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Neg.  Could we not kick a field goal at their 22 yard line on 4th and 3?

           Our 4th and goal at their 1.  Thought we should have gone for it but got 3 to take the lead.   

          Their receivers were wide open a lot.  Thought we gave them way too much cushion over the middle especially.  

Pos.   A "W"!!!

Jordy looks close to if not 100%

The offensive funk is still gone.

O-line was great

Monty running wild (still draft a RB early next draft).

Aaron being awesome.  Who cares if he talks to his family.






Plus: Win!


DerpVante - If he catches those easy passes they win this game going away. Those were inexcusable.

Pass Rush - This teams biggest weakness is they don't have any pass rushers who can consistently make/finish plays. The defensive backs would be good enough if they had anything resembling a consistent pass rush. That's on TT and the lack of talent, IMO. Nobody jumps at their front-seven players who hit free agency.

BartManDude posted:

I still love x4 and will be here every week of the season but damn man, I get more frustrated reading some of the posts than I do with being capered or zooked.

That's interesting. I've been lurking around/reading this site for as long as it's been operational and I rarely say much, but the content of people's posts has never bothered me. Bitch, complain, cheer, get all giddy, be a nuthugger, say whatever you want and I don't really care. It's an internet forum and people post in a game thread according to whatever is happening at that particular moment so I understand the roller coaster of emotions. People trying to tell other people what they should think or say actually bothers me more than posters going off the deep end and I honestly don't give much of a crap about that either. I don't know...maybe it's just me because I don't get nearly as emotional about or invested in the games like I did when I was younger. Been watching/following the Pack since the mid-sixties so I always want/root for them to win but if they don't life goes on.

Last edited by Maxi54
Brak posted:

LOL.  Big plus for MM.  Lots of posts the last couple of weeks about how stupid he is.  How stubborn he is.  How slow he is.  How this, how that.

Here's a big **** you to all the MM haters out there.  You can't stomach the fact that tomorrow morning you'll be on the way to a job you hate.  But you know more about football than Mike McCarthy.



I still don't like his game management and I'll raise you two **** you's.
(dislike for Dom goes without saying)
I just had some prostate work done and not only could I do the the *rope trick*, but if I was back in GB I could write my name in the snow in cursive!

GBFanForLife posted:
San Doggy posted:

+ Speaking of Joe Thomas, wasn't it him that knocked the C off of that Bears helmet ?


And I saw one Packer had some of the paint and part of the "G" off his helmet. I also think that was Joe Thomas. 

Herschel posted:

Plus: Win!


DerpVante - If he catches those easy passes they win this game going away. Those were inexcusable.

Pass Rush - This teams biggest weakness is they don't have any pass rushers who can consistently make/finish plays. The defensive backs would be good enough if they had anything resembling a consistent pass rush. That's on TT and the lack of talent, IMO. Nobody jumps at their front-seven players who hit free agency.

If Aaron is healthy they win this game by 21. Adams drops were bad. So we're Jordys. But if Aaron has two good legs this game is never close. Fangio threw everything he had at an immobile Rodgers. 

Dom needs to go. 

ChilliJon posted:

I thought MM going for it on 4th and 2 from the 21 up 7-0 was a mistake. I thought kicking the FG from the 1 on 4th and goal went against his reasoning from the first decision. 

While I get the reasoning you never try and chase down a failed decision. I think the situation called for GB going for that 7. 

If MM kicks the FG in the 1st Q. The Bears go for it on 4th down instead of kick the FG for the tie. TBH I'm glad they went for the FG & the tie.

I wanted the FG in the 1st Q too but it worked out in the end. Funny how that happens.

Last edited by Boris
ammo posted:
GBFanForLife posted:
San Doggy posted:

+ Speaking of Joe Thomas, wasn't it him that knocked the C off of that Bears helmet ?


And I saw one Packer had some of the paint and part of the "G" off his helmet. I also think that was Joe Thomas. 

That was Jake Ryan I believe.

Last edited by San Doggy

I love watching a plan come together.

So many teams "win" the offseason, "win" the draft, "win" the preseason, "win" the first half of the regular season, yadda yadda yadda.

Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy realize that to win in this league, you must win in December and you must beat your division opponents. Which the Packers do, more often than not.

Same blueprint that Vince had, Holmgren had, Belichick has. Easy to say, hard to execute and especially year after year.

Thanks, Ted, Mike, Mark Murphy, Dom Capers and his staff, the offensive staff, Ron Zook and staff, and everybody at 1265 Lombardi, and Packer Nation. We all get it, but we the fans are really the fortunate ones because we get to watch, decade after decade.

I love this team and love that ethic!

Living for the moment is great but true success comes from a few simple concepts and a lot of hard work, and just plain guts. Dare to be great!



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I still cannot believe that John Fox, coaching a 3-10 team, when presented the opportunity to try and for all intents and purposes end the playoff hopes of his franchise's bitter rival, at home, kicks a FG 4th and G at the 4 down by 3 and plays for, at best, OT.

Talk about absolute gutless football. Fox ain't getting fired. Fox has nothing to lose. Fox has the chance to end the Packers playoff chances. Fox is playing at home in front of a crowd dealing with horrible crap weather. Fox kicks the FG.  

I mean thanks and all, but still. John Fox should be embarrassed.  

Last edited by Timpranillo
Fandame posted:

++ Has there ever been a better QB throwing the long ball at the end of games? I didn't think so!

++ Monty, Michael, Jordy to track that ball down and hold on

-- Dom, Dom, Dom, 4 sacks

Doug Flutie thinks you're an asshole.

BartManDude posted:

+  Damn near everything today

-  This years game threads.  The defense could have done a better job today but for f*** sakes, gotta give Barclay and the bears some credit too.  Barclay is for real and the Bears will be a legitimate team next year.  That 4th quarter comeback was all about Barclay making great reads and excellent throws.   Our defense wasn't tackling well and we were getting no pressure but god damn it the other team gets paid too.  Everything isn't always our fault when the other team plays well.  

Matthews as a negative???  WTF the dude has a separated shoulder what do you expect from him? 

I just don't understand how some people can't be happy to watch an amazing game played in 10 degree weather with the oldest rivalry in football with an incredibly exciting finish.  I guess if every game isn't a blowout win then the packers have to clean house and get rid of that shi*y GM and his shi*ty draft pics and his shi*ty coaches. 

I wish I had written this post rather than mine and all of @BartManDude's post earlier in this thread. Well said, sir.

@Brak is killing it too. And others in the perspective caucus.

Sometimes x4 is better IMO, when you don't have the personal time to be as immersed in it.

Whatevs, x4 still rules, warts and all.

Last edited by ilcuqui
BartManDude posted:
Fedya posted:

You don't get frustrated when the Packers give up a 17-point lead lickety-split?

Of course I do.  I just don't post every negative thought I have. I don't just sit there with my fingers on the keyboard waiting for something negative to post. 

TBH I get the negativity when 4th quarters like this one come around but this year it's just overkill IMHO.  We are so Fn spoiled as Packer fans,  I guess I just try to appreciate that and all of Joy that Packers organization has given me over the better part of my lifetime.

I figured once that 63% of my wardrobe revolved around the Packers. When they were 4-6 I thought I was ****ed.

CAPackFan95 posted:

I still cannot believe that John Fox, coaching a 3-10 team, when presented the opportunity to try and for all intents and purposes end the playoff hopes of his franchise's bitter rival, at home, kicks a FG 4th and G at the 4 down by 3 and plays for, at best, OT.

Talk about absolute gutless football. Fox ain't getting fired. Fox has nothing to lose. Fox has the chance to end the Packers playoff chances. Fox is playing at home in front of a crowd dealing with horrible crap weather. Fox kicks the FG.  

I mean thanks and all, but still. John Fox should be embarrassed.  

What? No coach, under any circumstances would go for it 4th & goal from the 4, when a FG would tie the game. Fox got more out of his talent today than most coaches would have. 

If John Fox were playing for anything, sure. 

John Fox is 3-10 playing for nothing.  Had the opportunity to end the playoff hopes of their bitter rival, and played for OT, while at home.

If you want to praise that, have at it.  

Last edited by Timpranillo

Completely disagree.

Bears weren't fighting for a playoff spot. They had nothing to lose. They had a chance to knock out their #1 rival from controlling their own destiny & possibly the playoffs.

Dom's defense was on the ropes & Foxy let him off the hook.

Would've been a huge feather in Foxy's cap. Instead he loses by giving the MVP of the league a chance with the football.


DH13 posted:
BartManDude posted:

+  Damn near everything today

-  This years game threads.  The defense could have done a better job today but for f*** sakes, gotta give Barclay and the bears some credit too.  Barclay is for real and the Bears will be a legitimate team next year.  That 4th quarter comeback was all about Barclay making great reads and excellent throws.   Our defense wasn't tackling well and we were getting no pressure but god damn it the other team gets paid too.  Everything isn't always our fault when the other team plays well.  


While I slightly agree on Barkley (he also threw some horrible balls), I gotta call bs on this one.   Their WR's (all 2nd and 3rd string guys but Jeffery) were not just catching balls, they were WIDE open on a lot of those plays.  I'm sure they also get paid but you have to be able to stop that motley bunch.

Rest of the post has a good point.

Point taken.  The 4th quarter sucked   we played soft and didn't tackle well or get any pressure, I think the pack thought (much like I did) that the game was over and these guys would just lie down.  The Bears didn't, instead they remained positive and executed their offense and damn near sent us home defeated.  

The last few Bears games I have watched Broccoli seemed to be hitting the majority of his passes but the receivers kept dropping them, today they caught most of them.   I guess we'll find out next year if they are for real or not.  I feel that they're trending upward.

If I'm a coach, I would hope I would coach the team the way I envision it.  We write as if we know a ****ing thing about the NFL.  I'm not buying into this Fox thing.

I'm not thanking John Fox, or the Chicago Bears, or the referees...not for a goddamned thing.




Last edited by Brak

6 Step program required

Step 1: Beat Eagles - COMPLETE!

Step 2: Beat Texans - COMPLETE!

Step 3: Beat Seahawks - COMPLETE!

Step 4: Beat Bears - COMPLETE!

Step 5: Beat Vikings - ________________

Run the table - Hungry5

+4 in a row, Lions and Vikes lost

-Dom has to use his players according to what they can do. The CBs and LBs can't cover in Zone, they just don't seem to get it. Let them play Man, live or die by that. Don't fuk around with this sh!t they can't do. I can accept seeing guys lose a 1 on 1 battle when they're competing, I can't accept constantly seeing receivers exploit and shred poorly executed zone coverage where guys are just standing around. 

Agree. I know "the book" says that when you are up by 17 you try to play looser, keep everything in front of you & not get beat deep....but it makes more sense to me to say "we've held them to 10 pts. & created three straight turn overs playing one way, why change"? 

CAPackFan95 posted:

I still cannot believe that John Fox, coaching a 3-10 team, when presented the opportunity to try and for all intents and purposes end the playoff hopes of his franchise's bitter rival, at home, kicks a FG 4th and G at the 4 down by 3 and plays for, at best, OT.

Talk about absolute gutless football. Fox ain't getting fired. Fox has nothing to lose. Fox has the chance to end the Packers playoff chances. Fox is playing at home in front of a crowd dealing with horrible crap weather. Fox kicks the FG.  

I mean thanks and all, but still. John Fox should be embarrassed.  

All I can think of is you play for the tie at home and hope to win in overtime.  The way the Packer D was playing that looked like the best way to get a win.  I myself am not sure what was the best call, but it worked out best for the Packers. 

Boris posted:
ChilliJon posted:

I thought MM going for it on 4th and 2 from the 21 up 7-0 was a mistake. I thought kicking the FG from the 1 on 4th and goal went against his reasoning from the first decision. 

While I get the reasoning you never try and chase down a failed decision. I think the situation called for GB going for that 7. 

If MM kicks the FG in the 1st Q. The Bears go for it on 4th down instead of kick the FG for the tie. TBH I'm glad they went for the FG & the tie.

I wanted the FG in the 1st Q too but it worked out in the end. Funny how that happens.

If MM kicks the field goal in the 1st, the Pack are likely up by 6 late in the 4th which would have forced Fox to go for the TD. Worst case scenario the Packers get the ball back down by one...Arod-Jordy-Crosby! Packers win in either scenario. 

Still, I'd take the three points in the 1st Q.  And Fox needs to grow a pair.

ChilliJon posted:

I thought MM going for it on 4th and 2 from the 21 up 7-0 was a mistake. I thought kicking the FG from the 1 on 4th and goal went against his reasoning from the first decision. 

While I get the reasoning you never try and chase down a failed decision. I think the situation called for GB going for that 7. 

At the time, I was in agreement going for it 4th and 2.  Thought it was a good spot to try and take control of the game.  So, no complaints about that one.

On the 4th and 1 I was ok with taking the points, but thought going for it from the 1 would have been the better call - thinking that worst case you have them pinned inside their own 1.  Especially after the turnover could have been a huge momentum.  

Nelson has his wheels back.

Rodgers without his wheels is still Aaron Freakin' Rodgers.

51 pts scored going south. 6 pts scored heading north. Wonder the factor of the wind and the sun - throwing into the wind and looking back into the sun?

It's a win. They limped through the end of the game (figuratively), but the QB drops a fine (that was actually caught this time). Even the best teams pull out tough wins like this. 

Schematically the Packers had everything dialed back today. They didn't try to confuse Barkley at all- and the base sets got nothing close to pressure. Offense was a tad vanilla, too after the opening drive. 

Please don't have Monty returning kicks. You gotta just run- it's not like a running play. But man, I watch him run I see a perennial 1000 yard rusher/receiver. Please be that! This is the matchup compliment Rodgers has been missing all this time. And Cook's contributions are a glimpse at what the offense could do if the TE is a threat. Not sure if he's the guy, but that's what this team needs. 

Seems like the interior D line has really run out of gas. These guys need to step up. And HHCD is earning a pro bowl berth. Good to see! 

The Randall-Rollins Expressway needs to be closed. Soon...

I was shocked John Fox and the Bears didn't go for it but settled for the FG instead.  You are a 3-10 team and had GB on the ropes and Denny Green'd it big time.  

If the Packers end up running the table and make noise in the playoffs we can point back to that playcall and send Fox a big bouquet of flowers.   And A Rod a bottle of his favorite scotch for that bomb to Jordy. 

Also agree with GD on our corners and the scheme.  Rollins and Randall seem to play better when they can man up and use their athleticism.  They don't always play as well in space and Chicago carved them up. 

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