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The Crusher posted:
titmfatied posted:

If MM goes for two and they don't get it the whole world is screaming how he was scared to go to over time and that lead him to botch the end of game decision process once again.  Suddenly everyone calling for the 2 pt attempt here flips the script because "he should know better" as the coach.  And they'd be right. 


Looks like someone on this board graduated from high school.

After holding ARZ to 75 yards in the first half, GB gave up 213 yards in the second half.  That should indicate either the Packer defense is wearing down, or the Cardinals have GBs defense that day figured out.  Either way, giving them a chance in OT was not prudent.  Do the math. 

"Arizona's 2nd half possessions:

 3 play   -1 yard      INT

10 play  74 yards   FG

 7 play    59 yard    INT

14 play  80 yard    TD

That is not great defense"

I'm not saying GBs defense is great but most teams would be thrilled to force two turnovers in four possessions. If 3 of the above scenarios happen in OT then GB gets the ball back with a chance to win it. If I remember right, even the TD play came after the ball bounced off a GB defenders arm/hand ? Or was that earlier in the game ? 

I would have been OK with MM going for two and letting the chips fall where they may but I think he made the right call kicking the extra point. 

The 57%+ successful 2 point conversion rate that was posted earlier is all anybody should need to look at.

Nobody can tell me they felt we had a 60% chance of winning in OT.

I realize we were missing the top 3 WRs who probably helped with that conversion percentage, but we were also missing our top 3 WRs if we planned on driving the length of the field on offense.

Last edited by FreeSafety
Henry posted:
FreeSafety posted:

The 57%+ successful 2 point conversion rate that was posted earlier is all anybody should need to look at.

Nobody can tell me they felt we had a 60% chance of winning in OT.

I felt we had a 61% chance of winning in OT.



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Last edited by Boris
Boris posted:

My big takeaway is had MM gone for 2 & not made it, I may have been the only 1 applauding but I don't care. Going for 2 was the right call

Totally agree and you wouldn't have been the only one applauding.

I was hoping they'd run the exact same play Washington pulled on them in the red zone a week earlier. Split Janis or Rodgers out wide so the safety is looking jump ball and cheating over, then just run a draw with Rodgers. 

That's why all this hand wringing over the OT format is dumb. Yeah, for the 2nd straight year they lost when Rodgers didn't touch the ball in OT. But MM passed on a chance to let Rodgers win the game at the end of regulation. 

I assumed we would go to OT, but after reading all the back and forth I would completely been fine with going for 2pt.  I think it would of caught Arizona a bit off guard after the TD.  I don't think they even had a timeout to take in order to go back and regroup after seeing us line up. (I might be wrong about the timeout, not sure if they had one left or not) 

Last edited by packaddict

My $.02.  I understand both sides, after having spent 2 hours reading this thread. Go into OT, IMO.  I wouldn't have been upset going for 2, it would have been balls of steel.  But you can't convince me that we had a decent shot at 2, with JJ and JA as our WR's.  It would've been a disaster, our only hope would've been that AZ was all over the place, not ready to defend the 2 pt conversion, which is possible.

I know lots are saying, decide the game with the best player on the team (AR).  I get that, the problem with that, is that AR is just one player.  The best unit that night, hands down was the Defense.  I say go with the D!!  

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