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I don't see that at all. What I see is that the opposing  coaches / players are also paid & put in tons of prep time developing game plans to specifically limit our offense. Some teams have the staffs & players to do it. LaFleur said it leading up to the game. You anticipate how defenses are going to play you, prepare a plan for it, but then you have to adjust and counter non-anticipated tactics or a mid-game change. In at least 3 games (TB , Indy , last night) this year we had trouble doing so. As a coach there is always a fine line between "we need to stay with what we are doing but just do it better" (dropped passes / missed blocks, etc.) and "let's try something different". I think LaFleur will get better at determining where that line is ..... however, I've coached for 36 years and feel that I've never fully gotten there.

@FLPACKER posted:

In at least 3 games (TB , Indy , last night) this year we had trouble doing so.

I'll add the Jags game too.

They were actually down 20-17 to the Jags in the 4th Q until they drove down & Davante climbing the ladder to catch a TD pass with about 8:30 left in the game.

That Jags team has zero business keeping that close to this Packer team. Seriously?? Jake Luton at QB?!?! C'mon SON!

Let's not forget they didn't have to face McCaffrey last night either. I'm honestly not certain they beat the Panthers if they had CM going.

That 16 play stretch for 22 yards in Q2 - Q3 was inexcusable by the offense.

Last edited by Boris

The play-calling, execution, or both were pretty bad last night after the first couple of drives.

Gary constantly gets pushed away from the pocket because he seems to have one move - speed rush around the Tackle which rarely seems to work. 

Burks (I think) completely missed his block on the "almost blocked punt" near the end of the game.

I was a little surprised on the 1st and 10 on the last series that MLF/Rodgers didn't call a pass play, maybe even something deep.  I think there was 2:04 on the clock and CAR had 1 timeout.  They ran, and gained about 7 yards, which is great.  But CAR was playing run.  The clock was gonna stop at 2 minute warning, so I thought that would've been the ideal "deep pass" attempt.  Incomplete would've stopped the clock anyway.

"FLPACKERI don't see that at all. What I see is that the opposing  coaches / players are also paid & put in tons of prep time developing game plans to specifically limit our offense. "

Sure "the other guys get paid too" but we've also seen the same issues in these choppy games. Usually execution and not simply because they were out schemed in some way.  You can see it in AR's game and post game reactions and in comments from players and MLF.  One example, dropped passes are not a matter of CAR showing a multitude of different D looks.

Last edited by DH13

Did you read my entire post? Yes, you can always look back to execution, but it was obvious last night that what worked in getting receivers running open ON TIME in previous weeks was lacking. This caused AR to have to hold the ball. Yes, a couple of dropped passes could have given us 3 more pts, another First down, etc. but they do not account for 6 stalled drives. AR said that they had different ways to get Adams open but "never got to them".... translation; those plays, formations were never called / tried. LaFleur has done a great job, but he faces the decision that every coach does "how long to stick with something that is presently not working and when to try something different". Like every good coach does, I think LaFleur will look at the tape and say "we should have tried "this"" My hope would be that he will more quickly able to do so during the game as he gains experience.

@Boris posted:

They have to be saving Tavon Austin & Dillon for the playoffs....Right?? Right?!?!?!

Don't want to put anything on tape. It's the only thing I can figure out.

That crossed my mind re Pettine this week. His squad had to lobby him to cut loose a week or two ago. Then I saw the first "blitz" by Sullivan last night. And subsequent sending of an extra guy. I think we can count on one hand the # of times a db blitzer reached his destination this year, and it's usually Amos and....Amos. Sullivan looked like he was playing a game of special needs patty cake or something.

@artis posted:

That crossed my mind re Pettine this week. His squad had to lobby him to cut loose a week or two ago. Then I saw the first "blitz" by Sullivan last night. And subsequent sending of an extra guy. I think we can count on one hand the # of times a db blitzer reached his destination this year, and it's usually Amos and....Amos. Sullivan looked like he was playing a game of special needs patty cake or something.

Alexander caught Cousins for a safety in the first Vikings game and Savage had a big sack on a blitz last week.

@DH13 posted:

Shaping up to be a big game @ CHI.

Every game against the Bears is a "big game"

You don't lose to your little brother, no matter what the records are.

Never forget. December 2010. Bears had NOTHING to play for but they played the starters all game long because they wanted the Packers eliminated from the playoffs.


Last edited by Boris
@DH13 posted:

It seems to be an emerging trend for this  MLF coached team.  Playing to the level of the competition.  It was the same last year.  Up and down, inconsistent performances.  MVS fits right in!  This is a first world problem of course but the bar is raised and everyone is keyed in on a ring.  We're all aware they're in position for the 1 seed but we also know this inconsistency can get them bounced in the playoffs.

I think this is true BUT I would say, specifically with the Jags and Panthers, that those teams seemed to playing hard and selling out to make something happen. When you don’t have anything to lose and you’re just playing for pride against a top 5 team in the league I think it gives you a little edge until it’s clear you’re getting your ass kicked. I saw that a lot last night where Panthers LBs and DBs were shooting all over the field trying to blow up plays...early on they were missing, but later they just weren’t missing. CAR and JAX have a lot of problems and they’re incredibly inconsistent week to week, but I don’t think either are bad teams. They have almost as much talent as GB in a lot of spots, they lack a catalyst like Aaron Rodgers to compete at high levels. I wasn’t surprised to see either team, despite their record, give GB a tight game. I’m disappointed GB couldn’t muster more consistency from Q2-Q4, but it’s not like we’re playing the hopeless Bengals or similar teams. GB put away truly bad teams like HOU, I think CAR and JAX will be much improved next year if they’re healthy and add a QB.

@Boris posted:

Every game against the Bears is a "big game"

You don't lose to your little brother, no matter what the records are.

Never forget. December 2010. Bears had NOTHING to play for but they played the starters all game long because they wanted the Packers eliminated from the playoffs.


We all know.  It wasn't looking like as tough a challenge a couple weeks ago.  But they look improved and they could be playing for a seed in a couple weeks.

@Phil posted:

No effort was made to even try.  It looked to me like he could've caught it before it went out.

I just went back to look at this. Austin is standing around the 2 yard line and the ball is blasted through the EZ. It lands a full two yards outside of the EZ. This entire notion that something different should have happened is absolutely absurd.

I thought it was just deep, so maybe I just saw it go over his head and was irritated he wasn’t returning it. I’ll have to look up the specific rules too. If it’s 5 yards deep and you field it and run around in the end zone does the clock run or does the clock only start when you cross the goal line?

After watching it again. It was a line drive kick far to the right of the returner.  Landed out of the back of the end zone  Austin was deep. He is not a kick returner. Only back there because swerve then Taylor then Williams are all hurt.  I think he was told don’t fumble like Montgomery and Shepard have done when Aaron has a chance to get the ball in a close game.

I'd definitely take Stafford over Bridgewater. I'd probably take Cousins too if you ignore the salary difference.

I'd take Stafford as well. Point is, even when you include your examples, we're still in single digits the number of times these guys have gotten home. If your DC agrees to open the floodgate, you must get there, and the effort on some of those last night was sorely lacking. Vet qbs and mobile qbs will hurt you if you don't. Hopefully Savage is taking his cue from Amos, and it funnels to the rest of the unit. And to be fair, I think the defense has been showing signs of life, so maybe there's a ray of hope. Overall, they did more than enough last night to get the W.

Just watched LaFleur's presser from today, he said the main thing that he took away from the tape was that he should have run the ball more. Said that they were playing 8 in coverage at times and were playing so far from LOS that many opportunities were there in run game and he had to be more disciplined to call more runs. Also said that we threw so many quick passes to WRs on perimeter because they felt Carolina CBs had difficulty tackling .... however last night he said they tackled better than they had all year.

@Pistol GB posted:

Re-watching the sacks here from footage, they don't look like coverage sacks.  You can see open receivers underneath on some of them and he didn't have time to get it to them.

Yeah I saw that. A lot of stink from the OL, even Bacteria.

And when the Smiths jumped offsides the playclock was at 00 but refs always seem to give an extra half second on that...

My assumption was that he kept attempting this to set up something later. CBs playing off means there aren’t good options for shot plays like there would be if they were at the line. If he guessed right then we would have put away the Panthers by halftime...

In the end the good news is that Rodgers has a LONG memory and he won’t make this mistake again. He internalizes every shitty feeling and uses it to fuel success.

@michiganjoe posted:

MLF also implied that AR went pass on many RPOs that probably should have been runs.

I wonder how having J. Williams out with an injury affected this. Aaron Jones had a heavy workload as it was (20 carries) and played 56 of the 62 snaps and you don't want to get him dinged up. Williams played 4 snaps before exiting.


Dillon played only 5 snaps. Unless he's still on a snap limitation recovering from COVID, he needed to be on the field more to get a few more carries without overusing Jones. He had 1 carry for 18 yards where he ran over a couple of guys and then doesn't see the field for the whole second half? Again, unless there is a COVID restriction for him, why is he on the roster if you aren't going to use him in that situation?

I wonder how having J. Williams out with an injury affected this. Aaron Jones had a heavy workload as it was (20 carries) and played 56 of the 62 snaps and you don't want to get him dinged up. Williams played 4 snaps before exiting.


Dillon played only 5 snaps. Unless he's still on a snap limitation recovering from COVID, he needed to be on the field more to get a few more carries without overusing Jones. He had 1 carry for 18 yards where he ran over a couple of guys and then doesn't see the field for the whole second half? Again, unless there is a COVID restriction for him, why is he on the roster if you aren't going to use him in that situation?


@michiganjoe posted:

MLF also implied that AR went pass on many RPOs that probably should have been runs.

Those RPOs look much better when Adam makes guys miss. On a couple of those RPOs to Adams, he was an ankle tackle away from breaking it for a long gain. Davante one-on-one against single coverage is usually a good option. The Panthers just played him well.

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