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Defense caves in the 2nd half...AGAIN

Matthews with his club hand

Jennings getting duped on the long TD pass

Refs stunk with bad calls for both teams

Tramon Williams missed two INTs

Crosby's 2nd miss

O-Line damaged when EDS went down

How about using Franklin for a change of pace

Some questionable playcalling on short yardage.  Handoff to Lacy on 3&1!!!

Foles completes ONLY 12 passes!



Tolzein showed me more confidence than Wallace

Lacy was a bull

Boykin, the guy played big again

Jordy Nelson is a stud

Still got lots of football left

And Rodgers did not look too incapacitated


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We're one week closer to Rodgers returning.

The Bears lost.

Tolzien is better than Wallace, so that's nice. We can work with that.

Brandon Bostick getting involved. It'd be nice to see him step up and help fill the void left by Finley.




Defensive play. Yucky.

Injuries. Don't really know what to say anymore. Just rotten f'ing luck.

Crosby. Here we go again....


+'s Tolzien - showed more today than Harrell or Coleman ever did in their preseason games. Very nice arm, made some good throws on the run. Did an admirable job all things considered, but more importantly the Pack look like they may have their backup situation figured out going forward. Definitely showed some promise

Boykin - Getting better each and every week.

Lacy - Did about as best as he could with the D's stacking the box. More punishable runs by him

Jordy and Jones -  Great catches by them to help aid their rookie QB. WR's were solid all game




Another barrage of injuries: EDS, Barclay, Hayward, Jolly, Perry. This is turning into a lost year for Hayward. Didn't even look right when he was playing

LBers. Woeful tackling, OLBers especially were abysmal.

Safeties - Responsible for all 3 TD's. Jennings may be one of the 3 worst starting Safeties in the NFL. QB's have a near perfect QB rating when throwing to him.

Crosby - 53 yarder wasn't a gimme but he had to make that 42 yarder. Gotta come away with any points considerng the state of the offense right now




boykin and all wr's actually, just about every ball was off target

had plenty of chances to win




matthews club and lb's in general were absent

pass rush

tramon williams is bad

used up some of the 'lucky' calls this game, could have been used at a later time


it just seems like the defensive scheme is not fitting these guys, there is still no pash rush, very frustrating to watch


with all that, gpg

+ Tolzien(sp?) looked like he could be a capable backup

Lacy is a warrior.

I actually thought T. Williams played with some fire and aggression after his 2nd should have been pick was botched.

MM got as mad as we do in his presser. Damn the coach speak this time.

The game started a 1 Eastern so I won't be up till 3:AM lamenting like with Sunday/Monday night games.


-The botched T.Williams picks

Blown coverages by the safeties

More injuries.

Pee poor tackling by the defense again.

Last edited by Va. Packer



Tolzien, Boykin, Lacy, Daniels




Defense starting to get healthy, yet regressing.  In fairness, Matthews really is a shell of himself with 1 hand and the fact that he's out there shows the desperation the Pack has on D right now.  There's still time for things to get straightened out, but it does not look like this D is of championship caliber.

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:



I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm getting mighty damn sick of seeing this as a negative. They haven't had good defenses in consecutive years since Reggie White left town. Outside of 2010, we've only had short bursts of good defense and bits of progress (always quickly followed by a massive regression) since then. The only thing that makes me hesitant about wanting Capers fired is wondering what kind of coordinator they'll get next.

Originally Posted by Pack-Man:
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:



I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm getting mighty damn sick of seeing this as a negative. They haven't had good defenses in consecutive years since Reggie White left town. Outside of 2010, we've only had short bursts of good defense and bits of progress (always quickly followed by a massive regression) since then. The only thing that makes me hesitant about wanting Capers fired is wondering what kind of coordinator they'll get next.

true pack-man, yet - when you are ranked #32 in red-zone defense, it almost wouldn't matter who else comes - you can only go up and, by definition, there should be nothing to lose.

Capers has 7 games to get this thing turned around. If they're still playing like this in week 17, making a change should be a no brainer. He just makes no sense to me, at all. He put out a respectable unit in 2009, the very first year of the conversion to 3-4, a great unit the very next year, and then almost everything since then has been garbage. All I think it can possibly be is that his schemes became too complex and he's overthinking things as the years have worn on.

Originally Posted by noiropus:
Originally Posted by Pack-Man:
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:



I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm getting mighty damn sick of seeing this as a negative. They haven't had good defenses in consecutive years since Reggie White left town. Outside of 2010, we've only had short bursts of good defense and bits of progress (always quickly followed by a massive regression) since then. The only thing that makes me hesitant about wanting seCapers fired is wondering what kind of coordinator they'll get next.

true pack-man, yet - when you are ranked #32 in red-zone defense, it almost wouldn't matter who else comes - you can only go up and, by definition, there should be nothing to lose.

#32 in red-zone defense and they can't cause turnovers. Yucckkkkk

Originally Posted by noiropus:
Originally Posted by fightphoe93:

eyore silent killer

perhaps not even of playoff caliber. jones, tramon, and the safeties collectively look terrible. a couple more losses and it may be time to think draft picks (something atlanta is already doing).

Not really, not yet. Unless they are lying about the Rodgers injury they can still sneak in as they did in  2010. Of course they could also use a miracle like the Eagles comeback from 31-10 down with less than 8 minutes to go. Rodgers sure covers a lot of mediocrity.

Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

Capers has 7 games to get this thing turned around.


Disagree. They are still a playoff team with the talent they have.



In his post game presser McCarthy said:


"We have a recurring issue that I have to get fixed"

"You get what you tolerate"


Tell me what has been recurring? Deep down the middle plays and 2nd half defensive collapse. I think if we see this again @NYG there will be a change.


Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

Capers has 7 games to get this thing turned around. If they're still playing like this in week 17, making a change should be a no brainer. He just makes no sense to me, at all. He put out a respectable unit in 2009, the very first year of the conversion to 3-4, a great unit the very next year, and then almost everything since then has been garbage. All I think it can possibly be is that his schemes became too complex and he's overthinking things as the years have worn on.

he had charles woodson in his HOF prime, nick collins in his pro-bowl prime patrolling the backfield, a younger and more productive matthews those years. 

Originally Posted by noiropus:
Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

Capers has 7 games to get this thing turned around. If they're still playing like this in week 17, making a change should be a no brainer. He just makes no sense to me, at all. He put out a respectable unit in 2009, the very first year of the conversion to 3-4, a great unit the very next year, and then almost everything since then has been garbage. All I think it can possibly be is that his schemes became too complex and he's overthinking things as the years have worn on.

he had charles woodson in his HOF prime, nick collins in his pro-bowl prime patrolling the backfield, a younger and more productive matthews those years. 

now he has mcmillan and md jennings.

Originally Posted by excalibur:
Originally Posted by noiropus:
Originally Posted by fightphoe93:

eyore silent killer

perhaps not even of playoff caliber. jones, tramon, and the safeties collectively look terrible. a couple more losses and it may be time to think draft picks (something atlanta is already doing).

Not really, not yet. Unless they are lying about the Rodgers injury they can still sneak in as they did in  2010. Of course they could also use a miracle like the Eagles comeback from 31-10 down with less than 8 minutes to go. Rodgers sure covers a lot of mediocrity.

very good post excalibur. however, do you really want them to risk rodgers coming early from a clavicle fracture? it seems to have taken woodson a long time to come back. i would not risk the franchise. 


good things can be learned from this year. a lot of 'fat' can be trimmed off the roster. let go of guys that can't be healthy (bulaga, finley, possibly sherrod as examples) even if they tease on the basis of talent and potential. they would probably do better developing players that may not be as talented but who can contribute long-term.

When Larry McCarren says in today's broadcast that "it's hard to continue to watch the defense stink" (paraphrase), it's probably time for Capers to hit the trail. We have done that same thing year after year now: when we need a stop to keep or turn momentum, we get spongecake defense. We work hard to score behind our third string QB, and then our defense immediately gets cut up and gives up a score.


I'll never give up, but this sucks to have so many good pieces only to see the same ol' same ol' game after game. One article I read said that MM didn't want to come out and say it, but he thought going into this year that this is the best team he's had. And I think that was probably true. Injuries have decimated us, but if a head coach sees a team as his best and yet his defense can't win a game, it most likely seems that someone's head is going to roll. 

Originally Posted by bubbleboy789:

I used to goff at the people who said Capers should be fired. But I think it's something you have to start considering. That, or rearranging some pieces on defense. Trying out some new bodies at safety. 



I was one of the biggest Capers supporters out there until today. He has 7 more games to figure this all out, and if he doesn't, he needs to be ****canned 5 minutes after the season ends.

Originally Posted by DH13:
Originally Posted by noiropus:
he had charles woodson in his HOF prime, nick collins in his pro-bowl prime patrolling the backfield, a younger and more productive matthews those years. 

"...a more productive Matthews." 

I'll hand you the towel after pulling your head out of your rectum.

i'm not saying he is not trying as hard as ever - he has simply not been as productive due to the chronic hamstring injuries; the thumb is more of a freak occurence.


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