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Well, McCarthy loves to waste seconds and timeouts, and that end sequence proves it. I'm cool with the 1st down run. I actually kind of like it, but the panicked second attempt at a run out of shotgun? Just no. Slow it down and take your three best shots for the love of God. 


Flynn's not that good. He'll have his days when he looks decent, and he'll have days like this. I can't fault him too much even if it was ugly at times. There was that one sack he took when he had an easy dumpoff that drove me nuts though.


Special teams were ridiculously incompetent. Nice return at the end but... that doesn't come close to making up for the horror that was the rest of the game. I mean seriously.


Can't forget the injury apocalypse. Matthews and Lacy  aggravating their injuries? Yeah, seriously not needed. But maybe that gives people some perspective on Rodgers's medical clearance situation.

There was, but darned if I can think of it right now.

The Seahawks lost at home for the first time since the Packers beat them last year?

Well, that's not exactly a positive of the Packer game today....

Okay, I'll bite. 



* Flynn. Had some good moments, but overall a season-killer performance. He has to manage those last seconds better than that, the pick 6, the fumble, missing Jordy on the last play, yada, yada.

* Injuries. If Clay, Neal, Lacy... does it ever end? We didn't even field 53 today, and now we could be down to about 48 next week.

* Our D. If ever we needed our guys to step it up, it was today and they were only decent. Don't forget, 7 points were on a pick 6.

* STs. They really fell down on the job today. Mostly decent all year, and then they pick the wrong day to lay an egg.



* Sad, but entertaining game.

* Lacy, until the injury.

* Boykin, who I wish would have had a play on the ball at the end.

* Hawk's interception. 


This sucks.


Originally Posted by Troutmask:

+ none

- Flynn

-Matthews is not worth the money, can't stay on the field

-MM game strategy skills


-medical staff

-china doll players




I knew Slocum would get mentioned, but no one dare point out Perry and Whitt have the worst performing unit on the team, coated with Teflon just like Tramon


Richardson looked pretty solid much of the time.

Some great punts by Masthay.

New rookie rushing record for Lacy




Lava defense

Special teams on Steelers returns

Quarrless comes back to earth after last week

Jordy not getting open more

Raji has turned into a slug

We saw Newhouse on the field again

Last edited by ammo





Offensive line (minus the penalties, they showed good power against a stout group of run defenders)



Lacy's injury

Special teams


Tramon Williams (he sure does know how to suck)

M. D. Jennings

BJ Raji

Brad Jones

Nick Perry (talk about invisible, and what a way to finally make an appearance!)

Matthews re-fracturing his damn thumb (anyone doubt it will be that?)

Flynn's rotten pocket presence and general in-game awareness

Last edited by Pack-Man


Flynn...more bad than good , terrible choices and ball protection...can he not throw over the middle into the EZ??

Perry's stupid penalty

Raji another stupid flag

Bad clock and play mgmt in the last 30 seconds







Hyde's big return...House needed a block to get him all the way to the EZ.


Lacy looked good again

Starks looked good

Boykin looked good

Kuhn made some plays

AJ Hawk made an athletic INT somehow



Lions lost and are eliminated from the playoffs



Lacy got hurt

Flynn's awful pick 6

Red zone offense is horrible

ST gave up big returns

Defense can't do anything right

Jim Schwartz will be fired for the Lions collapse


+ Lacy until he got hurt

+ Boykin with a couple of nifty catches

+ Hyde had a good game

+ Loins loss


- Flynn's turnovers were killers

- Raji and Perry penalties

- Nothing was special about the special teams

- Playcalling was suspect at times


I think you get some good information on how a couple of the guys on the roster play in late season conditions.

Hyde and Daniels are low center of gravity guys that handle a sloppy field with aplomb. Daniels is really well suited to corral a big guy like Roethlisberger.  They both end up playing at the same speed.

Interesting that a guy with a injury history like Starks ends up being the last one standing in the backfield this year.  He really played well tonight.  

The in-game management is mind boggling at times.  When you pull off a ST play like we did in the Superbowl you have to figure they're going to try to get you back in the next game the same way we did with the Bears last year.  At the end of the game I thought they should have let them score from the start.   I don't want to trust the season to the defense if I can help it.  Give up a TD and leave as much time on the clock as possible to score a TD.    

I'll second the kept fighting. So many times this year they could have folded, yet somehow MM kept them hanging in there and working hard despite the incompetent QB play and the injuries. A lesser coach and team would have folded.

Slocum has proven time and time again he's a dimwit that's overmatched.   Coming into this game you knew that the Steelers had a distinct advantage and IMO it was the key difference in the game.   The long returns and fake punt really swung the advantage in their favor.


If it were a boxing match they would have called it after about the 3rd round.  Hyde's return at the end was the only positive from an otherwise brutal performance by the STs today.   Easily their worst ST effort of the year.   Awesome!

Originally Posted by Fandame:

I'll second the kept fighting. So many times this year they could have folded, yet somehow MM kept them hanging in there and working hard despite the incompetent QB play and the injuries. A lesser coach and team would have folded.



The "glass is less than half-full" crowd can kiss my ass.


15 (and still maybe 16) meaningful games with no Arod  half the year? 


Why don't some of you become Lions fans?

The Packers made so many efforts to lose this game...Raji's Penalty, Flynn's fumble, Perry's penalty, Not letting Pittsburgh score on first down after the penalty and thus waisting time and a time out, the Lang false start, Flynn not knowing that the clock restarts and only getting one play off at the took all of that to lose this game.


Well.....I'm consoling myself by thinking they are pretty much doomed even if they do make the playoffs and maybe next year they will be healthier and have better luck.

+ Hyde is a player, a little slow, but a player

+Neal was having the game of his life until he was hurt

+Mulumba could be a player with experience


- I screamed loudly, but not loud enough for Mike to call a TO when Pittsburgh changed formations from the punt team...that is not even a fake--that is an offensive play...Mike missed that and many things today...terrible game for him...10 degree wind chill, snow coming down, Flynn is having a tough day, pass protection is terrible, we are averaging 5 yards a pop on the ground,.but let's throw the ball, especially on first down. i love you Mike, but Pittsburgh had no business winning this game unless you play call the way you did today.

You know, yes MM can make some head-scratching plays but remember that the QB has something to do with that as well. If the QB sees something, he can check out of it. From the looks of it, Flynn does not have the confidence or ability to change the play very often so he runs whatever comes into his headset, defensive alignment be danged. Any doubt that AR changes some of those plays at the LOS and we have more success? And MM intimated that it was Flynn's call on the INT that helped cause the confusion. At the end of the game in the two-minute drill, it's on the QB to take charge, call plays, and get them off in time. Flynn didn't get the job done there.

Hey I'm cheering for Philly - why wouldn't you?


But that doesn't excuse that steaming pile of dog crap the Packers left on our doorstep this afternoon


If you want to play the homer routine have at it but the criticism today was more than fair.  They had everything to gain by winning and they melted down time and time again



I really didn't see a meltdown today. I saw 2 teams that both had a lot to play for still. Sure GB schit the bed on more than a couple if plays, but were still in the game. Forget the effin fact that the team was without their starting QB, running back after the first half, Pro-Bowl linebacker, should I go on???? Eff you. I'm not a homer, rather someone who'd like to see GB advance their season this year under unbelievable adversity. Go on nitpicking the play calling under these circumstances and hope that mid round draft pick pans out next year.

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