating that into :


"Satori thinks Bak sux" ........because I don't.


No Mr. Gray... You don't get off that easy by putting words in my mouth to take the heat off your all-knowing ass.  Nobody, at any time, said a word about you thinking Bak sucks.  This has everything to do with your weak ass assessment of Bak's "weaknesses" after getting beat for the first time in camp.  

Last edited by Pakrz

Can you sit on a bowl of ice cream and tell me what flavor it is ?

(That's the definition of an all-knowing ass )


I'm pretty sure I've never stated that I am all- knowing about anything and if you could actually read, you'd see where I state very clearly, multiple times, that I don't know squat. I'll add one more here for the truly dense.


"I don't know diddly about evaluating NFL players" 


If we can't up your reading comprehension, I don't think we're going to make any progress here.



 Earlier in the thread I gave the opinion that Bak looked more like a guard than an above average left tackle.   I set out to find out if I was way off on this one. I took the 10 top rated left tackles( Bak was ranked 30th) & top 10 rated guards (used Bleacher Report, who used "Football Focus" grading system)Any list is going to be subjective, but by using the same system for both positions I felt it valid. Again my assertion was that Bak "looked" more like a guard. My measure of "look" is height, weight, body type (arm length is about the only measure of this I could find). Combine measurables appear to be the only consistent measure of physical attributes of players at approx. the same age. Bak's measurables at his combine were: 6'4" 299 lbs. 34' arm length. First looking at the top: 10 left tackles 
-- everyone of them is at least 6'5" 
-- 6 of them are over 310 lbs. and none are below 300 
-- arm length is something that seems to be only recently reported. I could onbly find 3 of top ten. They were 35 1/4, 35 1/2, 36 1/2 

Now for the guards (Sitton was ranked number 1) 
-- 6 of the top ten were 6'4" or shorter 
-- weights were pretty much the same as the tackles 
-- only could find 2 of the top 10 for arm length, 33 1/4, 33 3/8 

...Physically Bak fits more in the prototypical guard range than tackle. This is why many pull for Sherrod, he has the body to be above average at his position. Now I know alot of guys "look like Tarzan, but play like Jane", but you don't find many guys his size that can move. Love Bak's intangibles, but still feel he's more suited to play inside.

I don't really want to get into a pissing match with you Blair Kiel, but that last paragraph is pure BS and you know it. You lurk in the game threads and POUNCE whenever someone even suggests something that isn't all butterflies and kisses. I understand getting pissed off at the people who only show up when the Packers are losing, but I would bet they aren't even Packer fans to begin with.

But you like to lump everyone into the same pile and start with the "whiner", "piss pants", etc. sophomoric name calling if someone even questions a play call. To be honest, you're the worst kind of fan. You seem to want to accept anything that is in front of you and expect others to do as well, almost like Cubs fans. I prefer fans that demand the best. Fans of a team are like family...we can denounce them, but don't let fans of other teams do it.  


So now you're now proclaiming that the games really don't matter, that you have a happy life, and question other people's "mental state of happiness"? Jesus Christ, BK, you started a goddamned THREAD on it! 


Your obsession isn't with the Packers...your obsessed with being right. I would rather question a call/play and be proven wrong because my team came back and won the game. You, on the other hand, really don't care if the Packers win. You just want to be able to say, "I told you so!" That's what you're obsessed with.


But now since we're on a 3 game losing streak, you want to take on this "it really doesn't matter that much to me since I have a life and none of you do" persona? Really? Sorry, you don't get to do that. Just because you haven't gotten an "I told you so" moment in a month doesn't allow you to all of a sudden pretend you don't give a schit.


I, like other Packer fans on this board, watch the Packers because it's 3 1/2 hours of watching your team play and to have some bragging rights with co-workers, family, and friends. Most of us, if not all, have "lives" outside of the Green Bay Packers. The difference is we're upset that our team isn't winning. YOU'RE upset because YOU aren't winning.


BTW, you're right about Newhouse. He sucks. Have a good day.

Originally Posted by Satori:
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

You are trying to take Vic's praise of Mulumba, that fact that he beat a previously unbeaten LT, and turn it into "proof" of Bak's limitations. 

So its your position that Bak has no limitations ?




Here's the draft thread


WEAKNESSES: May lack the elite combination of height and foot speed to handle edge rushers in the NFL, though he appears well- suited to simply sliding inside to left guard.


I gotta seems to me any OT projected after the 2nd round gets this evalutation from the draft "experts" (better suited for guard/center). I'd further add that his stock was devalued by playing on a historically bad college team prior to entering the draft.


Bahk is a gamer, and did a hell of a job for a rookie when thrust into his role after Bulaga's injury. He's going to work on his weaknesses, is going to get better, and is going to be a fine LT for your Green Bay Packers for a lot of years.

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