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Thanks for posting, good write up. Having quality play from the Safety position can't be discounted. We've been missing that since Collins' injury, glad we have a stud Safety back there. 

I found Burnett's comment about first round picks normally acting like they've already proven themselves kind of interesting. He's only been in GB and the 1st rounders he's seen are Bulaga, Derek Sherrod, Nick Perry, Datone, HaHa, Randall, and Clark. The most recent two guys don't seem like they're especially big headed, both seem quiet and have been praised for being all business and all we have seen/heard from/about Bulaga is that he's a pretty quiet/humble guy. That leaves Sherrod, Perry, and Datone as the guys he's pointing to as being cocky.  All 3 have thus far not produced according to their draft slot (Sherrod obviously being a huge bust), so hopefully their mentality has changed. 

Last edited by Grave Digger

So good...

β€œI understand what’s going on in this world,” the Green Bay Packers third-year safety said. β€œBut cops have to go home at the end of the day. They have a family. They have to go home, too.

β€œGrowing up where I’m from, some people are afraid of cops. They don’t really like cops. And what a lot of people don’t realize is, they’re really not the bad guys. They’re really on our side, they’re really trying to help us out. And sometimes, we don’t understand that.”

Not going political, just good to see this side.

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