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I attempted to get a discount on "Ticket" & the best she was going to allow was $10.00 off a month for 6 months. Has anyone here got a decent discount? Since Directv is owned by ATT has the

discount offers ended?

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I just got off the phone with them after making my semi-annual call for discounts.  I get the NFL Ticket's normally $58.99/month for 6 payments ($353.94).


I was discounted to $48.99/month ($60 savings).  Additionally, they gave me $10/month for 6 months off that same NFL Ticket Max (another $60 savings) and two seperate dicounts off my normal monthly package of $10/month for 12 months & another $5/month for 6 months (another $150 in savings).  My total discount was $270.   Technically I'm paying $83.94 for the Sunday Ticket Max.  


It was very difficult to get the discounts this year.  Also, I think I would have received the $150 in discounts just for calling and being a long time customer, even without the NFL Ticket subscription.  I've been with DirecTV since 1998.  I've also subscribed to the MLB Extra Inning package for all those years.


It took a lot of haggling to get what I got.  



On a related note...I have Sirus/XM Radio in my car and enjoy it very much.  As I near the end of my contract each time, I call to cancel and I'm ALWAYS eventually offered 5 months for $25.  I just renewed a few weeks ago and was actually offered 6 months for $25, but that was a first.   I think the normal rate is around $13-14/month.

I just tell them I'm looking to save some money because of my kids college expenses and I want to cancel the NFL Ticket, all my sports channels($13/month), and will no longer renew the MLB Extra Innings($199/season).   They always find something to discount.  I really like DirecTV but the costs are pretty high.  However, I can sit in northern Illinois and watch every game my Packers and Pittsburgh Pirates play.  It beats the heck out of finding the game on a static filled AM feed like I had to do when I was a kid.  Also, I feel they wouldn't offer the discounts if they weren't still making big $$$ off me.  

2 years ago, I called and after a sob story got the base package for free (15 year customer). It was the first I ever tried after reading threads like this one on x4.

This year, I called with the position to cancel DTV entirely - and after about 4 transfers got the basic and streaming plans for free - but had to extend my DTV contract 12 months.

Get the feeling, I've used up my next 2 years of good luck this time.

With a Slingbox, I have 3 parties around the world latching onto this subscription.
Originally Posted by gbIdaho:
With a Slingbox, I have 3 parties around the world latching onto this subscription.


Sounds like they should be splitting the cost with you.

Glad you posted this, Mcpack. I'm interested what effect the ATT/DTV merger will have on pricing, discounting availability and willingness, or promotions.

IIRC, I saw a promotion where new customers can get Sunday Ticket free for 2015, but didn't read it to find out what soul sacrifices are necessary.


I hope you guys that have it and/ore renew will update this thread.

I called in July and they told me there were no discounts available.  Not for the Sunday Ticket,and not for monthly service.  I was told to call back in a month.  I'm not in a contract either.  First time if gotten that shut down.

Contacted Directv 10 minutes ago. Third time. All that was offered was $10 of the Max Ticket. I said "that's all "and was told $60 was it. She suggested I drop to just regular NFL Ticket $199.95 but no discount on it. I decided to cancel NFL Ticket(for now) will contact them closer to when season starts. Noticed no guy answered this year on 3 calls. Guys were easier to get a discount from imo.

Just got 1/2 off ST Max, plus $hitload of discounts saving me $75 a month for 12 months.


* Signed 12 month agreement


Little tougher this year but very doable

This year as it happens I was really in a position of not being able to cover this expense, and I called fully prepared that I might have to cancel ST. I got the general call center and I could tell by the girl's voice she wasn't the one I wanted to be talking to.


Once she confirmed that I was using the word "cancel" I was immediately transferred to the real DTV people. Maybe the trick is getting past the farmed out call center.


Anyway, I ended up getting ST for free and $30 off regular bill for 12 months. It's the best result I've ever gotten. My bill went from $98 to approx. $55 for a year including ST.


There have been other years where I'd get the token $10 off for 6 months. I think many times it's luck of the draw.


Either way, the cost is excessive especially when they offer ST to new customers for free. It's almost a penalty for being a longtime customer who's been loyal.

I've said this before....


The ST Subscription is just like a magazine. They need subscribers to charge the high ad rates. Them giving you ST for "free" costs them nothing. The more subs, the higher the ad rates. I assure you the price they charge subscribers is nothing compared to what they receive from the ad rates.


You don't sign a multi-billion $$$$ deal with the NFL to lose money. They give the NFL $2 billion for 5 years. Meanwhile, I'm certain DTV is making at least $4 billion & probably more for the exclusive rights. Not to mention the subs for regular TV they receive due to having the exclusive rights to ST.

I had pretty much the same results as Artis....I used the "cancel" tact....and really, with Netflix,  hulu, etc....Sun Tkt is the only reason I have DTV. They tried $5 off/month, then $9 month....i stuck to it. Was on hold a loooong guess is they're hoping you'll give up. Ended up free Sun Tkt, $40 off for 12 months! 

Originally Posted by Boris:
Originally Posted by gbIdaho:
With a Slingbox, I have 3 parties around the world latching onto this subscription.


Sounds like they should be splitting the cost with you.

What's zero divided by 3?

Originally Posted by Boris:

Mr. Yuck.


You can order an online only version of ST Max for $350.00. My buddy just did it. No sub to sat. Also has Chromecast support now. Just an option

How much is the online only not Max?


Where can I look Boris?

Here's the info edited from Directv website:

NFL Sunday Ticket available to more viewers without DirecTV subscription

By John Breech |

August 10, 2015 5:20 pm ET

The biggest problem that most people have with "NFL Sunday Ticket" is that it's almost impossible to get unless you have a DirecTV subscription.

That's all going to change in 2015.

The satellite carrier, which is now owned by AT&T, announced on Monday that Sunday Ticket will now be available to almost anyone, even if they don't have a DirecTV subscription.

NFL fans willing to pony up $199-$359 will be able to stream every Sunday afternoon game this season. The packages will also be available in monthly installments that you can see below.

"Millions of people in apartments and houses in the US who were unable to install DIRECTV satellite dishes can now enjoy every out-of-market game, every Sunday afternoon on their favorite mobile and connected devices," DirecTV's senior vice president of marketing, Alex Kaplan, said. if I have it on my phone I can use chromecast to shoot it to the TV.


Or am I missing something?


If I'm not, are that many people really unaware of casting that they can tier it the way they do?

Called to verify I had Sunday Ticket AND Red Zone Channel (It’s an extra fee of $102 per season to have Red Zone) They showed as usual I was NOT on auto-renewal. I said, “Jeesh, this happens every year!” So….


-They comped Sunday Ticket for 2015---worth $252. I only pay $102 for Red Zone Channel this year.


-They dropped  some #500 channels we were paying for but never watched reduced bill $8.00/mo.


-I had to agree to not cancel Direct TV for 12 months.


I rock.


I'm still under contract until next June. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can get these vampires to give me a discount (I already pay a fortune for channels I personally never watch), or am I pretty much just screwed? I absolutely won't let the bastards extend my contract if that's what it takes.

I think, sadly, you might just want to close your eyes and get the best NFL package you can get, and count on paying full price.

These guys just will not discount, and you being great football fans will love being able to catch all of it.

That, or move back to the motherland. Might be cheaper!

called in yesterday went straight to cancel, got free Sunday ticket max and $45 off my bill for 12 months and 6 months of free showtime. I was paying $140 a month now I'm at $95 with the ticket. My contract was up I know that makes a difference,  I did not have to do a new contract so should be easy next year as well.

When I called and the automated system asked my reason for calling, I said cancel service.  I assume it connected me directly to Customer Retention.  I then asked how much time I had left on my service contract... one year.  Based on comments here I assumed I wouldn't get anything off, so I simply asked if I was set to receive Sunday Ticket this year.  On her own she asked, "Would you like to see if there are any discounts available for Sunday Ticket?"  I said, "Uhm, sure, okay."  Her first offer was 5 dollars off a month.  I asked if there were any other deals.  She then told me she could do 9 dollars off a month, so I accepted it.  I'm not getting it for free, but given that I have a year left on my contract it's more than I expected.

These d-bags held super firm with me - all they would offer was $5 off per month; they said since I got a large discount last year, that is all the farther they would go.  Doesn't help that my contract is also for another year.

Originally Posted by mick:

called in yesterday went straight to cancel, got free Sunday ticket max and $45 off my bill for 12 months and 6 months of free showtime. I was paying $140 a month now I'm at $95 with the ticket. My contract was up I know that makes a difference,  I did not have to do a new contract so should be easy next year as well.


wow, nice. im calling Monday

Called this week and they gave me the basic Sunday ticket package (no Red Zone, etc) for $4 per month for 6 months.  Did not have to agree to extend service or anything else.  (9 year NFL Sunday ticket subscriber)

Originally Posted by Koopla Krash:

These d-bags held super firm with me - all they would offer was $5 off per month; they said since I got a large discount last year, that is all the farther they would go.  Doesn't help that my contract is also for another year.

Lucky you got anything at all. I would call that excellent customer service.


I remember last year some people signing up for the 2 year deal. Chickens have come home to roost now. Only way I'd do a 2 year contract is if I received all TV the 1st year free & 2nd year half price. Otherwise, 1 year deal MAX for me.


Good luck to everyone this close to the start of the season.

I politely threatened to cancel. Cited CBS Sports article about getting NFL Sun Ticket w/out Directv due to AT&T merger. Said my plan was to get Sun Ticket online and bundle cable and internet with Time Warner.

She said she was unaware of any program to get Sun Ticket without Directv sub but looked at my acct. Long time subscriber = FREE Sun Ticket Max and $15 off bill for 12 mos with 12 mo contract. DONE!


Last edited by GreenBayLA

I got NFL Gamepass Follow Your Team (Euro version with live HD feeds) for $100.  I've done that the past 3 years.  Money well spent.  No contract, no worries.  Run HDMI from laptop to TV and there it is in glorious 1080p

Last edited by PackHammer

14yr customer w/free Ticket since 07


called tonight and retention threw out free Sunday Ticket within first 3 minutes as well as $25 monthly discounts. new 1 year contract, but who cares I need it for the next 4 months anyways and we get the $ discounts.


pushed on the MAx, even said it was a dealbreaker. she got a floor manager and a supervisor, they scoured for 25 minutes and absolutely could not get the Max upgrade. but offered me 20$ off if I added it.


all in all Im happy Ive never (directly) paid for it.

Called Directv tonight. Scored free Sunday Ticket for next 7 years, 200 bucks off my regular programming for three years and free use of a brand new Buick for 2 years. Not happy. I think I am going to cancel my service.

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