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Originally Posted by DrBlood:

I just got back from the game. I have no words to describe how I feel. What the hell did I just see? You guys were beating the crap out of us for three and a half quarters and suddenly the universe flipped over. I don't feel like gloating. I hope you wish us luck in the Super Bowl, but I wouldn't blame you if you told me to go f#*k myself.

Being humble in victory is a really good trait.

I won't be rooting for the seahawks, but I will certainly not tell you to go f yourself either.


Last edited by BartManDude
Originally Posted by excalibur:
Originally Posted by slowmo:

Sherman after the game says he was suprised the Packers didnt' throw at him after he hurt his arm.  He said he didn't think he could have raised his arm to stop a pass.


But, hey, MM says he has no regrets about his play calling.


And AR can't change the play?

I doubt MM let's him change plays to a pass at the end, after he has made a decision that he wants to try to end the game by running the ball.  

Plenty of miscues to go around but if anybody could clarify for me two things, 1) watching AFC game and on this big return by Edleman there is the exact same block executed that Matthews did on the INT yet no flag in this game. If QB is actively seeking out tackle he's not protected anymore? 2) the sweezy (sp?) play how is different the Lang play last week about being after the play and the down counts with the yardage marked off. Not blaming just curious. Oh and did anybody catch the perfect hiton Brady that was flagged, wow and then to have the great Mike Carey say yep it's illegal to hit QB in chest.
Originally Posted by excalibur:
Originally Posted by slowmo:

Sherman after the game says he was suprised the Packers didnt' throw at him after he hurt his arm.  He said he didn't think he could have raised his arm to stop a pass.


But, hey, MM says he has no regrets about his play calling.


And AR can't change the play?

That personnel grouping didn't lend itself to a lot of play changing. The pooch was pretty much screwed after the first play lost yardage. I think the way the Packer defense was playing and Seattle's offense was playing probably contributed to it. Who knew they wouldn't see the damn ball again until a 15 point swing in 3 minutes?

Last edited by Va. Packer
Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

this game came down to the end but was lost in the first quarter.  Needed to convert those opportunities. Did not.  



I think this may be the winning answer tomorrow when clearer heads are prevailing. Failing to get TDs in the redzone, especially near the goal line, was a problem all season long, and today was no exception.


This should probably be the top focus of the offseason for the offensive coaching staff.

Originally Posted by slowmo:
Originally Posted by slowmo:

Jordy in perfect position for the catch...Matthews the guy Bostick had to block.  And, Matthews gets the recovery.

It's all about discipline there.  I'm sure his eyes got as big as saucers when he saw that ball coming at him and his instinct took over rather than his trained brain.  I would do the same.  But I'm not a professional football player.

Originally Posted by DH13:
Originally Posted by slowmo:
Originally Posted by slowmo:

Jordy in perfect position for the catch...Matthews the guy Bostick had to block.  And, Matthews gets the recovery.

It's all about discipline there.  I'm sure his eyes got as big as saucers when he saw that ball coming at him and his instinct took over rather than his trained brain.  I would do the same.  But I'm not a professional football player.

As Bill Bellichik says to his players---"just do your job"

Originally Posted by slowmo:
Originally Posted by DH13:
Originally Posted by slowmo:
Originally Posted by slowmo:

Jordy in perfect position for the catch...Matthews the guy Bostick had to block.  And, Matthews gets the recovery.

It's all about discipline there.  I'm sure his eyes got as big as saucers when he saw that ball coming at him and his instinct took over rather than his trained brain.  I would do the same.  But I'm not a professional football player.

As Bill Bellichik says to his players---"just do your job"


Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:
Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

this game came down to the end but was lost in the first quarter.  Needed to convert those opportunities. Did not.  

I think this may be the winning answer tomorrow when clearer heads are prevailing. Failing to get TDs in the redzone, especially near the goal line, was a problem all season long, and today was no exception.

It's not that he didn't try to go for it twice on fourth and goal from the 1.  It's that he didn't have the confidence in his offense converting, and for good reason.  His fault on those plays isn't in not being aggressive enough, it was in not being more successful inside the 5 all season long.  He went for it in those situations plenty of times this year only to be denied.  Bigger problem than just a couple plays today.

Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

Sober now so here goes.....this game came down to the end but was lost in the first quarter.  Needed to convert those opportunities. Did not.  


oh, and even at that if Bostic catches the ball.....


Agreed. After the stupid Daniels penalty they still got it to 2nd and goal from the 1. Eddie Lacy is a beast yet they went with no yards and a cloud of dust Kuhn and predictably he got stuffed. Then Eddie got stuffed on the 3rd down play. They had issues converting these situations all year and it finally caught up to them. 

Originally Posted by ammo:

Going for the FG was the right play both times. You must take the points in playoff football.

I agree 100%. They got to 6-0, and defense was still playing lights out. Offense was adding to the lead. Kick coverage was doing their job. Winning battle of field position. At 4th down you have to take those points on the road. They built it to 16-0. Bottom line is the offense still had plenty of chances after that. Championship winning coaches let their playmakers make plays. I don't know that MM had the cajones to do that in the end.

The old saying is you are only as strong as your weakest link.


 Throughout the season, in a myriad of ways, the special teams were the weak link--blocked kicks, poor coverage, inability to return a kickoff, failure to recover onsides in games.  Teams rans   Ryan said after game the scouting showed the Packers were vulnerable to a fake kick because of they way the came after fgs....


MM's stubborn loyalty to Slocum--the coach of the weakest link on the team year after year-- cost him today.  Hopefully, MM learned a lesson 

No problem with FG's. I wouldn't have had a problem with the run plays after Burnett's pick except they used 3 TE's and announced to the Seahawks they were going to run. Even after the first attempt was for negative yards. He pulled in the horns with a 12 point lead and 5 minutes left. It backfired. The Seahawks offense and the Packers defense were polar opposites of what they were for the first 55 minutes of that debacle.

In Boston.  Kids are happy the Pats won.  I'm not going to Phoenix with my Pats fans neighbors.    Everyone treating me like a leaper cus they KNOW they just saw the biggest collapse in the history of the Packers (NFL?)   Even my Cleveland friends are txting me saying "sorry, that reminded me of the drive, the fumble" etc.  Congrats McCarthy.  The sh*t down the back of your pants on this loss is now in the pantheon of uber loses that the infamous Bernie Kosar Browns put up.  When ever you decide to grow up, I hope you become something like Andy Reid.  A fat idiot who can run an offense but can't manage the clock.  Please stop wasting Rogers (Aaron, not Richard) carrier and fire this hamburger cook.  There's just no other discussion to be had about it.

The best thing the Packers can do for next season is to fire Capers. Ever since he has been the Packer Defensive coordinator the Packers D at best has been ok at best. Generally the D has been the worst or near the worst in the league.  Get ride of the bum already the worst that can happen is the Packers D would be the worst in the league, that is a push with that idiot Capers results would be.

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

It is not the FGs that were the problem.


It is that we can't get into the EZ on the first 3 downs.


Inside the 10. Get in the ****ing endzone.


MVP, offensive genius playcaller, dial something up.


All season long. Plenty of time to "get that fixed".

A legit TE would be nice.  Also, would like to see some play action inside the 10, make the LBs come up on a run fake and open up middle of the end zone.  With MM, its either under center and handoff, or shotgun and throw.  

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