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I'm tired of seeing it... ribbons, shoes, wrist bands, towels. The list goes on. I'm not unsympathetic to breast cancer, I'm just tired of seeing the hideous pink plastered all over the place.

At some point shouldn't all this money being generated actually, you know, cure something?
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I'd rather see them promote other types of cancer or other illnesses than just breast cancer. We're already aware of breast cancer, so maybe it's time to move on to other types. IMO, the message gets lost if it becomes too repetitive. Forcing teams to wear pink for 1 month every year loses the message. You make it 1 month a year to promote other illnesses (new one each year), and you really start educating the people.

One illness that comes to mind is prostate cancer, especially as so many men watch the NFL and maybe don't know the risks. We all joke about getting our prostate checked, but it's something that all men need to be aware of.
Originally posted by Fandame:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
At some point shouldn't all this money being generated actually, you know, cure something?

If only it were so easy.

Baking cookies, curing cancer - no difference . . .

The pink doesn't bother me. And anybody is welcome to start an awareness campaign for any other horrible disease if they so desire.
Lets see, my wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, the same type that killed her mother at a young age. Shortly after the death of my brother my sister in law a widow with 3 young kids was diagnosed. Of the moms on our sons football team: 3 cases that we are aware of in the past 3 years.

I think this is one of the stupidest OP's on this forum in a long time. I also think there needs to be more awareness of breast cancer not less

I also could give 2 sh%ts what the OP's opinion of the subject is. He knows there are gonna be replies like this. Downright mean is what it is
Originally posted by Pakrz:
I'm tired of seeing it... ribbons, shoes, wrist bands, towels. The list goes on. I'm not unsympathetic to breast cancer, I'm just tired of seeing the hideous pink plastered all over the place.

At some point shouldn't all this money being generated actually, you know, cure something?
you sir are a dumdum

To think someone would ever be stupid enough to say that there is more then enough information out there about cancer.

I applaud them.
And anybody is welcome to start an awareness campaign for any other horrible disease if they so desire.

In honor of Coach Pagano, the NFL ought to have the cojones and say that next October, they're going to raise awareness of leukemia instead of breast cancer. Watch the Komen people have a screaming fit.

The bullying attitude is one of, if youd don't if you don't spend this entire month raising awareness of this one particular cause, you want people to suffer and die for it. Well, by extension, if the ribbon bullies are trying to drown out attention for other diseases (which is ultimately what their bullying does), it logically follows that they must want the people suffering from all those other diseases to die.
Originally posted by Fedya:
Well, by extension, if the ribbon bullies are trying to drown out attention for other diseases (which is ultimately what their bullying does), it logically follows that they must want the people suffering from all those other diseases to die.

You really believe this? Crazy.
No; I'm pointing out that the "Don't you care about breast cancer victims?" bullying that is directed at anybody who suggests spending their time to raising awareness of some other disease should be turned around to make the logical point.

Since nobody would realistically suggest that the pink ribbon folks don't care about those suffering from pancreatic cancer/ALS/dementia/pick your disease, it logically follows that those of us who would rather raise awareness of some other disease (or those of who don't believe in pressuring others to show artificial caring) aren't unfeeling toward people with breast cancer.
Originally posted by Iowacheese:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
I'm tired of seeing it... ribbons, shoes, wrist bands, towels. The list goes on. I'm not unsympathetic to breast cancer, I'm just tired of seeing the hideous pink plastered all over the place.

At some point shouldn't all this money being generated actually, you know, cure something?
you sir are a dumdum

To think someone would ever be stupid enough to say that there is more then enough information out there about cancer.

I applaud them.

All I'm hearin' is "Wah wah wah, someone bring me a donut."

Agree all cancer should have awareness campaigns this month though. Or at least funnel some more of the profits from this month to the proper research funds.
Originally posted by Fandame:
Originally posted by Pakrz:

At some point shouldn't all this money being generated actually, you know, cure something?

If only it were so easy.

Look back at history....

We've found cures for polio, chicken pox, etc. Numerous catastrophic diseases

Why can't they find a cure for cancer?

There's no money in the cure. The money is in the treatment. So we have all these ways to treat it but not cure it. Follow the money. If Satori is so inclined he may be able to chime in here.

/off soapbox
I'm all for anything that may lead to a cure for the Big C, but I found this interesting...

Tweet from Jeff Ash

“@JeffAshPG: 35 cents from each $10 of NFL pink gear sold goes to breast cancer research. Rest to NFL. Scam?”
Athletes, teams, etc., have been used forever to promote disease cures. Witness the Bucks and MACC. The fact that breast cancer is tied to the NFL was a coup for Komman, although at 35 cents per $10 towel we know who got the best of that deal. The exposure is key, and it's a nice twist that it's men who are doing the advertising for a women's disease. It's something like 1 in every 8 women will get breast cancer. Yikes. After all, all those football players have/have had mothers and many have sisters.

If you want a different model, you could go to the NHL model. They have "Hockey Fights Cancer," and their charitable partners are: the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Prostrate Cancer Canada, ZERO the End of Prostrate Cancer, and the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. That covers several, but not one that specifically addresses women.

Perhaps the NFL can go to a breast cancer/prostrate cancer month. Everyone wears brown shoes, pink gloves, and brown/pink towels. Wink
I try to stay out of this because I know how personal it is to people but a couple thoughts (against my better judgement):

I think the NFL chooses breast cancer awareness over any other cancer because it hits the demographic they're missing the most. Every guy who's interested in professional football is already watching. The biggest opportunity for growth is with women. The best way to get them to interact with the NFL is to scare the living sh!t out of them with a breast cancer awareness month. One week won't get it done, they want a whole month to work on your head. The majority of women could care less about football (no offense to any of the lovely, intelligent women of x4, the nfl is after the women who don't care) but stats like 1 out of 8 get your attention real quick and make you want to do something.

It's no coincidence that when you go to pink the entire layout of the site is designed for women with messages of calls to action splattered all over the screen. But the biggest focus of the whole campaign is to wear something pink.

Click on the link using the "buy pink" and look at the storefront when it loads. Small banner for cancer, enormous banner for men's jerseys. Nice and red too. They could have linked right to the pink page to make it easier to get that pink shirt.

Guys aren't buying all that pink merchandise, but they will say if it's ok to buy a pink shirt for cancer, they should treat themselves to a little something too. The whole thing is sleazy marketing from top to bottom. The pittance they give to cancer is a small price to pay to pat themselves on the back and tell everyone about all the wonderful things they do.

I don't think anybody, especially me, is making light of cancer. It's a terrible disease that effects many families, including my own. My original point as the "Mean OP" was that I find the color pink spread across a football field and football players to be hideous. Some posters, namely GusBob, have taken that as some sort of a shot at cancer patients. That was never the intent.
The refs and everyone else on the gridiron should be required to wear pink gloves at all times so they don't scratch each other's eyes out.

And women, don't you just hate the word "gridiron"? Wouldn't curlingiron be cute? Who cares what those old farts used to call it. It's not "fairness" that they didn't ask women first. Like totally.
I like breasts & I like tit(m)'s rant because I think it's accurate.

I also think we have a lot of underlying issues regarding this disease. Certain forces or people in power don't want a cure to cancer. Reason? There is no money in the cure. The money is in the treatment (Chemo, radiation, etc.). Follow the money.
I am truly sorry for anyone who has lost someone to cancer. I lost both of my parents to cancer....including my father,who died when I was in my 20's, without ever having the opportunity to hold any of my children. That said, this "Pink" campaign has become wasteful in my eyes, and I think people who defend it have some built in biases. Why not paint pink ribbons on every field instead of wasting millions of dollars, as the NFL, NCAA teams, and even high schools now do, paying adidas, Nike, Reebok and others for their pink gear? Take those millions each year and donate it directly to research, rather than an awareness campaign.

And by the way, have we forgotten that lung cancer and colon cancer claim far more victims each year than breast cancer? 28.3% of all cancer deaths are related to lung cancer, compared to 7.4% for breast cancer. Colon cancer mortality rates are also significantly higher than breast cancer, yet the NCI (National Cancer Institute) provides almost three times as much funding for breast cancer. And by the way, heart disease, not cancer, claims far more women each year and the symptoms for women are far different that the well-publicized ones for men. My own wife has recently been diagnosed with a form of cardiac myopathy that we were lucky to catch, because she happened to find the right doc after several others dismissed her symptoms.

Again, this is not to downplay the important of fighting breast cancer and raising awareness of the importance of screening for women. I just think the money spent each October on all the pink gloves, cleats, towels, wristbands, etc, is wasteful and could be better spent.

NCI Cancer Funding
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RochNyFan:
paying adidas, Nike, Reebok and others for their pink gear? Take those millions each year and donate it directly to research, rather than an awareness campaign.

Your entire post was excellent, but this is the best part. Get the greedy sponsors out of it to truly make it mean something.

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