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@Henry posted:

Aikman actually sounded mad about it.  Made me laugh.  Both P and Gary really dropped the ball on contain throughout the game.  Fixable but it shouldn't of happened in the first place.

I think they thought they could just bum rush Huntley and he'd fold like Love.  Came to find out Huntley is very capable.

They seemed like they were doing a decent job to start the game. Huntley was able to move around but they were disciplined in not giving him running lanes. How much of Gary and Preston's issues were a direct result of KC being out and they felt like they had to cheat inside?

I think the absence of KC and Alexander take their toll not only in those guys being out, but severely limit the options Barry has in what he wants this defense to do. If 23 is healthy and on the field opposite Stokes, the options increase significantly in where you put Douglas, Amos, Savage. You can rotate who you let roam the field or cheat up on a TE. And chances are you're not stuck with KK trying to deal with Andrews in a compressed red zone situation.

Same goes with Clark. When he's in there, Smith and Gary and Campbell have more freedom to use their strength and speed and flow to the ball carrier. They've been decent against TEs since Jaire has been out, but this week it was him and Clark and that was a bad recipe against a guy who plays similar to Jackson but can throw the ball as well.

I'm far less worried about this defense than other years. They have a good grasp on their duties and it's evident when you see them attacking the play in both run and pass situations. We will see an immediate difference with KC back on Saturday. And if/when Alexander comes back, they could end up being the difference in a playoff run.

Granted, you could say a lot of that is due to atrocious special teams plays (a punt return TD and always giving away 10-20 yards of field position), but the special teams have been atrocious all year.

The good thing is that no other team is about to return two (and maybe three) Pro Bowl-level defensive guys in the next 3-4 weeks. Alexander and Clark are top 5 in the NFL at their positions and Z. Smith is a top 10 edge rusher.

I would say that.   My count against the Bears was 17 points attributed directly to special teams. 

Last week was the first week in a while, for me, where they didn't look good.   Savage got exposed and no KC was felt in the run game and lack of pocket push.

I'm choosing to stay optimistic.   I know, playoff collapse is likely, but I'm just gonna enjoy banging this hottie until she dumps me.   I'll pout at that time.

@Timmy! posted:

The thing I noticed after this play was when MVS was (or was wanting to) celebrate with Adams, and Adams directed him to go celebrate with ARod.
Like he had earned it and deserved to, I'd say.
You can catch just a glimpse of Adams pointing as this clip begins.

Adams was probably super aware that Rodgers had just tied Favre so he wanted MVS to celebrate with the man.

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