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Originally posted by Pistol GB:
Originally posted by who:

There were Packers fans battling Packers fans under Scoop's watch. They just couldn't go on about it as long as Boris allows now.

It's not the duration, it's the allowable weapons.

All I want to know is, is it still the rule that you attack the post and not the poster, or not? Can I tell someone he's a snivelly little A-hole who talks tough behind the keyboard but would run and hide if he were in the same room with me? Can I tell this person to meet me somewhere? Can I do that?

Because, someone posts a picture that basically calls you a homosexual and a wussie, that's what I'd like to say in response. Would that be entertainment for anyone reading it? No, not likely. Is it even entertainment for me? No, it's not. Only people with some real personal issues get a rise out of insulting people.

Seems to me that's why personal attacks are supposed to be disallowed, no matter how cleverly disguised, no matter how many posts the person has. They go nowhere entertainment-wise. People deal with crap like that enough in their real life, they don't need it here.

Which is why some posters with a lot to bring to the table (Johnny Z, for example) have split this site. They don't need to "grow balls," they need entertainment, and trading insults with free-range a-holes is not it.

Right. Spirited discussion of different views is generally interesting. Personal attacks arising out of different views rarely are.
Originally posted by Pistol GB:
Originally posted by who:

There were Packers fans battling Packers fans under Scoop's watch. They just couldn't go on about it as long as Boris allows now.

It's not the duration, it's the allowable weapons.

All I want to know is, is it still the rule that you attack the post and not the poster, or not? Can I tell someone he's a snivelly little A-hole who talks tough behind the keyboard but would run and hide if he were in the same room with me? Can I tell this person to meet me somewhere? Can I do that?

Because, someone posts a picture that basically calls you a homosexual and a wussie, that's what I'd like to say in response. Would that be entertainment for anyone reading it? No, not likely. Is it even entertainment for me? No, it's not. Only people with some real personal issues get a rise out of insulting people.

Seems to me that's why personal attacks are supposed to be disallowed, no matter how cleverly disguised, no matter how many posts the person has. They go nowhere entertainment-wise. People deal with crap like that enough in their real life, they don't need it here.

Which is why some posters with a lot to bring to the table (Johnny Z, for example) have split this site. They don't need to "grow balls," they need entertainment, and trading insults with free-range a-holes is not it.

Yes some people resort to name-calling. We try to curb it as best we can. We edit EVERYBODY here at some point. (Yes even people that donate to timesfour) Many times most people are unaware of any name-calling because it gets jumped on immediately. If you can find a message board that is minus the name-calling 100% of the time, I'd love to see it. I'd encourage you to join it. Hell, I'LL JOIN IT!

We are not here at 24/7. We all have lives outside this website.

I'm not into censorship but I understand some words are very offensive to some people which is why I block the "bad" words out.

Johnny Z left this website the day Ahmad Carroll was cut and hasn't been back since. Maybe now that AC is back in the league he'll come back. I encourage you to invite JZ back if you know him personally.

You've been here for almost 9 years. You've seen the evolution of this site. You're still here. You're a good poster! I've given you a forum to speak your mind and allowed this thread to stand for everybody to see. Ask yourself, "Does the good outweigh the bad for me?" I encourage everyone to answer that question to yourself truthfully. No need to answer in a post. We'll all know the answer if you continue posting here.

Now can we get back to discussing the Packers? Please??
Originally posted by Pistol GB:
Originally posted by who:

There were Packers fans battling Packers fans under Scoop's watch. They just couldn't go on about it as long as Boris allows now.

It's not the duration, it's the allowable weapons.

All I want to know is, is it still the rule that you attack the post and not the poster, or not? Can I tell someone he's a snivelly little A-hole who talks tough behind the keyboard but would run and hide if he were in the same room with me? Can I tell this person to meet me somewhere? Can I do that?

Because, someone posts a picture that basically calls you a homosexual and a wussie, that's what I'd like to say in response. Would that be entertainment for anyone reading it? No, not likely. Is it even entertainment for me? No, it's not. Only people with some real personal issues get a rise out of insulting people.

Seems to me that's why personal attacks are supposed to be disallowed, no matter how cleverly disguised, no matter how many posts the person has. They go nowhere entertainment-wise. People deal with crap like that enough in their real life, they don't need it here.

Which is why some posters with a lot to bring to the table (Johnny Z, for example) have split this site. They don't need to "grow balls," they need entertainment, and trading insults with free-range a-holes is not it.

Boy, I really feel bad. I truly do. I mean annoying the very people who in daily life and on this board sport the faux high road mentality only to wear their arrogance on their sleeve is really keeping me up at night.

First off, this is a football board, with football fans. If you want more gentile fans why don't you break out your tennis clap and find a rousing polo match.

Gentility has its place and time . . . and so does a blunt retort. You meet me in person I will show you every courtesy you'd expect in daily life. If you make ridiculous, hyperbolic, pompous comments that are made on a internet BB, I'll blast you just like I do here.

I don't have time for phony anymore. I'll be the first to give you the shirt off my back and I'll also be the first to tear you a new one if you deserve it. Do yourself a favor and quit thinking your manner of behavior is "correct". If you'd like to take a trip through the annals of history on a philosophical and societal level I'd be glad to point out how ridiculously transient your moral outrage on the subject truly is.

You're getting your banana hammock in a bunch over a flippin' internet football BB and you're a public defender? My goodness, you must break into tears when you wander into a political internet forum.
Benzene and IC basically said everything I could say but probably better. The site isn't perfect, but it's far from the cesspool JSO turned in to over time and nothing like STO or other sites like that.

While you could argue the old TimesFour was "friendlier" I also think there were special rules for certain people and that got old in a hurry. You also can't argue there are more posters now with more diverse opinions and I think that's a good thing as well.
Anyone been to the Comments section of the JSOnline Packer Blog lately (or GB Press Gazette for that matter)? Think about those a-holes coming over here, then thank your lucky stars we have what we have.
I did not read the whole thread. Time just dosn't permit it. Also, I usually avoid posting in a thread like this. However, I just want to say a few things.

1) I feel accepted here. I don't think anyone purposely attacks me. And I will continue to believe that until proven differently.

2) I don't hesitate to post what I think here. It may not always be in line with the consencsus, but when others have a different opinion it isn't a problem.

3) I do try to treat everyone respectfully. And the words I use, I do realize make a difference in what others think. So if my post need editing, please, I want to know about it.

There was one other site in which as time went on, I wasn't accepted, I couldn't post what I think, no matter how I stated it. It never pays to argue about these things. So I just moved on.

I like the light-hearted atmosphere here - and I hope that continues. I think Boris does a good job. No complaints from me.
Originally posted by DurangoDoug:
Just as a sidenote, what ever happened at Z-Buds?

I have not tried to log in there in eons, but the last I checked it sure seemed to be going downhill fast.

First.....can't believe this thread is still going!!

Z's became what it did IMO because Z took the path of least resistance. He should have done what Scoop did.......which was to turn over the board to someone else. He didn't have the time or energy to rub that place properly anymore. In the end the inmate's started running the asylum.
All azz kissing aside.....I have respect for Boris, Z, and even Larry over at PC's. keeping a board together for any length of time, let alone almost a decade is no easy feat. As a former mod at Z's I can also tell you that it is a thankless job.
Originally posted by Herschel:
This place now sucks. I can only spend about half the time Goalline does here because it's gotten so bad.

(That and I need to generally have a life Razzer)

Visiting is considered a life?
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Herschel:
This place now sucks. I can only spend about half the time Goalline does here because it's gotten so bad.

(That and I need to generally have a life Razzer)

Visiting is considered a life?

At least this site is still working...


ANNOUNCMENT - Forums Temporarily Closed
Due a issue with the server, the Forums will be closed until further notice. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this problem (database corruption) we may not be able to restore forum functionality until tomorrow. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we try to correct the problem.

... and FRZoris' announcements usually pass grammar and spell check.

ANNOUNCMENT - Forums Temporarily Closed
Due a issue with the server, the Forums will be closed until further notice. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this problem (database corruption) we may not be able to restore forum functionality until tomorrow. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we try to correct the problem.

One banner ad too many. Or someone made an intelligent post.
Originally posted by Rubicon-Ka-Bong:
Originally posted by Hungry5:
... and FRZoris' announcements usually pass grammar and spell check.

grammer and spell chegue.

you make alot of mistakes.

I'm new here, forgive me.

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