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+We learned a lot about Jordan Love.

+Defense continues to trend up.

+If we had to lose a winnable game, glad it was on the road against the AFC.


-Love does not look to have β€œit.”   All this drama with the best QB in the modern era and it’s over drafting this guy.

-Clark injury.

-Special Teams yet again.  Really disappointed in MLF for hiring Drayton.   I don’t know shit about him except that he was the assistant to a real bad squad last year.  Is it really surprising that the unit is as bad or worse this year?

+ Defense......  linebackers flying around making stops behind the line...who knew that was legal?  safety play was also good.   Slaton looked good with Clark out

- special teams....decision to change long snappers mid week..yeah that worked
- MLF game the ball more take the pressure off of Love

+ getting to watch Love...yeah it wasn't pretty but he got better as the game went on  19-34 190 1 td 1 int.....Mahommes 20-37 166.......Anyone who says Field has looked better hasn't watched Fields....btw Adams 14 targets 6 receptions  the rest of the team 18 targets 13 receptions.....the week with few reps with the two of them did not help.

+ : Defense. If they keep playing like this, the sky's the limit.

It was good to see Adams back, and Lazard finally got the ball and made a play. Cobb. Run game.

-- : Love for most of the game. He came together better in the second half.

STs. Let's just go for it every fourth down. There's bound to be a better outcome than what happens now.

Injuries again to Clark.

@MIpackerfan posted:

- special teams....decision to change long snappers mid week..yeah that worked

+ getting to watch Love...yeah it wasn't pretty but he got better as the game went on  19-34 190 1 td 1 int.

I thought the field goal probs look more like Bojo holding problems.
Love was throwing AT or BEHIND receivers instead of where they were going to be.

+ A.J. Dillon as a RB and a reciever.  Aaron Jones tough as usual.  MLF should have used them more.

+  Lowery and Lancaster.  For all the greif that has been said on here they have played well.

+  Gary.  While not making plays that show up in the stats he had constant pressure all day.

-  Refs. I usually don't complain about them but I thought there were several times the Packer DL or LB was being held, but no call.

Not giving Love a + or -.  He played about like I expected.

---  Aaron Rodgers for being stupid and missing this game.

@MIpackerfan posted:

+ getting to watch Love...yeah it wasn't pretty but he got better as the game went on  19-34 190 1 td 1 int.....Mahommes 20-37 166.......Anyone who says Field has looked better hasn't watched Fields....btw Adams 14 targets 6 receptions  the rest of the team 18 targets 13 receptions.....the week with few reps with the two of them did not help.

I have watched Fields and he is not good but he looked like he had more command of the game as a whole.  Plus, he isn't playing in the Packers offense.  Love was horrible.

Like I keep saying.  Really low bar.

Last edited by Henry

- thought the OLine was pretty bad in pass pro, especially against the blitz. But the Chiefs seemed to constantly collapse the pocket and force pressure.

- - hard to know for sure, but doesn’t seem like the play calling wasn't that great. Sounds like MLF agreed, but they had not answer for pressure. Maybe he was limited with the playbook, but why not move the pocket a bit, maybe some jet sweeps.

- - - the two missed kicks seemed to be on the holder, both times the laces were pointing to the sideline. The first one sailed left (direction of laces)

- - - - STs in general is just abysmal. Don’t know the answer going forward and beyond this season. It’s unfathomable that the front offices have gone a decade or more without addressing STs, much like MLB.

+ defense seems to be getting better as the season progresses. Shout out to Joe Barry and the other D coaches.

+ + props to Kevin King, thought he played very well coming back. He was physical on tackling and don’t believe he really gave up any significant plays.

+ + + props to Dean Lowry, as well. Putting together a nice season so far. And Slaton and Lancaster played well in the middle of the line, especially after Kenny went out.

+ and -  Jordan Love, thought he did some good things but definitely looked rushed, unsure, inaccurate at times. Not surprising for a guy making his first start, at possibly the loudest stadium in football.  As mentioned already, he seemed to have virtually no time in the pocket because or poor line play and blitzes.  He missed some throws, but he also had some very good throws. Don’t know that this one game really moves the needle on him as he wasn’t great, but also wasn’t lost out there.

Last edited by PackLandVA


Defense has really shown a lot of improvement. Showed a lot of heart.

Running game was strong at times. I wish we’d have continue to feed Dillon; he was really strong.

I don’t blame Love for this loss. He played about how you would think given the situation. Better play by the offensive line would have helped immensely. As I recall Rodgers didn’t exactly light the world on fire on his first start, either. And no, I’m not saying Love will ever be Rodgers-like.


AR12 not being there to be a leader due to poor judgement and lack of candor.

Not-So-Special teams. When will we learn? Amari Rodgers is not ready to be a punt returner in the nfl. FG problems need immediate attention.

Royce Newman. Not a good game. Maybe he needs to sit on the bench? Can’t wait until Bahk is back on the line.

+ Kris Barnes playing his ass off for his childhood friend

+ defense in general, Savage, Slaton d-line and linebackers

an even grade--Love was not Johnny U and he threw some ill advised Utah State like  passes that made everyone question his NFL ability, but I've been to games at arrowhead-you can't hear yourself think, Spagnola just brutalized our vaunted  interior line of Patrick, Newman and Runyon. Despite Aikman's ridiculous assessments, he did okay-comparing this game with covid boy's first meaningful reps isn't fair. !2 was in his 3rd season, he had an excellent line and  came  into that Dallas game I think 17 points down: playing against a pretty soft prevent, which overall was a pretty successful defensive strategy  Dallas won by 10..and he followed that up with the next season going 6-10. Love has a long way to go, but he had some decent moments for a 23 year old.--one pass was the difference between he and superstar Mahomes playing on his home turf.

- good lord I hate Aikman, he was at his worst in this game.

-good lord I hate NfL officiating--how do you see Jones being taken down on the play action call, but not later in the game during the center screen.==that changed the game.

-how does Jordan Love's mother have the worst seat in the house? that was embarrassing for GB and KC

-was there a reason Gutekunst changed long snappers this week-was Bradley hurt or what?

-the rabbit's foot that this team has had all season had some regression toward the mean.


The defense.  Even without lots of key guys.  I have to say, I think our DC was a good choice and Gutey’s done a good job adding talent.

Most of the NFC lost their games today, and this was a loss against an AFC team.

Despite playing with an arm tied behind our back, we didn’t lose by much.


Special teams.  We really do need to move on from Mo Suckton.  Why the team thought hiring the assistant of one of the worst ST coaches ever is beyond me.  I was hopeful he’d be successful, but it’s clear he’s perhaps even more clueless than his predecessor.

Amari Rodgers.  I’m sure having a shit coach isn’t helping him on special teams, but you’d think he has more abilities than what he’s shown there.  I get receiver takes awhile to master, so I’m hoping he can overcome his coaching.

injuries.  Can we get a break from having our major starters getting injured?  I mean, holy shit, how unlucky can a team get?

MLF.  He had to know the Chief’s defensive plan going in would be to blitz the hell out of Love and while filling the running lanes. He really didn’t have a game plan to help Love beat that tonight, but that leaves me to my last negative….

Love.  I really wanted him to be successful, but he is clearly not ready and we should have had a better plan for a backup before designating Love as the #2.  He was absolutely awful today.  When you’re getting blitzed by the house as he was, he should know he’s got single coverage on his receivers.  For fuck sakes, it’s a 50/50 ball at the very least.  Throw the fucking ball and give our receivers a chance.  Not only that, he missed reads, threw bad passes, and was just generally inept.  A deer in the headlights.  It’s not like he’s a first year guy.  It’s his first NFL game and you expect mistakes, but man, he just didn’t show anything that gives me confidence in him as a starting QB, or even a backup.  

The special teams problems were mostly the snapper/holder and Amari Rodgers. The coverage was generally fine because the core personnel is fine.

The snapper, holder, and returner are 3 of the 5 positions that Drayton has the most direct control over (the placekicker and the punter are the other 2). Amari Rodgers plays like he has no clue how to field a punt, the holder/snapper have both been changed since the beginning of the year (so he's screwed up two different combinations), and one of the best FG kickers in NFL history now is spooked that every kick is going to be blocked.

@michiganjoe posted:

MLF taking the blame for the loss for failing to have a plan to deal with the KC pressure having a young QB. Like the candor.

Yup.  Did Love no favors game planning against the blitz other than a few well times runs. 

Running back stable is top notch. 

On the play with the Gary sack, watch Preston do the chicken dance trying to find the RB on that screen. 

What happened to Pat Mahomes,  Could not look more average. 


The defense.  Even without lots of key guys.  I have to say, I think our DC was a good choice and Gutey’s done a good job adding talent.

Special teams.  We really do need to move on from Mo Suckton.  Why the team thought hiring the assistant of one of the worst ST coaches ever is beyond me.  I was hopeful he’d be successful, but it’s clear he’s perhaps even more clueless than his predecessor.

Joe Barry, who you praised above this comment, was the DC of the some of the worst defensive units with Detroit and Washington.

Not game I hoped for but about how you would expect for Love's 1st start @ KC vs Spagnuolo D.

Defense - A - Held KC to 13, kept us in the game.

Offense - D -  won in most  stat categories except points.

ST - F - nice execution of the "toe-tap turnover" though...

MLF game plan didn't seem to work vs KC D but I was glad to see Love get a TD thanks to Allen "Duck" Lazard.  

My friend Red wants to see how Love would look starting  at home vs Seahags but I'd rather see Rodgers w/ no practice reps and chip on his shoulder than another close but no cigar game, esp if R Wilson returns. We need win vs NFC common opponent.

Bonus: Most NFC teams lost and Rams losing to TN 21-3

Last edited by GreenBayLA


The Defense deserved a win. The best defensive game I've seen in a while.

Dillon and Jones are beasts.


ST is a train wreck. It's just beyond comprehension how bad this unit performs year in year out. Take everything else as is, +6 for FGs Packers missed, and -3 on the gift of a FG, and you win 13-10.


Since draft night 2020, I've long stated I didn't like the Love pick. My concerns were accuracy and decision making. Draft weekend I said I thought his ceiling was Jay Cutler. At times he'll look like he'll be a star, but far too often he'll make bad decisions and his lack of accuracy will just kill you be it turnovers or just missing guys that extends drives.

His accuracy remains a huge concern. To be honest, his accuracy in most routes was even worse that I would have imagined. Just could not hit guys in stride outside of a few easy flat routes. Easily could have had 4-5 picks due to poor throws. Decision making wasn't as bad as I expected though. Every QB misses open guys from time to time and any QB in first real action is gonna make a couple head scratching plays, but honestly I didn't get the sense that he was making bad decisions, he just could not put the ball where it needed to be.

It's too early to write him off as DeShone Kizer, but my concern about accuracy remains significant, and accuracy is not something that is often improved at the NFL level.

HoF level QBs cover up a lot of worts. A HoF QB wins you that game even with the ST dumpster fire. MLF/FO needs to wake up that ST is a huge part of the game and they cannot continue to ignore that. Will they?

Last edited by Timpranillo

The special teams problems were mostly the snapper/holder and Amari Rodgers. The coverage was generally fine because the core personnel is fine.

The snapper, holder, and returner are 3 of the 5 positions that Drayton has the most direct control over (the placekicker and the punter are the other 2). Amari Rodgers plays like he has no clue how to field a punt, the holder/snapper have both been changed since the beginning of the year (so he's screwed up two different combinations), and one of the best FG kickers in NFL history now is spooked that every kick is going to be blocked.

There’s more to it than the snapper/holder and Amari R. Don’t forget on one punt we didn’t even have 11 on the field until someone on the field motioned to the sidelines to get someone in there. That’s inexcusable. And remember the games where Tonyan couldn’t slow down rushers on field goal kicks? The Not-So-Special teams is a mess and needs massive changes.

+ The defense without key players. Matt taking the blame for his play calling. (Yes, that’s a plus in my mind.) The running game, esp Dillon. The backups outperformed expectations.
- The players on Special Teams. I don’t fault the coach… yet. (Long snapper just brought up and Bojo was let go by two teams because of his weakness at holding, and AmRodgers is an idiot) Injuries to Stokes and Clark.

Last edited by PackerPatrick
@RoyalWulff posted:

There’s more to it than the snapper/holder and Amari R. Don’t forget on one punt we didn’t even have 11 on the field until someone on the field motioned to the sidelines to get someone in there. That’s inexcusable. And remember the games where Tonyan couldn’t slow down rushers on field goal kicks? The Not-So-Special teams is a mess and needs massive changes.

Was there an injury that took a core guy out after the game started? If so, it's still bad, but you get a little bit of a pass. If not, that is really, really bad.

- Field Goal unit of special teams is the worst I can remember it in the past 32 years.  The last time I remember anything close to this bad might be the time period between Al Del Greco and Chris Jacke back in the late β€˜80s.  

- Injuries.  I guess the only good news is there’s still 8 weeks for guys to get healthy, but they are down so many guys, it’s going to make many games coming up much tougher than they would be with a healthy squad.

- Unfortunately J Love has to be in the negative column.  He looks so raw, at minimum he’s a couple of years away from having any prayer of being a competent NFL QB.  The highlight reel throws from college for him really haven’t shown up in preseason or today.  Give up on him?  Not yet, but if he doesn’t make major strides this offseason, the Pack may need to start making alternate plans for the future at QB.

+ As poorly as they played today, they still had a fighting chance and everyone played hard.  This had the look of a potential blowout with how the game started but kudos to the Pack for never letting the game completely get away from them.

@ilcuqui posted:


Aaron Rodgers 1st game of 2021: 15/28, 133 yards, 0 TD's, 2 INT's, 36.8 rating

Jordan Love's 1st game of 2021: 19/34, 190 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT, 69.5 rating

Getting thumped can be a plus sometimes.  Hopefully Nub puts it into another gear committing to the position. 

I still have my concerns from the day he was drafted but let's see what he does with getting stung.

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