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He's in no danger but he's also 2-4 in the postseason since winning the SB and the stain of the Seattle choke job remains.  Not particularly impressed with how he dealt with the loss of Jordy and bringing in a fresh set of eyes to evaluate the offense might be a good idea. Joe Philbin is a guy he may want to look at, whether it's just as a consultant or a permanent position. My sense is it's more than just the loss of Jordy and my faith in MM to find and apply the fix isn't strong.  

I think that this year has shown just how valuable of a coach MM is.

MM focuses on ST and defense and all of a sudden our defense looks top 10 and our ST look top 15.

MM takes his focus away from the offense and the O drops down to 25th rank.

I think it's clear that MM is an excellent coach who makes a huge difference to this team.  If anything this shows how pathetic some of our assistant coaches are IMO.

Last edited by BartManDude

We got so many freakin injuries in key positions to the point it's almost unrealistic to expect the Packers to win even one more game.   However, we are God's team.  You want some empirical data?  How about that Hail Mary in Detroit.  So, anything can happen and if the Packers make good showing or even win out  - KOOL.  If not, life for me will continue and I will probably not even have to light candles and listen to Zen Music.  I am controlling my passion.  

As for MM, no way would I advocate his removal.  Fk, last season this team was pretty frekin awesome.  Even though I hate some of the play calling and the personnel sets, and seeing freakin Adams out there most of the time. I still think MM is a pretty darn  good coach.  No way MM is getting fired anytime soon, even if Chilli's favorite team, God forbid, takes the next game in Green Bay.

No way will he lose his job.  I think MM got caught up this year in making change for the sake of change.  His blocking of his assistants leaving led to shuffling of coaches to take on greater responsibility.  That obviously didn't work out too well.  But, at least it was a learning experience for MM.  And even though it hasn't worked out well, they still made the playoffs.  That's also a credit to MM and the players. 

posted today :

On Mike McCarthy and the trouble with consistency


"But with the team's woes this season and lack of postseason success in the last five, we're now at a point in the Mike McCarthy era where the question as to whether the team would be better served by someone else is at least worth asking. I asked myself that a few weeks ago just as the Packers were getting pummeled by the then-atrocious Detroit Lions and the answer I came up with was this:

Maybe, but it doesn't really matter.

Mainly because barring some epic collapse the next couple of years - which will never happen, because of Aaron Rodgers - McCarthy getting canned almost certainly won't happen anytime soon."


Interesting that next week is McCarthys 10 year anniversary of being named head coach. Sometimes its best for both parties to move on after things get stale.

but I dont think were at that point yet. Next season will be an important gauge on how MM and TT handle the (probable) shortcomings of this season.


to the folks who have mentioned that they are just happy we made the playoffs - I disagree. When youre led by Rodgers, Matthews, Lacy, Cobb, Peppers and the supporting cast - there is currently enough talent on this team to have higher expectations.

I like McCarthy alot. Like many coaches he needs good Coordinators to be a great head coach. Hopefully the right staff changes are made in the offseason.

Last edited by WolfPack

The worst thing that can happen for the Packers is they struggle to a sloppy  win on Sunday and maybe get a mediocre playoff win.  Then next year they muddle to another winning record and maybe even the NFC North title and only to bow out early in the playoffs.  All the while MM continues to espouse the virtues of his team.  AR gets another year or two older with no more SB appearances or wins and the window of opportunity slips shut a little more.

MM will not lose his job after this season is over unless "something comes out in the wash" that is so extraordinary that TT has no other reasonable choice.   Remember, Ron Wolf axed Ray Rhodes immediately after the Packers 1999 season.   8-8 they were and Wolf knew Rhodes style was a problem.

Like I have mentioned several times before, we could be witnessing the end of the MM happens to all good and great coaches.   All good things come to an end sooner or later.  They just do.  What's to say his methods and message haven't gotten too stale or sour?   The current team is sure playing like they have tuned out their coach and his ideas.   And the rest of NFL seems to have figured out the Packers strategy.

Next season will be key and if we happen to witness another terrible stretch of games like the last 8-9 which we have experienced these last couple months, then I will be hoping MM is gone.  Losing is one thing, but losing pathetically like we have seen lately is quite another.  To spice it up, it is becoming well-known that Rodgers and MM always don't see eye-to-eye...guess who will stay if this problem proves to be too much of a hindrance?

I think MM has one year left of patience and pending.   If 2016 turns out substandard again, then the pressure will be too great for TT to ignore and he will be forced to make a change.  If and until that ever happens, I will be cheering for MM to make good and lead the Packers to another SB title.

GBP1 posted:

The worst thing that can happen for the Packers is they struggle to a sloppy  win on Sunday and maybe get a mediocre playoff win.  Then next year they muddle to another winning record and maybe even the NFC North title and only to bow out early in the playoffs.  

Yes. All these ****ing NFC North Title wins mucking up your expectations. That's the worst thing possible. All this winning *** it has to end. It's driving you crazy. 


Last edited by ChilliJon

Change could be coming.

Aside from the 3rd prediction, can't see any of this happening..

Here are a few things that could happen in the next three or four weeks, none of which would completely shock me:

–TED RETIRES: Thompson has been general manager since January 2005. That’s means he’s already been on the job nearly two years longer than his predecessor, Ron Wolf. The soon-to-be 63-year-old is signed through 2018, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stay until then. Running an NFL team is a grueling gig, and with nothing left to prove, he may decide it’s time to move on and let a younger man (Eliot Wolf?) take over.

-DOM’S DONE: The 65-year-old defensive coordinator has survived numerous bad seasons, so it seems unlikely he’d be shown the door after what’s been one of his better years. But the D still hasn’t shown the ability to compete against quality QBs, and another January meltdown could be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back.

-NEW BLOOD ON O: The offense has been terrible since week 6, and it’s not all because of Jordy Nelson’s injury. Things look as stale as month-old bread. Maybe that’s not surprising since most of the key position coaches have been together for a decade. McCarthy hasn’t added an “outsider” since Alex Van Pelt in 2012, who played for him in college. Perhaps this will be the offseason he decides to import some fresh ideas.

I know all three of these things seem very improbable, but closely following the National Football League for over three decades has taught me that anything can, and usually does happen after disappointing seasons

ChilliJon posted:
GBP1 posted:

The worst thing that can happen for the Packers is they struggle to a sloppy  win on Sunday and maybe get a mediocre playoff win.  Then next year they muddle to another winning record and maybe even the NFC North title and only to bow out early in the playoffs.  

Yes. All these ****ing NFC North Title wins mucking up your expectations. That's the worst thing possible. All this winning *** it has to end. It's driving you crazy. 


It is about winning at the next levels. 

Sure NFCN titles are nice, but you ask coaches, players and is about winning the SB!   The Packers are not the Lions, Vikings or Bears who are wishing just make it into the playoffs.   So playing inept football for weeks and weeks isn't acceptable anymore...for most of us.

Last edited by GBP1

Mike is in a precarious spot.  6-0 start spiked hopes for another run including several home playoff games.  Green Bay takes those home playoff games serious.  A loss this weekend would likely ensure no home playoff games.  

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to community!  If we were near the end of core tallant or had a HOF QB miss several games MM gets a pass.  Not the case.

Uncle Ted tends to shed a player a year too soon rather than too late.  Same should apply to McCarthy.

The next question is whether Ted steps down if management agrees to change coaches.  

Win this week and it is a mute point.

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