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I'm on Team Gutecooter tonight. Actually adding some talented free agents to fill holes makes a huge difference. Amos, Smith, Smith and even Turner was huge (imagine that RG mess from last year if you thought tonight was rough)


Meh, they won, nothing major worth complaining about. Minor nits of Jamal Williams and some poor tackling still and it would have been nice to see the interior O-line hold up a bit better, but that's a nasty front they faced. 

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Nothing negative for me.  Huge  division road win, new coach gets off to a great start against a very good team, etc.  No injuries that I know of.  69 got most of his holding calls out of the way early.

Best sign?  MLF outcoached Nagy, whom I believe is a very good coach.

Pettiine gets most of the props, though.  Holy mother of ****, that was a beautiful turn in by the defense.


He took some shit for the money spent on these FA's. Well, one game in, this sure as hell looks like money well spent. 

+Opie Taylor. 

Holy crap. Kid flipped the field more then once. A long, long way from Zook. 

+ A great road win in one of , if not the toughest games of the year.

-Some whiney bitches on this forum can't watch a game hoping for the best, they simply need to sit in their own fecal matter and bitch about every play. Seriously, it must suck to be such a pessimist.

+Gute - His three free agent signings on defense came up huge with 2.5 sacks, 6 QB hits and a pick in the end zone.  

+No significant injuries

+Huge win on the road against the defending division champs.  

+JK Scott - we have our punter.  

-Rodgers and the offense - this offense looked pretty similar to MM's offense.  Just no rhythm whatsoever.  Yes the Bears have a very good defense but they have too much talent to put up just ten points.  

-Resting the offense in the preseason - we'll never know for sure but offense looked rusty.  

Heads up play of the game was Rodgers not taking a timeout and taking the delay of game.  It meant we kept our timeout and allowed MLF to challenge that horrible Bears "catch" later in the game.

If Rodgers would have tried to take a quick timeout when he noticed he wasn't going to get the snap off it could have been an entirely different game.

vitaflo posted:

Heads up play of the game was Rodgers not taking a timeout and taking the delay of game.  It meant we kept our timeout and allowed MLF to challenge that horrible Bears "catch" later in the game.

If Rodgers would have tried to take a quick timeout when he noticed he wasn't going to get the snap off it could have been an entirely different game.

That is a great observation!

Man, what a great win on the road against a tough defensive team.  All day long the only thing I heard from the national pundits was how good the Bears were as a whole and how they have everything they need to win a SB.  Not a word about GB.  Fukk 'em.  But... wow, holy defense!!! It's about damn time.


Gute has really done a nice job

Congrats to LaFluffer

The Smith brothers are a huge upgrade on the edge

Amos was excellent

Savage is gonna be a stud

The corners were fantastic

JK Scott... holy hell.  

Graham is still a pass-catching weapon


Offense looked rusty but I will give them a pass due to the Bear defense.  Those dudes can ball.  I still think the offense needs to play a few series in the preseason but WTF do I know?

Gotta get the ball to Aaron Jones more.  He is a weapon.  

Where in the hell was Kumerow?  I'd rather see him out there than Davis.



vitaflo posted:

Heads up play of the game was Rodgers not taking a timeout and taking the delay of game.  It meant we kept our timeout and allowed MLF to challenge that horrible Bears "catch" later in the game.

If Rodgers would have tried to take a quick timeout when he noticed he wasn't going to get the snap off it could have been an entirely different game.

Yep.  At the time I was pissed... turns out Rodgers is much smarter me.  

It can’t be understated how much that Bears front 7 ****s up any gameplanning. They’re stacked across the board with not just good players, but elite players. 90% of the rhythm and OL issues were the DL just going wild. OL got enough of them to make some key plays though, big props for that. 

Biggest negative was timing. WTF takes so long in the huddle that they get to the line with 10 sec? Speed that shit up. 

Grave Digger posted:....

Biggest negative was timing. WTF takes so long in the huddle that they get to the line with 10 sec? Speed that shit up. 

Yup, not as bad as last year(s), but still irritating.

ChilliJon posted:

There are zero negatives. Period. It was ugly on offense but any Division win on the road is a huge plus. Preasurs

MLF with his 1st win a GBP coach against the Bears in CHG.   Pressure release valve has been opened.     Now go do you thang Mr. Flower.

Great thread title...

Loved the way the secondary played sound, fundamental football tonight. No one got out of position, no blown coverages to speak of. Owned their matchups for the most part. Brown was the guy they picked on, but shit- they got 3 points. 

Front 7 mostly good- Clark was excellent. The Smiths made a nice splash. 

Rodgers held the ball too long on at least 3 of those sacks. But the Bears front is one of the 3-4 best in the NFL. That’s a helluva way to start a season against the group. 

Its a W. The defense demonstrated full command of the playbook. Would rather see the hat we saw tonight than a 41-38 win. On to the Vikings! 

Road win.
Road win against a division opponent.
A GUTTY performance by the defense.
Opie-9 punts, 5 inside 20, 47.6 average!
Adams, Jones, and others fighting through the pain to return to game.
As far as I know, no serious injuries from a very physical game.
Kahlil who?

Network cameras, coverage, and commentators still in pre-season form.
Blind ass refs are as well.
Bend but don't break OL.
Still plenty to correct everywhere; from play-clock efficiency to tackling.

+rookies can contribute?! 26 and 52 both provided big boosts to the defense at critical points in the game

+ a disciplined defense washing away season after season of platitudes about "compete" penalties being *acceptable*.. and then drive after drive (after drive!)... any of 20 different draft picks over the last 15 years with a key role in the defense would do some impulsive version of "Of course that's a penalty, you dumb ass! "

Followed by a post game  "Penalties?... We gotta clean that up" rote answer from the podium with a wave of the hand and a sideways eye for daring to ask the question.

I had no idea what to expect this season and I don't know how far this team can go, but the defense definitely set a "Let's do this the right way" tone with their play tonight. 

Last edited by titmfatied

+ A win, on the road, at da Bears.  Doesn't get much better than that.  Impressive defense performance with all of Guteys FA acquisitions playing big roles.  Opie Whizbanger was nails.  Didn't see any injuries,.  I'm happy to play the season opener in Soldier Field since that playing surface is only going to get worse as the season grinds on.

- There is work to be done.  (Not even sure that qualifies as a negative.)

- (x10) Streaming the game from Charter Spectrum (my shit-hole cable provider) was brutal.


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