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Crosby is in a funk. As quick as he got into it, I believe he can snap out of it. Kickers don't grow on trees. Now is not the time to address this, the off-season is via the draft, or bringing in FA to challenge him. He's got the one thing you cannot coach...leg strength. His problem right now is between the ears...and that can be rectified. Lots of veteran kickers have gone through slumps in their careers...Morten Andersen, Jason Hansen, etc. Hell, one of the biggest head-cases in NFL kicking history in Janikowski is still kicking because he can still kick a 70 yarder. Patience.

The OL is far more worrisome. EDS is a POS. Lang I think will get better at RT, but they need to find an answer for RG. Hell, the entire OL looked shoddy at times today. But it's the only OL we have, so they'd better improve.

Jordy was almost absent today...TGIFinley for the first time in 2 season. If he hadn't shown up, this would have been an L.

DB's did really well, if CM3 had been healthy, I think it wouldn't have been close. Brad Jones, while unspectacular, is a solid, journeyman player.

Rodgers is reverting back to the bad habit of hanging on to the ball too long.

Also, I am blaming some of the offenses woes on bye week rust. We should be sharper next week.

Gebins to Starks...he made a lot of something, out of nothing at times. He's not Adrian Peterson, but he's better than many of his naysayers think.

Gebins to a lot of the young, unproven guys stepping up, namely Moses and the DB's. And Walden too.

Giants aren't that great at home. Right now, we are not going to blow anyone away...we have too many issues of our own. However, we are good enough to beat any team in their crib on any given day.
Originally posted by FLPACKER:
You do realize that plays are called according to what the anticipated defense being played is, don't you? ...and that AR usually has a run or pass play that he can change the call to depending on the pre read snap? Teams have been attempting to limit our pass attack by playing 6 in the box, thus making the run the most likely play to gain yards & pass a larger chance of a sack or INT.... we have the knowledge or information that goes into play calling, that our staff does.

...and that is why we are so predictable! We let the defense dictate to us just means we are playing scared eeer... conservative and then we get games like this or worse. What about attacking the middle of the field!!!!

With that said, still nice to see the Pack can still win while not even close to playing their best.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
Lucky stafford is horrible, cause he had a lot of men wide open.

Good win still, not your best game, but a road division win nonetheless.

Yup. Stafford was our MVP.

It looked to me like he was throwing a split second early and it didn't look like he was stepping into his throws well. Pass rush/pressure the cause?
Originally posted by Henry

Originally posted by cuqui:
Excellent post, Pack Foo.
pretty sure those words have never been strung together in that order before.

"Yes, Jeremiah, that is a wonderful fence, I particularly like the posts you carved from the old oak tree. That last one is an excellent post. Pack foo d for the barn raising tomorrow and you can call it a is 6:30 after all.
Sign 'em all to extensions now! Big Grin

Seriously, I love the way Moses and Hayward play. Smart, tough and with great ball awareness. Moses had a sack and Hayward just continues to impress and is in the running for ROY at this rate. MacMillan is learning on the job and is hanging tough. TT sure picked 'em good this year. Now if only he could find a Olineman and RB... or two or three...
Originally posted by Pack-Man:
Once Woodson and Matthews get back, this defense will become the sort of unit that this team can lean on.

I agree with you. If I recall correctly, they shut down the Lions in the last two minutes (and in the first 58 minutes held them to 20 points). I think the coaches have already started leaning on them and the D is succeeding.
Originally posted by PackLandVA:
At what point might Chuck being out there be considered a potential "liability"?

I read an article the other day in which Woodson was called the Packers best slot cover CB... I immediately thought no, he's not. Hugely valuable and nowhere near a liability, but he can't cover anymore like he could even just last season.
Originally posted by heyward:
Originally posted by PackLandVA:
At what point might Chuck being out there be considered a potential "liability"?

He's only a liability if he plays cornerback. As long as Dom keeps him at safety, his return should help the defense.

In coverage though, he tends to draw flags. Chuck is definitely valuable on the D side of the ball. But it's a testament to the youngsters. Chuck being out for several games has made me less nervous about next year's secondary.
Looks like there were two different games going on today. Half the people think the pass rush was good, the other half think it was bad. The blitzes weren't great, but the Lions had most of their biggest completions on blown coverages (or letting an INT go right through their hands into the arms of Calvin Johnson), not due to Stafford having all day to throw.
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
really, before we get to excited, Stafford was horrible today, I don't know how many times he missed a wide open man.

The kids were good though, don't get me wrong, but Stafford was epic.
If Matthews, Woodson and Shields had been available, Detroit is lucky to score 10 points. Even though Stafford is more or less Scott Mitchell 2.0 (Mitchell was able to put up a blockbuster, all world season one year too), I'm happy with what I saw today.

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