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Pistol GB posted:

You said name a worse group. I did that: first 5 games of 2015 even with Cobb. It was him and no one else.

For their first start in the NFL, I thought the rookies looked okay today, and they are only going to get better.  Plus Kumerow is coming back!πŸ˜‰

Cobb’s and G-mo’s injuries are short-term, meaning, the stable is still full going forward. That’s what we’re worried about right? The future? That’s why I said that. Compared to other years we are stocked, IMO.

And then proceeded to cite the last game of an injury filled season as an example of what was worse.  

If you want to tell people our WR group is "full"...of potential, have at it.

My take on the game yesterday was this; going into the game the Lions had what MM described as the best overall pass coverage DBs we will play this year. With Cobb & Allison out, and our pass offense predicated on winning your 1 on 1 match up, we had a hard time getting open ( see the already referenced 2015 season) in the first half. AFTER the Lions had 2 DBs go out with injuries we were able to start winning routes & things looked much better. You can take all the other stuff people are bitching about (not playing Jones, play calling, clock management) and throw them out the window.....if we don't miss the kicks & turn it over 3 times inside our own 30 yard line we win this game by 2 scores. Look at yesterday's box scores, only one team (Rams) lost the turnover battle but won the game. I guess MM can be blamed for the turnovers but the first one was questionable & listening to MM's presser he said they knew coming in that the Lions's forced turnovers were mainly on extended plays...just the type that AR fumbled on, that is on him. I get it, as Vince said "some will do their jobs well and some will not, but we will all be judged by one thing....the result" the result always ultimately decides the fate of the coach

+ For the most part I thought the OL held up pretty well giving Rodgers an opportunity to hit his primary/secondary targets

- Unfortunately his primary/secondary targets were either covered or not where they needed to be and then Rodgers refusing to dump it and trying to make the big play, getting stripped

+ AR seemed to rally his offense in the second half and made a connection with his rookie receivers

- What happened to Crosby is beyond belief. I'm thinking he is so mechanical and routine that if anything gets out of synch in his process, it takes him quite a while to get back on track (see 2012). 

- Shabby, undisciplined  special teams play, smacks of a team lacking unity and leadership.

- I know it's early but I'm ready to call the Jimmy Graham acquisition a bust. His ship has sailed. I'd rather see Tonyan have the snaps. 

SteveLuke posted:
ChilliJon posted:

Did Aaron Jones 7th and final carry last night go for 6 yards with 3:50 remaining in the second qtr? He was averaging close to 6 per carry so I'm assuming he was hurt again. Anything serious?

Nope, Jones was not injured. 

His lack of play was by choice.

Then, after not playing him for 2 full quarters, Mac put Jones back in for the final, meaningless drive -- where he nearly did get injured on a horse-collar tackle along the sideline.

Mac's refusal to come out running with Aaron Jones against the 32nd ranked run D is just another example of Mac doing Mac things.

We do what we do.

tge dumb thing.

loved even the announcers calling MM out on not using Jones more.

This team does remind of a lot of those 8-8 type teams the Pack had in the 1980s.  They're not the worst team in the league (not yet at least), but just there's just a lot of mediocrity and below average play all over the place.   If #12's injuries get any worse and he does miss time, this team will be in the discussion for the worst in the league.  


+ OL gave Rodgers all the time in the world.   Granted, they only rushed 3 and spied Rodgers a couple time, but even when they did rush 4 and 5, he had a clean pocket for 5 seconds.   

+ Young WR's getting some reps and catches.   Good growing experience for next year when Cobb is gone. 

+ Brown looks like the type of player I like on my team.   Went a little too far with the emotion / nasty demeanor on the penalty, but **** happens.   I love the attitude and physical ability.  

+ The team didn't lay down in the 2nd half despite nothing going wrong in the 1st half.   I don't love MM, but it needs to be acknowledged that the team didn't quit where many others have.


- It appears Tramon Williams doesn't have much left.   The Lions WR's were running by him down the sidelines all game long.    When Alexander gets back, it needs to be the 2 kids on the outside.   They will take their lumps, and that's okay, they still give us the best chance to win now.

- Kevin King looked okay last year when compared to the hot trash we had on our roster.   This year, he is 3rd or 4th best CB on the roster.   He's looking like another **** TT pick.  Shocking.

- Rodgers holding the ball for 8 seconds and then giving up the strip sack.. TWICE.   He needs to be better than that.   I get you got a good secondary back there going against a couple rookies.   You just can't keep putting your defense in that position and expect to win.   Throw the ball in a spot where it's incomplete or a great catch and then use your 5th round pick punter for ****s sake.

- We got a dynamic RB who can't get more than 7 touches.    Yeah, we are not going to run the ball as much trying to come back from the hole, I get it.  But there are other ways to get the ball in his hands.



Aaron Jones looks like the the real deal but McStupidface doesn’t seem like he wants to use him.  It’s not quite Hundley like of a decision, but it’s damn close.  

I like what St Brown did and MVS has shown some flashes so far.  The rookie corners will be solid.   Overall, seems like a good 1st year for Gute the GM. 

The problem is it’s either rookie promise or vets like Adams and Bahk and we can’t avoid the train wreck that was the last 3 drafts.  King sucking is not helping matters.   

Honestly, it really doesn't matter who is making the calls. The "Aaron Jones rips off 40 yards in a series and then GB goes inc. inc. inc. to stall a promising drive and settle for another FG" has played out several times already this year. It's played out several times the last 4 years. Its all stale as **** and it really has to change. 

FLPACKER posted:
Hungry5 posted:

4 carries. 37 yards. Inc, Inc, Inc, missed FG. WTF?

2018-10-08 20.44.26

I guess you'd have to go back & look at the game to see if Detroit, on the 1-10 from the 24 brought a safety down in the box, having one more defender than we had blockers would have forced AR to audible out of a called running play. 

All-22 isn't up yet.    I'll follow up on this and share the presnap images.

The bottom line IMO is that MM is not a good game coach.  His instincts are terrible.  I think he is actually a good game prep coach, but once they go behind 7/14/17/24 he just kind of has bad instincts and Rodgers takes over and carries the team.  

Last week was tough with 2 WR out and not a lot of confidence in the backups.  Lions knew they were going to try to run it in the beginning.


+ I know people are still a little down on the defense and I would agree that the safety play leaves a lot to be desired but this was by far the weakest link for the past seven years. What I'm seeing in 2018 is a pretty major improvement. They are 4th in yards per game, second in passing yards per game and 14th in points per game. And this game was probably going to be a 10 point game for the defense at the most if the offense and ST just holds onto the damn ball. That would have left them in the top 10 for points per game. 

The ST's display was inexplicable and hopefully an aberration. Offense still needs to work on their game plan and figure out their identity. It's happened before and turned into what we expected it to be in the 2nd half of the season. I think if what we have seen so far from the defense is not a mirage this team is gonna be alright this year. 

+++ Aaron Jones looked solid, again, when he ran the ball. Our Rookie WRs, ESB and MVS, made some nice catches but also blew a few routes.  Dan Bailey, the new viking kicker supposedly missed a couple of FGs on Sunday. Zimmer will be having second thoughts about using him. 

--- Where are the quick rhythm passes that usually move the chains for us? Rodgers always throws deep when there are wide open receivers underneath the coverage who can move the chains if they catch the ball. Crosby has to keep wearing the shoes he ended the game with. I'm convinced his problems were all about the shoes he had on before he changed into the old shoes when he made his only FG of the day. The penalties were atrocious, especially those committed by our young DBs. The replay officials still saying that the punt hit King in the back. I do not think it touched him. Even if it did touch him, Zook needs to coach his STs to stay away from those loose balls.

Yes, our defense as a whole is better than last year. And that’s a good thing. There are plenty of weakness’s on that side of the ball. OLB and safety are the ones that stand out. Pettine seems to be able to scheme around it. It’s not a top ten defense but is better than in years past. That’s all that we asked for. The drop in offensive production is a puzzlement. Rodgers injury is certainly part of it. MM supporters are adamant that we have yet to see his plan due to Rodgers injury. I guess we will have to wait and see. But if this continues after Aaron gets healthier, then I expect to see big crowds with torches and pitchforks outside MMs office.

One thing about this slow start that concerns me more than all the other slow starts to the season they've had is that there are so many new parts to the offense this year.  Before, the majority of the starters were fairly consistent and it was a matter of just working their way back into form.  They had success in the past so you knew they were capable.  Now, we've got 2 new OL, 2-3 new WR's, 2 new TE's.  We don't know if this thing is capable of working as a whole yet.

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