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We won.

Came away mostly unscathed with injuries (minus Worthy and Neal IIRC had an ankle). Hopefully both not serious.

Davon House. Good to see him out there. Made the play of the day IMO.


MM's teams just seem to play down to their competition. No way should it have been anywhere near that close.

Finley. Had a golden opportunity to shine. Failed.

MM. Did the team smoke weed prior to the game or take a Xanax? Jeebus. Get some red bull on that offense.
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They managed to win
Nice to see Driver get a TD
Special teams (aside from the moronic fake punt and awful pass, which is more on McCarthy and Masthay anyway)

Defense looked bad in the first half and for most of the 4th quarter
Finley had a very big opporunity, and he couldn't get open against a terrible defense
Run blocking continues to suck. Green may not be able to hit holes like a superstar, but the blocking is just awful
Crosby's miss
+ blocked punt
+ 3rd quarter defense
+ After not getting some breaks earlier this year, huge break on Rodgers 2nd fumble to get that penalty

- Rodgers fumbles
- dropped passes at critical moments
- awful pass rush from front 7 in the first half. Looked like they thought they could mail it in and get away with it. Pathetic.
- terrible run blocking again. Green isn't a good inside runner, but he isn't getting many holes either.
- Crosby. Starting to worry a bit about him. Not playing well this year.
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
I am done with Jermichael Finley. 2 years off the injury, he got paid, and his stats halfway through the season? 28 catches 265 yards 1 TD.

I don't know if it's the knee and not being the same player (as Packer Update eluded to) or it's confidence or what. His 1st drop in the 1st Q was friggin awful. And I can't see how that and the knee are connected. Purely mental mistakes he makes.

Well see how Andrew Quarless looks when he comes back. But TT may have to consider the answer at the TE position doesn't exist on this team.
Originally posted by derps:

- I have had diarrea most of the day

You need to turn that into a positive by coming into the game thread and dumping that on the bedwetters who only show-up when things go poorly-----they piss on themselves in these threads, why not a little brown stuff to go with it?
Originally posted by packerboi:
I don't know if it's the knee and not being the same player (as Packer Update eluded to) or it's confidence or what. His 1st drop in the 1st Q was friggin awful. And I can't see how that and the knee are connected. Purely mental mistakes he makes.

Well see how Andrew Quarless looks when he comes back. But TT may have to consider the answer at the TE position doesn't exist on this team.

You hit it on the head, packerboi. It's all mental with Finley, and that's what just kills me.

I don't expect him to be this huge vertical passing threat anymore. I just want him to get to the middle of the field and catch the friggin' ball! If he just caught the ball and went down, I'd be fine with that. But he can't even do that, and his complete and utter failure this season has nothing to do with his knee.

JerMichael likes to talk about a lack of communication. But the only lack of communication I'm seeing is between his brain and his hands.

If DJ Williams is healthy, make him the starter immediately. I know he had a drop today, but he's a better option than Finley. Give him his chance, and sit JerMichael's ass down. Maybe he'll get the picture that he's this close to getting shipped out of Green Bay.
Now, for the game +/-'s themselves

+ Randall Cobb. The guy should touch the ball a minimum 15 times a game, returns, screens, passes and runs. The guy is electric, and I've never seen him bring anything less than his A game.

James Jones. Where would we be without him right now? The offense wasn't pretty today, but James had a couple of nice catches, and continues to be reliable.

Aaron Rodgers. Does he sometime hold the ball too much? Maybe. But he's still the best QB in the game, and even his off games are pretty damned good.

- Mason Crosby. Mason Verger would be a better option at this point.

- Offensive line as a whole. How bad can one unit be? We can't run block for ____. And they better start protecting Aaron. I know Sitton and Bulaga are good, and Lang's not bad. Are Newhouse and Saturday that bad?

- Finley. To borrow from "Gauntlet", "green warrior, your life force is running out".
Originally posted by packerboi:
His 1st drop in the 1st Q was friggin awful.

are you thinking of the DJ Smith drop? Finley's drop was simply awful, but DJ had it in the breadbasket without a defender nearby.

Maybe McAdoo needs to sit down and talk to these guys again, tell them what it means to be a pro.
Get Saturday out of there. Start EDS

Could not agree more. we really need to get some kind of an interior run game going.

> Defense, shaky in the first half but clamped down in the second
> Special Teams
> No major injuries, that we know of

> Offensive line, horrible today. absolutely horrible.
> Pass rush. blitzed a lot and only got there a couple times
> Play calling very questionable at times
* The blocked punt.
* We are now tied for 2nd place in the NFC North.
* James Jones - was dependable in the second half and helped move the chains.

* MM's need to stay with the run game when it obviously was not working. Don't get me wrong, I want a strong run game, but the fact is we don't have one right now.
* Pass defense. If the Jags didn't have so many drops, we would have been looking at a 400+ yard day and possibly losing this game.
* Finley. Found it interesting how he got way too excited about making a play he was supposed to make (the 20 yard reception).

Bottom line, good teams find ways to win when they are not playing at their best. We did that, and without a number of starters.
Originally posted by Limburger:
* MM's need to stay with the run game when it obviously was not working. Don't get me wrong, I want a strong run game, but the fact is we don't have one right now.

Funny how when MM stays with the run game, it's a minus. Yet it's also a minus when he doesn't stick with the run game.

I don't think the minus is MM sticking with the run game (which is actually a good thing). The minus is that the run game is not producing enough b/c the o-line can't block and Green isn't the back that can create something out of nothing. Huge difference.
I agree with your point, but the fact is, the running game did nothing today, yet MM kept calling that number. It kept putting the offense in 2nd and long all day. Why keep hitting that button when it's obvious it's not working?

Yes, the fact that the running game isn't working is the underlying minus - but how is that different from the previous 7 games? I would prefer we develop a strong running game, but the fact of the matter is that we do not have one, and the offense sputtered continually when MM called for the run today. In my view, staying with something that is not working is a negative.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Honest to God, it seems on every run one of them is getting his ass handed to him. Seems like clockwork.

I've been watching Bulaga closely the last 4 games and he doesn't stay with his blocks at all. They shed him like butter. Not that anyone of em is heroic at staying with their blocks but I was really wrong about Bulaga being a complete tackle.

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