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Scoop Has Left The Building...

I am about to take on a significant career change. As part of this I have had to make a number of decisions about how to allocate my time. One of those decisions is to conclude my ownership and management of x4. I hope that I will not need to shut the site down but can instead transfer responsibility for it to someone else who is willing to pay the monthly bill and (presumably) collect donations from members periodically to cover costs. Please PM me if you are interested in doing that.

I am very grateful for the fellowship of this site over the past 5 years. It has meant a lot to me, as I know it has to some of you. I know that I will always count it as one of the best things that I did in my life. That might sound kind of idiotic (idotic?), but no apologies, that's how I feel.

I'm going to close this thread because I really don't want a spate of "don't do it", "you're the best" and "you suck" commentary. I'll feature it so that interested parties can see it and PM me.

Thanks to all of you. I've learned things from just about everyone here. Even those I disagree with have tested my convictions (and my patience) and that is a good thing too I think.

- scoop
I never would have thought being a male prostitute would be too time consuming to run an internet forum. I guess there's more to the job than just messing around. <--

I hope scoop knows how greatful I am for this place....but I don't know if he appreciates me adding onto a thread that he really didn't want made in the first place....oh well, you know me...always the scofflaw.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:

I hope scoop knows how greatful I am for this place....but I don't know if he appreciates me adding onto a thread that he really didn't want made in the first place....oh well, you know me...always the scofflaw.

Second that. Scoop, thanks for keeping up the site I visit (by far) the most frequently on the 'Net. SURE hope you don't disappear, even if you don't run the show.
Good thing you posted this SHoeless (as dumb as it sounds) I never pay any attention to the"stickied" threads.

Been a nice run Scoop. I know you didn't want
to turn this into any attaboy or tear jerker thread.....So F U Big Grin

Seriously all I can really say is when I (not AL Gore)
discovered the Internet I hung around the old JSO board.

That was fun for awhile, however, there is a reason posters
have stuck around here.

I hope the right kind of person with the right kind of attitude can take
it over. If not life will go on.

I know someone with time on his hands and maybe some extra cash bilked
from little old ladies Big Grin

Originally posted by Henry:
Wouldn't you all just crap if I took up the site?

Not that I'm going to but I'd keep it exactly the same, maybe even ban myself.

Thanks Scoop.


The "trying" guy. Smiler

Yeah, go for it Henry!!

PS As the First paid member when the site went pay for a short time, I'll wait until the 'retirement party' to make my sappy post to Scoop
Originally posted by Henry:
Wouldn't you all just crap if I took up the site?

Actually I don't think the site needs anyone to "take it over". I'd personally rather see someone just take the reigns of the financial and infrastructural side of x4 and leave all of the moderating to the excellent (and I'm not just saying that, I believe it) moderators this site has. There's too much balance here right now to see someone just launch in and yank the site in a whole new direction or send it down a bad one-way road like a certain other site which will remain nameless.

When you think of the people a site like this has and will impact, any transferrence of ownership cannot be something that is taken lightly. scoop needs to find the right person or this place will just go down the tubes.

I agree. In a perfect cyber world, if there was a willing "geek" to take over the computer issues and collect the money, perhapse the 3 moderators could act as a tribunal to handle content and user issues. It would be hard to expect another to match scoop's even handedness as he oversaw everything.

I doubt many of us know just how much or how little time and technical knowledge is required to keep the site running.

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