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Two concerns going forward:

  1. Special teams, as well documented by others already.  Seems like the FG operation is improving, despite the Crosby miss, so hopefully that continues.  But punt returns are complete white-knuckle moments.  Amari just does not look comfortable how to play punts.
  2. OL Run Blocking.  The available yards are few and far between.  Seems like AJ Dillon is mostly creating his own.  Patrick and Newman are a little undersized to create movement. 

Yup, he can do that if he wants.  I don’t see anyone in the Packers organization wanting to let him go.

If he wants to remain in GB my guess is they will do whatever they can to keep him.  

It will be up to him.

@Packiderm posted:

It goes both ways IMHO. How much more cash does Aaron need? What does he want? Where can he go and have 2 stud RB's to hand the ball too? a stud WR and TE to throw too? An OL that balls even when depleted? A solid defense? A coach he seems to connect with? If he wants to leave he's nuts!  If AR want's to cement some kind of legacy, no matter how this season plays out, Take a pay cut so Adams, Alexander,Campbell, the Smith's, Amos, Tonyan, Douglas can be signed. And do it before the year is over so the Packers have some time to sign the others BEFORE they become FA's

If you follow the Packer' s Front Office M.O., a couple of things always stick out.

1.) They don't do 3rd contracts on the vast majority of players, including ones who they drafted/developed and proved to be Pro Bowlers. From the Greg Jennings to the Brian Bulaga's to Clay Matthews, unless you're a QB, a kicker, or an All Pro LT, you aren't seeing a 3rd contract as you approach age 30.  And why it's more than likely they move on from Adams. Not to mention under MLF, GB has proven they can win games without #17

2.) At Rodgers current 2022 contract and cap hit, they cannot afford to keep him at that deal and remain competitive. They just can't. So either Rodgers signs a new deal and has a huge cap drop or they will move on. Do I think they move on? No. I think Rodgers gets extended. Which then leaves Love's long term plans up in the air. In a crap draft for QB's in 2022, it's not inconceivable GB could get more for Love in a trade then maybe some think.

And speaking of the LT, I really wonder if the Packers now regret signing Bakh to that very rare 3rd contract. With Jenkins, he was the 3rd highest rated LT from PFF. And the 5th highest rate T in football (right or left). And in Yosh, the Packers are apparently very high on him. It's a small sample size, but #73 has more then held his own and his ceiling hasn't been met yet.

I miss Wolf's strategy of drafting QBs regularly.  No drama, no assumption that they will replace the current QB, but they had reliable backups for a QB who started every game.  And then get something in a trade when it's time for them to leave. Go ahead and even draft a Love, but for god's sake never forget what you already have.

Last edited by Dr._Bob
@packerboi posted:

If you follow the Packer' s Front Office M.O., a couple of things always stick out.

I've been wondering a lot the last several weeks about the future of Alexander. Felt for a while that he was a no doubt, break the bank to keep him type of a priority.

Now?  I'm not so sure. Alexander is a great player to be sure, but they have survived pretty dang well without him. And if anything, the Viking game showed that Gary is a far more important piece of the puzzle.  They picked up his option for next year, but the more I watch this season play out, the more I'd use that cap space to keep Gary/Clark/Campbell...

@BrainDed posted:

I don't know about Loves real value but I would be happy with a 3rd rounder for him.

I wouldn't mind trading Love for an older Back up QB like a Keenum or Flacco. someone who can reasonably hold the fort for a game or 2

@Packiderm posted:

I wouldn't mind trading Love for an older Back up QB like a Keenum or Flacco. someone who can reasonably hold the fort for a game or 2

Agree but the problem with that is cost.   If you get a rookie, you cut your cap significantly vs a Keenum or Flacco.

I just wanted to add a positive for MLF. He called an excellent game overall, using Dillon to great effect. I don't know if Jones got a little dinged or if MLF just realized Dillon was going to do the job, but he ran the ball and stuck to it. He even got EQB involved and had the right plays called. Dude doesn't get enough respect for the job he does in getting guys open.

OL coach... Stenovich. Just back the truck up to keep him and get him a raise now.

Barry, although I was wondering why he wasn't getting an LB involved in pressure. Stafford had all day and at times picked apart the D, so there were times I would have liked to see a bit more pressure to rattle him. But, whatever coverages he used and how he mixed them kept Stafford enough off balance to get the win.

@Packiderm posted:

I wouldn't mind trading Love for an older Back up QB like a Keenum or Flacco. someone who can reasonably hold the fort for a game or 2

That would be a complete waste. You can sign a Keenum or a Flacco or a Bortles any time you need one.

@Pikes Peak posted:

What is Love worth?  Pre and post KC

His value certainly didn't increase after the KC game. It's hard to say how much it went down.

If another front office really liked him during the 2019 draft prep, they might still have interest, but there is nothing since that he has put on tape (either pre-season or the KC game) that would indicate he's anything more than what you could typically draft in the 3rd or 4th round.

@BrainDed posted:

I don't know about Loves real value but I would be happy with a 3rd rounder for him.

So we can draft another bust? Make that a 4th please. Much more value 😉

Personally okay keeping Love as a back up until he is a free agent if we can’t get a 1st or 2nd for him.

@Goalline posted:

Not worried. We get him for two more years as a cheap back up, and if he’s a bust just let him go. If he’s as good as I think he is extend him for a fifth.

I'm thinking his agent may think different if they give Rodgers a long term contract.

@MattSchneidman: According to Pro Football Focus, Aaron Rodgers targeted Jalen Ramsey seven times yesterday and went 7-for-7. Rodgers was 5-for-5 for three first downs to Davante Adams when Adams was guarded by Ramsey.



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Last edited by ilcuqui
@ilcuqui posted:

lol Love and Rodgers have the same agent IIRC

Not sure that's really an issue.  Guess it depends what Love thinks of his agent.  He could be bartering Rodgers contract at the same time setting up a trade for Love. 

Or he could pound sand and Love wants to stay and learn from Rodgers. 

All hypothetical.  I'm just thinking if Love and his agent see him as a 1st rounder sitting on the bench it could be just like it was with Rodgers agent asking when he was going to play. 

@bdplant posted:

+ OBJ is still winless with his new team. Nice choice, dipshit!

You know, that's funny, but sadly for anyone who has him on their team, I don't think he really cares.  He cares about himself - his name, his image, and that's about it.  I think he thinks it would be nice to win the SB so he can bask in the sunlight and further his brand, but when it comes down to it, I think he couldn't care less as long as he gets paid.

I for the life of me can’t figure out this surgery on his pinkie toe. I I’ve been a podiatrist for 20 years and have never seen a toe fracture that needs surgery granted I don’t have professional athletes as patients.  If it is the metatarsal I could see needing surgery but not the actual toe.  In Dr Anderson I trust, by far the most prominent foot and ankle surgeon in the country.  

I've broken my pinkie toe before, and as far as I knew, there was no treatment for it.  Kind of like ribs in a way.  It hurt like a bitch for awhile, but it eventually healed.  It looks all gnarly now, but that's about it.  If it's a broken pinkie toe, can't he just get injections to numb it for the game?

@The Heckler posted:


MLF can flat out coach.  He is keeping things together even with all of these injuries.  I also don't think he is getting the credit he deserves

Agreed.  And to MLF's credit he cut off any potential for whining about injuries by constantly repeating the mantras of "next man up" and nobody's going to feel sorry for us."  I've heard the players and coaches repeating it which tells me they're receiving and living it.  MLF has their respect.

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