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He's a very raw player but he has a lot of talent. 

The other thing to consider is that a Tyler Ennis or Shabazz Napier might be there later in round 1.  The Bucks have three second rounders.   You make that deal with Sac Town and move the three second rounders for a another 1st rounder and take one of those two PGs and WOW.   Talk about options. 

Could you imagine a Parker, Randle and Napier or Ennis draft haul?   Throw Giannis in that mix and this is a very interesting team
If they make the trade to get the 8th pick I am not as down on Exum as the 2nd overall pick because in theory they could still take another good player a few picks later.

However,  I want Parker at 2 and they pass on him to draft Exum with no Plan B at 8 that's a dumb choice.  Wiggins or Embiid would still be better than Exum at 2.

They would need to upgrade security for the Kings if both Cousins and Sanders were around together.  Talk about a dynamic duo of thuggery.  


The real key is whether or not Sanders could regain his 2013 form or not.  If he can then you don't deal the guy but that's no guarantee and you might as well consider making a move if it makes sense.  Getting another top 10 pick would do that.


What I have read the last 24 hours is that the Bucks want to build around Giannis which means Wiggins is probably out and taking an Embiid or Exum makes a lot of sense.  Parker isn't as similar to Giannis as let's say Wiggins is but if the Bucks are following that logic then taking Exum at 2 makes sense. 


Personally, if the Cavs take Embiid and someone really wants Wiggins at 2 (say Philly) then maybe you make a trade to move back a spot or two.  I think Orlando wants a PG so if Exum is your target then you would want to pick no later than 4.   



If the Bucks are offered #8 + McLemore for Sanders and Knight... and they don't take it, they are very... very stupid.


To build from the ground up, you need to stay on that ground floor for at least 2 years.  You need to give yourself as many shots at good young players that are willing to buy into your system as you possibly can.  While Knight has been a great teammate and a good kid here, he is the prototypical example of a tweener.  He is NOT a PG and he doesn't have the size or the efficiency to play the 2.  What Knight is.. he is a quality 6th man.  Think Vinny Johnson, Think Jason Terry... players of that ilk.  Right now though.. we don't need to have one of the best 6th men in the league.  We can worry about finding guys like him in 3-4 years, if we don't draft someone in the meantime (which we likely could.. players like Knight aren't terribly hard to find).


Heck.. Ben McLemore has a good shot of being just as good as Knight is now.. two years from now.  Both had similar pedigrees, both struggled in year 1.. Knight even struggled in year 2.  Sometimes it takes these 19-20 year old kids 3-4 years to have their bodies develop and get used to playing NBA ball. 


Anyways, at #8, if he isn't picked by then... I would not be shocked in the least bit if the Bucks picked Dario Saric.  Hammond loved his game last season and was on record of being disappointed he dropped out of the draft last season.  Saric has been playing very well in Europe.


I imagine Embiid will go #1.  If not, the Bucks should select him.  Wiggins would be the most likely #1 pick if Embiid is gone.  It seems both the Sixers and the Cavs like and are linked to Wiggins.  Milwaukee has been holding their cards very close to the vest.  I want to say If Embiid goes #1, they will do the smart thing and pick Parker.  He fits the definition of the kind of player you want to build a franchise around.... or at least be one of the mainstay pieces in your organization.  I do not get that vibe from Wiggins.  He seemed to mail in half of the college basketball season last year... I wasn't impressed.


I also would not be against the Bucks blowing a ton of smoke out there that Wiggins is #1 on their board.  It serves two purposes... 1. It causes teams like Philly and Orlando who might be highly motivated to trade up one or two slots respectively to position themselves ahead of each other to get Wiggins or Embiid.  I would make either team pay their extra lotto pick (Philly #10) / (Orlando #12) to slide up to #2.  I'd prefer not to slide down to 4.. but if the Bucks like Exum, a lot... I mean a lot a lot... then im ok with them doing that.  I don't think any of us here have watched enough tape on this kid other than highlights and maybe perusing box scores to get an idea what he is about.  I'd have faith in the Bucks advanced draft scouting if they value Exum highly... they have done quite well identifying draft picks over the past 5 years in the 10s and 20s... which are much harder to identify decent players than persay at #2.


Anyways, if they can manage another lotto pick somehow.. Hammond should get a big pat on the back.  If they can get 2 more somehow, I nominate Henry Chicken to go blow him personally.




It's an interesting point- the only purpose "leaking" info about who they like is to generate the market for the pick. And do not be surprised if there's a draft day deal in the works- much like the deal the Bucks made with the Mavericks to pick Nowitzki for them and trade if Traylor was available late, you talk to Orlando and say "Philly loves Wiggins- we'll take him on your behalf for deal X, and as long as Exum is available when you pick, we have a deal." Risky, sure... But the reward is getting the guy you want plus something else.

Should be an interesting show...

Philly has not been very coy about wanting Wiggins and Orlando really wants and needs a PG.  It is very possible that the Bucks may be overstating their interest in Exum to see if a team like the Magic would be willing to deal up to get him.   


I still think Parker is their guy and Cleveland will take Embiid so if I am Hammond I try to drum up as much interest as I can for that 2 pick.   

If you are Cleveland I think you get on the phone and see if Philly wants to trade up to take Wiggins but right now the Cavs have zero leverage because they can still take Parker at 1 and they would surprise no one in that scenario. 


Simmons is right though this is bad news for the Bucks.  The Cavs were certain to take Embiid but not so sure anymore.  The guy is quickly becoming Greg Oden part II and if you are Milwaukee would you take him?  Not sure I would.   The guy just can't stay healthy. 

Giannis is slotted to play the 3 and Wiggins might actually be more suited to play the 2 anyway so from a "fit" standpoint Wiggins makes sense for Milwaukee.   Parker is probably only a 3 but we still don't know they have in Giannis. 


Then there's Exum.   I personally don't see how you could pass on a Parker or Wiggins to draft Exum at 2 but stranger things have happened.  If they took Exum they could move Knight to the SG position but long term i don't know thats the answer. 


It really all depends what Cleveland does - if they deal out of that pick or don't take Embiid we'll have to see.  I still think though if you are Milwaukee you have to take either Parker or Wiggins and stay the hell away from Embiid and to some extent Exum at 2. 


I agree about the getting back into the first rd.  I'd consider trading Knight, Sanders, Henson, Mayo- anybody but alphabet to load up in this draft, as it is deep with young talent.  I'm not saying get pennies on the dollar, but the time to shake things up, if ever there was, is NOW.  New owners, new arena, new logo, new players, new sense of excitement.

MC, a Bucks insider on another website... who has never been wrong in the time Ive been reading his periodic postings says they will take whoever Cleveland (or trade partner) doesn't take at 1 between Wiggins and Parker.


The guy provided information on several trades before they happened in the past + information on the new owners before they were announced.  He's connected somehow with the Bucks or another entity (simmons?)  I haven't figured it out yet.. but he's definitely in the know when it comes to things Milwaukee does.

Sanders also has or will be checking into Rehab (according to Gery Woefful - who is terrible, but now and then he gets a nugget of info and pats himself on the back for 2-3 years until he gets his next one).


Sanders is a turd, but he will be with the Bucks next season.  The question is, can they shine up the turd and make it smell better and potentially get a productive season out of him if he lays down the bottle and the splifs.

The problem with Sanders is we saw what he's capable of doing back in early 2013.  He was an elite defender and shot blocker.  Then he gets the extension and now there is no way they would get close to equal value in trade.

He does seem like a turd but you don't want to just give the guy away.  I would stick with him one more year.
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

The Bucks suck.  Completely suck.  No decisions about the draft should be made on a player, even the Greek.  Pick the player with the most upside and.... 


I think it will be Parker, since he seems OK with being in Milwaukee. 


Take the player with the most upside?  


Not always... you could end up with Darius Miles, Eddy Curry, Kwame Brown, Michael Olowokandi... on and on...


There are many factors that you need to consider.... character, coachability, success likelihood, if he is slightly behind player A in upside, but blows him out of the water in many other areas including being better now, then I really think you take player B.


Darko Milicic was the upside guy when Carmelo was passed on because he was not jump out of the gym athletic.  Looking back on that, whoops... sometimes you have to consider who is just the better basketball player and who will likely be the better ball player.

Originally Posted by Diggr14:


MC, a Bucks insider on another website... who has never been wrong in the time Ive been reading his periodic postings says they will take whoever Cleveland (or trade partner) doesn't take at 1 between Wiggins and Parker.

I suppose that makes sense. I will be disappointed if it winds up Wiggins, but if it true that he's able to play the 2, that represents the kind of matchup nightmare that wins in the NBA. I prefer Parker, but a lineup of Knight (6'3"), Wiggins (6'8"), Antetokoumpo (6'11"), Henson (6'10"), and Sanders (6'11") is formidable in the right system and coaching.
If you track Hammonds and his drafting strategy he tends to go after the "upside" or "athlete" guys

Think Joe Alexander, Sanders, Giannis, Jennings.  Some of those picks worked out while others did not.  

I get a kick out of the "Parker isn't a top flight athlete" comments or the "he isn't a good defender" comments.   Based on what?   To begin, he only played one year at Duke.   The other factor is that he was sort of playing out of position and maybe wasn't asked to play as much D.

As for Wiggins,  the knock on him is that he's too one dimensional and isn't as skilled offensively and lacks some of the killer instinct mentality.  Again,  he only played one year at Kansas.  Tough to really evaluate a guy in that setting. 

At the end of this I keep going back to history where no matter what sometimes all the scouting and analysis doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.   Personally, I think the NBA draft is more of a crapshoot than the NFL draft.   Sometimes you can find top picks that do live up to the hype (i.e. Ewing, Duncan, Lebron) but you also have others that had some "flaws" that made the leap (i.e. Durant, Wade) and then others that either flamed out or got hurt (i.e. Darko, Oden).

I personally think it would be tough to wrong with either Parker or Wiggins.  Maybe I am not giving Embiid enough credit either but his health history simply scares me away.   Parker has all the things you want in a player and I think he could step in right away and make an impact especially scoring.    Wiggins isn't as polished but in a way he reminds me of a smaller Kevin Garnett.   A guy that could become an elite defender at his position immediately and then eventually become a 15-18 PPG guy.   The bottom line is that the Bucks need a guy like this - and I think Wiggins or Parker would get you there

I read in the comments of a JS article that Parker is a small forward only and the Bucks don't need a SF while Wiggins is a natural 2G.  (I should know this!)  The commenter was 100% sold on Wiggins.  Plus Parker weighed like 254 pounds.  That is pretty heavy.


Now I am leaning more toward Wiggins.  His height and length at 2G, a position of need.

(6/22/2014 01:34:00 PM) - Al


Bucks are open for business.  I would not deal Knight, Giannis, or Wolters, and would have to be overwhelmed for Middleton. However, I understand the idea of wanting a fresh start after last season.
I'm all for trading down and picking up more players and picks...with three 2nd rounders, trading for a future 2nd rounder or picking a player from Europe who is a year or two away makes sense, as you don't need three young players at the bottom of the roster that need specialized coaching.


I would deal Knight or Wolters in the right deal in a minute.  Knight isn't a point guard, so playing him at SG would make me more comfortable keeping him, but if the right trade came along, no way I hold on to Knight at a cornerstone.  Wolters should be available for every minute of his Milwaukee career.  Not that I don't like him, but he is very, very replaceable. 


Trading down is a moronic idea.  They tanked to get the pick of the biggest impact player available, not to get more picks.  This team needs superstar talent, not more role players. 


I have more to say, but I pulled my shoulder patting my back. 

Personally, I think every player on the Bucks roster is "open for business" 


If Cleveland takes Wiggins you don't pass on Parker because he's a 3 and so is Giannis.  Take the BPA and see where things shake out.


The only way I would entertain any trade down at this point is if it didn't involve the #2 pick. You have to take Parker or Wiggins IMO but even a banged up Embiid would have been an easy #1 overall selection in last years draft and it's very possible so could Exum.  


I liked the trade rumors that would have included sending Sanders and Knight to Sacramento for the 8th overall pick.  If that got you Vonleh or Randle or Smart type player (to partner with Wiggins or Parker) thats pretty awesome.  Dealing back to deal back is stupid.  Unless a team said we're going to give you an All Star and several #1 choices no way do I trade that 2nd overall pick 

The only trading back theory that would make any sense would be if they dealt back and then took Embiid knowing he might not play this year which would mean they tank another year to put themselves in position to get another high lottery pick.  


The problem though is this is one of the best drafts in years and theres no guarantee that next year there is a Wiggins or Parker to take even if you had a guy like Embiid.  Sometimes it's good not to get too cute.   Those are the two best guys - you have to take one of them 

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