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Crepes suck ass. They require a special pan and a wooden spreading tool and a specific technique in order to do them properly. How French is that? You need 3 things to make 1 thing. That is so ****ing self agrandizing. 

After the Vikings. I hate the Bears. Then the French. They have tried to over complicate cooking and the world is finally calling BS on them. 

Hungry5 posted:

If the numbers (math) say AP, what do the players know? Or even coaches for that matter?

Well, Marshawn hardly ran away with the voting, heck it's easily within the margin of error. And yes, what do the players know? Probably not that much on average, they're mostly in the league for their physical attributes, not their analytical skills. I'm guessing if ADP isn't smashing a little kid's testicles he'd probably have gotten a couple of more votes.

And unsurprisingly there's not much depth to Seifert's numbers. Peterson has been better in 1 yard situations over the course of his career. That's not exactly a perfect analog for getting into the end zone from the 1 yard line. You'd at least want to try to adjust for quality of offensive line and the passing game.

The important thing to catch in this player poll is that nobody said Eddie Lacy, because the question didn't stipulate that someone had built a Dunkin Donuts in this hypothetical end zone one yard away.

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