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Originally posted by Pistol GB:
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
I'm starting a new clique to counter the established clique, any who would like to join are welcome. You must swear an oath to me thought as your leader! It's gonna be wild. Henry, care to join?

Only if we can call it Moose Ball Jerks.

So many little tender hearts here. Hey FRZoris, how about starting a Stuart Smalley forum?

There's no pain dude. It's just old and unamusing.

Pull a Bob "Fedya" Ross and put me on ignore and it'll be all better.

Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by MsPacman:
What I'm trying to figure out is why some people take Henry so seriously? I's Henry for crying out loud.

You always tell it like it is. Honestly, I am always a little envious of those who get his sillier stuff. Ballwasher? Why doesn't anyone call me a ballwasher?

MsPac, you are a ballwasher. There, now that ought to ruin your weekend.

Ballwasher? Shoot.

I don't even get to touch the balls anymore.
macdaddy, I agree. This forum - hell, this whole site - has gone straight to hell in a handbasket. It is beneath your notice, not worthy of your attention anymore. My advice, friend, is to find a board worthy of you. I wish you well.

(Is he gone yet? You look, Mr. Yuck!)

In more than one post on this thread, I found the word "family" describing this board. While some may bemoan it, and others say its criminal - I happen to like that atmosphere. Part of Packer fans is their friendliness (I've been told by Colts, Eagles and Bears fans that they love seeing games at Lambeau because of Packer fans' friendliness and hospitality).
It is human nature to form connections with people you converse with - even argue with. Of course, this isn't why the forum exists - But it makes talking Packers, arguing Packers, and watching Packers a hell of a lot more entertaining. People who diss silliness, frivolous topics (Henry, those are Press-Ons? They look so real!) or palsy-walsy get-togethers are missing the point of football. Football is a game. It ain't life.

And while I'm up here on my Soap Box, I think the moderators do a fantastic job on this board, hands down. It takes time and concentration to mod this forum, alone, and the mods fit it in around their real jobs, their family and a little down time. And they are doing it for free, last time I checked.

Props to Boris!
Originally posted by LambeauBabe:
macdaddy, I agree. This forum - hell, this whole site - has gone straight to hell in a handbasket. It is beneath your notice, not worthy of your attention anymore. My advice, friend, is to find a board worthy of you. I wish you well.

(Is he gone yet? You look, Mr. Yuck!)

In more than one post on this thread, I found the word "family" describing this board. While some may bemoan it, and others say its criminal - I happen to like that atmosphere. Part of Packer fans is their friendliness (I've been told by Colts, Eagles and Bears fans that they love seeing games at Lambeau because of Packer fans' friendliness and hospitality).
It is human nature to form connections with people you converse with - even argue with. Of course, this isn't why the forum exists - But it makes talking Packers, arguing Packers, and watching Packers a hell of a lot more entertaining. People who diss silliness, frivolous topics (Henry, those are Press-Ons? They look so real!) or palsy-walsy get-togethers are missing the point of football. Football is a game. It ain't life.

And while I'm up here on my Soap Box, I think the moderators do a fantastic job on this board, hands down. It takes time and concentration to mod this forum, alone, and the mods fit it in around their real jobs, their family and a little down time. And they are doing it for free, last time I checked.

Props to Boris!

Nice post.
Originally posted by LambeauBabe:
macdaddy, I agree. This forum - hell, this whole site - has gone straight to hell in a handbasket. It is beneath your notice, not worthy of your attention anymore. My advice, friend, is to find a board worthy of you. I wish you well.

(Is he gone yet? You look, Mr. Yuck!)

In more than one post on this thread, I found the word "family" describing this board. While some may bemoan it, and others say its criminal - I happen to like that atmosphere. Part of Packer fans is their friendliness (I've been told by Colts, Eagles and Bears fans that they love seeing games at Lambeau because of Packer fans' friendliness and hospitality).
It is human nature to form connections with people you converse with - even argue with. Of course, this isn't why the forum exists - But it makes talking Packers, arguing Packers, and watching Packers a hell of a lot more entertaining. People who diss silliness, frivolous topics (Henry, those are Press-Ons? They look so real!) or palsy-walsy get-togethers are missing the point of football. Football is a game. It ain't life.

And while I'm up here on my Soap Box, I think the moderators do a fantastic job on this board, hands down. It takes time and concentration to mod this forum, alone, and the mods fit it in around their real jobs, their family and a little down time. And they are doing it for free, last time I checked.

Props to Boris!

Nope....still here. He's gotta have a place to lurk I guess. Cool
Good post BTW.
Originally posted by Since69:
I agree. This board used to be a lot friendlier. Differing opinions used to be discussed intelligently instead of being shouted down.

I guess I'm not complaining, per se, but I don't seem to enjoy this place as much as I used to.

I agree. This site used to be an example of the hospitality that GB fans were renowned for. Now there's an atmosphere of disrespect that makes the site too often tedious to read. The negativity towards each other is ruining the experience of X4.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Originally posted by MsPacman:
What I'm trying to figure out is why some people take Henry so seriously? I's Henry for crying out loud.

They wouldn't take Henry seriously if they knew (s)he was really an 83 year old blue-hair grandma from Estero, FL.

Hey, I'm the Dir of Golf in Estero, easy!!!!!

I think many people are hoping to experience fond memories of the site they had from the past again. For example, I thought it was really a unique experience when the site was first started. I like many other people were on the JSO when the board suddenly got really crappy and scoop posted a link to a new Packer forum he started. We all went over and checked it out. Some of us joined and some didnā€™t. We had this unique experience of starting a new forum the way we wanted it (without all the trash talking and fighting that happens on other forums). We were like refugees starting a new colony in a way. I think itā€™s why many people came to think of this place as sort of a family. The problem is that experience can never happen again and this is not a real family. Itā€™s just an internet forum.

This site has ticked me off many times (both when Scoop was in charge and when FRZ was in charge). The thing is that I cannot think of any organization that I have been a part of that hasnā€™t irritated me at least once (school, church, work, bars, grocery stores, etc). Can you think of any place you have ever frequented that hasnā€™t made you mad at least once? I honestly canā€™t.

We donā€™t all think exactly alike and I am glad that we donā€™t. That would be boring. We can be civil to each other when we argue and I think the site overall still does a good job of that compared to many other sites. There was plenty of bickering going on when Scoop was in charge too. The good old days of this site had some nastiness too. I think we often forget about those times and only remember the good experiences from the past.

Just my incoherent two cents
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by LambeauBabe:
macdaddy, I agree. This forum - hell, this whole site - has gone straight to hell in a handbasket. It is beneath your notice, not worthy of your attention anymore. My advice, friend, is to find a board worthy of you. I wish you well.

(Is he gone yet? You look, Mr. Yuck!)

In more than one post on this thread, I found the word "family" describing this board. While some may bemoan it, and others say its criminal - I happen to like that atmosphere. Part of Packer fans is their friendliness (I've been told by Colts, Eagles and Bears fans that they love seeing games at Lambeau because of Packer fans' friendliness and hospitality).
It is human nature to form connections with people you converse with - even argue with. Of course, this isn't why the forum exists - But it makes talking Packers, arguing Packers, and watching Packers a hell of a lot more entertaining. People who diss silliness, frivolous topics (Henry, those are Press-Ons? They look so real!) or palsy-walsy get-togethers are missing the point of football. Football is a game. It ain't life.

And while I'm up here on my Soap Box, I think the moderators do a fantastic job on this board, hands down. It takes time and concentration to mod this forum, alone, and the mods fit it in around their real jobs, their family and a little down time. And they are doing it for free, last time I checked.

Props to Boris!

Nice post.

No, its a VERY GOOD post
I guess I don't see that merely being allowed to voice a complaint without being kicked out is much of an advantage. If the complaint is dismissed as invalid anyway, what difference does it make.

That said, I don't think this site is any different than it's ever been. The perceived difference is a result of some polarizing issues (obviously one in particular) that brought out the worst in people that was there all along. You didn't get the same kind of acrimony in debates over things that no really cared that much about, like who the defensive coordinator was or whether Bill Schroeder should be a starter or not. Things like that flared up and then blew over and were forgotten; no big deal. Not the case this summer.

Every once in a while this site has things that bring out the best in people, usually when somebody experiences a personal gain or loss. That's usually a nice reminder of how great a community it can be, and why a lot of people stay or keep coming back. The flipside is that sometimes things go the other way. That's when you have to ask yourself, is the good worth the bad? Am I getting more enjoyment than I am frustration? Sometimes it isn't.
I like scoop's version better. I am just waiting for more forums, such as the offense forum, defense forum, special teams forum. That said, i do come here for Packer news. Seems to pop up here before other places. I like the badger forum and spend most of my time there anyway.

Doesn't mean I don't like this version, just different. It's a tough job keeping everybody happy. That is why I stress keeping me happy. Screw all you!!
Originally posted by Max:
I guess I don't see that merely being allowed to voice a complaint without being kicked out is much of an advantage. If the complaint is dismissed as invalid anyway, what difference does it make.

You don't see the difference between boards where:

1. you are allowed to voice a complaint and have the rest of the board get a chance to comment on the complaint and discuss it back and forth, maybe the complaint is invalid.


2. you make a complaint, much milder than this complaint, perhapse about the amount of annoying ads on the site, and having your thread deleted and your account suspended in under 3 minutes. Where nobody else got to see or comment on your complaint, probably because the mods felt it had weight and didn't want to deal the a bunch of posters agreeing with the complaint (cough Packerchatters cough)
Originally posted by Max:

That said, I don't think this site is any different than it's ever been. The perceived difference is a result of some polarizing issues (obviously one in particular) that brought out the worst in people that was there all along. You didn't get the same kind of acrimony in debates over things that no really cared that much about, like who the defensive coordinator was or whether Bill Schroeder should be a starter or not. Things like that flared up and then blew over and were forgotten; no big deal. Not the case this summer.

I think you might be onto something. Now the battles seem to be Packer fans "fighting" each used to be Packer fans versus Buc or Viking fans.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Originally posted by Max:
I guess I don't see that merely being allowed to voice a complaint without being kicked out is much of an advantage. If the complaint is dismissed as invalid anyway, what difference does it make.

You don't see the difference between boards where:

1. you are allowed to voice a complaint and have the rest of the board get a chance to comment on the complaint and discuss it back and forth, maybe the complaint is invalid.
2. you make a complaint, much milder than this complaint, perhapse about the amount of annoying ads on the site, and having your thread deleted and your account suspended in under 3 minutes. Where nobody else got to see or comment on your complaint, probably because the mods felt it had weight and didn't want to deal the a bunch of posters agreeing with the complaint (cough Packerchatters cough)

I'm saying the difference is negligible if we're talking about a complaint being generally dismissed versus being deleted entirely. Merely being "better than other sites" is great if you have to post at a Packers message board site. But nobody has to post at any of them, and for some people (presumably; not sure about others) that becomes a preferable option at some point, like when even the best of sites has more negative associated with it than positive.
Who's saying it should be "handled"? Not me. I said the site is what it is, and always has been. There were several posts saying that basically the poster should be glad his complaint wasn't immediately torched. I guess I'm saying that it's not enough that the "state of this site" is better in that respect than all the ones that suck. For me, anyway.
Originally posted by who:

There were Packers fans battling Packers fans under Scoop's watch. They just couldn't go on about it as long as Boris allows now.

It's not the duration, it's the allowable weapons.

All I want to know is, is it still the rule that you attack the post and not the poster, or not? Can I tell someone he's a snivelly little A-hole who talks tough behind the keyboard but would run and hide if he were in the same room with me? Can I tell this person to meet me somewhere? Can I do that?

Because, someone posts a picture that basically calls you a homosexual and a wussie, that's what I'd like to say in response. Would that be entertainment for anyone reading it? No, not likely. Is it even entertainment for me? No, it's not. Only people with some real personal issues get a rise out of insulting people.

Seems to me that's why personal attacks are supposed to be disallowed, no matter how cleverly disguised, no matter how many posts the person has. They go nowhere entertainment-wise. People deal with crap like that enough in their real life, they don't need it here.

Which is why some posters with a lot to bring to the table (Johnny Z, for example) have split this site. They don't need to "grow balls," they need entertainment, and trading insults with free-range a-holes is not it.
Originally posted by Pistol GB:
Originally posted by who:

There were Packers fans battling Packers fans under Scoop's watch. They just couldn't go on about it as long as Boris allows now.

It's not the duration, it's the allowable weapons.

All I want to know is, is it still the rule that you attack the post and not the poster, or not? Can I tell someone he's a snivelly little A-hole who talks tough behind the keyboard but would run and hide if he were in the same room with me? Can I tell this person to meet me somewhere? Can I do that?

Because, someone posts a picture that basically calls you a homosexual and a wussie, that's what I'd like to say in response. Would that be entertainment for anyone reading it? No, not likely. Is it even entertainment for me? No, it's not. Only people with some real personal issues get a rise out of insulting people.

Seems to me that's why personal attacks are supposed to be disallowed, no matter how cleverly disguised, no matter how many posts the person has. They go nowhere entertainment-wise. People deal with crap like that enough in their real life, they don't need it here.

Which is why some posters with a lot to bring to the table (Johnny Z, for example) have split this site. They don't need to "grow balls," they need entertainment, and trading insults with free-range a-holes is not it.

How much money do you donate to this site? Send Boris a couple thousand for the years bill and press him for some changes.

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