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Running game looked better
Another win 6-3
Bye week coming to hopefully get healthy
Colledge (does not play for the Packers)

Injuries---they stink
Offense still not clicking on all cylinders - boy I want to see everyone have a good day at the same time
Finley---completely gone
Buck and Aikmann: They seem to hope for serious injuries and look for any penalty or reason to take away from a big play for the Pack.
Bush doesn't understand the muff rule
Political commercials are going to make my head explode
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Defense gave up lots of yards
Running game was substandard compared to many other teams
Playcalling continues to be suspect
Lots of holes in the middle of the field from the D
Finley looked pathetic
Lots and lots of injuries!

They won
Thompson, McCarthy, Rodgers, and Capers will be employed for another week.
I have one less thing to complan about this week cry
Nope. I'm hoping this team continues to sputter and struggle the rest of this year so the necessary firings/trades can be made. It's pathetic that we only win games by two touchdowns and shows how overrated our team is, because New England and New York beat inferior teams 900-0 in their street clothes. Nothing makes me sadder than seeing this team do well.

P.S. AJ Hawk and Alex Green are busts.
+James Jones the blocker. He deserves some Packernation love for his catches this year, but has anyone noticed his blocking? Becoming a complete reciever.

+/- Starks makes some nice cutbacks, but hold on to the ball if you want to see the field. I'm not a Starks believer, but MM had him running the ball in the 4th.

+ Playcalling. Liked the mix.

+ Young secondary. Good for years.

+ Refs. They seemed to decide to keep the flags in their pockets, I don't mind that.

- missed FG, dropped passes, injuries
6-3 heading into the bye... two weeks to get guys healed up.

Cobb is ridiculous.

Starks needs to run more than Green.

Finley is nowhere to be found.

Boykin in the game ahead of DD should tell us all we need to know about him these days.

Crosby needs to step it up.

Hey-word is going to be really good.

Nice to have a guy like Lang that can step out and play T.

Arod is the MVP again this year.

Walden looks really good.
They won
Only one penalty
Defense had 3 solid quarters
Rushing attack took a big step forward
Really liked what Starks did in particular
Good special teams effort again (aside from another Crosby shank that is)
Bye week coming up. Hope this team gets healthy

Awful performance in the 3rd quarter by both offense and defense
Immediate drop off by the pass rush after Matthews left. Still can't touch the QB without him
Didn't bury another trash team they should have whipped for 4 quarters
Lots more drops, Rodgers was missing a lot too

- Run game
- Jones and Cobb stepping up again this week. Jones TD catch was unreal
- Crabby the secret weapon
- Punt/kick coverage and punt/kick returns
- Walden
- Run D
- Winning streak extended to 4 now


- Crosby misses another FG
- Injuries to Clay, Jordy and Bulaga. Please be nothing serious and hope the bye week is enough time for them to heal and get back
- Starks fumble. Ball security!
- Buck and Aikman's commentary
+ Walden...I think he plays pretty well, although it seems like a lot of posters don't care for him

+ Jones...he just seems to make plays, and he doesn't act like a jackass after a big play.

+ much better as a starting back than Green, but he's gotta hang on to the ball, especially in close/end of games.

+ Special Teams...continues to be a greatly improved unit, except for Crosby, who seems to be battling some 'mental demons'.

- Third & short...early in the season it was fire passes 30-40 yards down field, while the last few weeks has seen Green running straight up the middle for no gains. Mad How 'bout getting him outside on third down and using his speed.

- Injuries...every week it seems another couple of 'significant' injuries.

- how the (almost) Mighty have fallen, did he even play today because I didn't seem him fumble or drop a pass (or catch one for that matter)
* 4-game winning streak.
* Execution in the running game - best running performance in the past two seasons IMHO
* Cobb & Jones
* O-line playing well despite Bulaga's injury
* Crabtree's TD
* Bye week couldn't come at a better time

* Second week in a row that drops by the other team bailed out the defense on several drives
* Too many drops by Packer receivers
* Crosby - this is now a problem
* Offense continues to be streaky. I know we have a pant load of injuries, but the offense could barely move the ball in the 3rd quarter, with the exception of the Crabtree TD.
* Speaking of injuries..... eee gad....
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
+James Jones the blocker. He deserves some Packernation love for his catches this year, but has anyone noticed his blocking? Becoming a complete reciever.

Yes yes yes!

Jones has been one of, if not the most improved players on this team. I've always liked him, and have pulled for him. But he's really stepped it up this year.

Jones could be a #2 on most all of the teams in the NFL now that he holds onto the ball. He's solid across the board, and comes up with big plays.
Originally posted by PackLandVA:

- Third & short...early in the season it was fire passes 30-40 yards down field, while the last few weeks has seen Green running straight up the middle for no gains. Mad How 'bout getting him outside on third down and using his speed.

Didn't they try that once and it resulted in a 3 yard loss? or was that Starks?
Cobb is getting rediculous. Dare I say he could start wearing #14?

Starks! Seems few have mentioned it but he looked a LOT more like the guy we saw in late 2010. Decisive, powerful and violent. He looked much more successful as a starting RB than Green has so far and I LIKE Green. With Starks starting and Green in on 3rd down with the screen, this running game starts looking really good.

Walden extending Perry's "rest time".

Driver. How many times this season have balls bounced off his numbers? I love the guy but I'm affraid it's really looking like he needs to be put out to pasture. I don't understand how age has anything to do with catching the ball. I thought it would show up more in whether he gets open or not but the balls he's dropped have been put right on him.

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