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IIRC suspended players will not count as a roster spot while suspended. However, once off suspension, they do.

GB signed Hargrove to a league minimum deal. If they wanted to cut him loose now they could. Not saying they will but no cap issues from what I've read.

Doubtful TT or MM expected an 8 game suspension from this at the time they signed him.
Great. Neal is out for 4 games and Hargrove is out 8 games. Too bad they can't stagger those suspensions.

Guess we're looking at this group for game 1: Raji, Picket, Worthy, Daniels, Muir, and either Wilson/Wynn/Guy. If Neal shows he's ready to play in game 5, I assume one of the last 3 gets cut. I'm starting to think Hargrove isn't playing this year, unless he can beat out Muir.
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
This information would have been nice to have prior to the draft.

The Packers took 2 DE's though. So even knowing this, I doubt they'd take a 3rd since they traded up as much as TT ever had.

And this team has CJ Wilson and Wynn as well.

Packers probably will be kicking tires on more UFA DE/DT's however.
2nd half of the season we might allow less than 10 points per game.

It's all about WHEN you're playing your best if you want to win it all, right? And with all those division games in the 2nd half of the season, it'll be a critical time to have a full stable of guys. Fresh legs can't hurt.

But this still makes you wonder why they signed him. They knew about it, right? Was it calculated? Do the Packers feel like they're getting an 8 game discount for a player they feel can help? Was it simply a mistake?
Hargrove and Neal can do all the OTA, Mini Camp, TC and pre-season stuff. If they really like what they see in either, Im assuming they will ride this out and yes you'd have fresh legs coming in.

There probably is some concern with what kind of shape Hargrove will keep himself in while he's sitting on his ass for 8 weeks. Football shape vs "in shape" 2 totally different things and guys who play DE are big boys.

I'd assume you'd be looking realistically at weeks 10-11 by the time he's actually getting in a game and contributing. Assuming he stays in shape.
I would be in favor of just cutting Hargrove now.. I believe he cant practice or even be at the facility if he is suspended, correct? If true, he gets camp, then disapears for half the season.. He wont be up to speed with the D or in game shape , so really, you get him for about 5-6 games at most..

Just go with this:



When Neal returns, one of the 3 turds gets cut..

On second thought, it's not a bad insurance policy to keep him if he isn't taking up a roster spot.. Wait to the suspension is almost up, evaluate your line and see if he is worth it at that point or if there is a better street FA available.. It wouldn't cost them any cash to do this, correct?
Surprised there weren't more suspensions. Every defensive player on that team knew what was going on. I agree with BD. Hargrove has faded some the last two years. Having him sit on his a$$ for 8 weeks certainly won't help. If he doesn't count against the roster, I guess they can see how he looks after eating Twinkies for 8 weeks.
Originally posted by bubbleboy789:
So does Hargrove make the 53 man roster?

Packers don't have to decide that until week 9 (assuming the suspensions aren't held up in a court). And by then, they will know all they need to about how Neal is doing and the state of their DL. And per the GBPG, there is some speculation wondering if the NFL will give the Packers a roster exempt for a couple weeks (like they do with the PUP) as he comes off suspension.

What IMO would throw a wrench into this is if this goes to court, the NFLPA gets these suspensions stayed, and then GB has to decide who to keep and who not to in September knowing that in all probability Hargrove gets suspended at some point..and likely it's the 8 games.

You'd almost hope the NFLPA fails and there is no delay with these. Just get it over with.
It's time for the rookies to grow up quick. Not that Hargrove is a huge loss; I could see him as a rotation player. Neal? Well, last year showed us he couldn't be counted upon anyway.

I wonder what Hargrove would have gotten, or even if he would have been suspended, if they hadn't caught him yelling what he did during the Queens game...

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