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All, hope you had a wonderful holiday and New Years! Could I ask a small favor?  Would you consider taking a minute to vote for me for the Green Bay Packers Fan Hall Of Fame?  You can do so at the following link until January 31st:  Just click on the button next to my name (Steve Schumer), then go to the bottom of the page and click on "Vote."  I've also attached excerpts from my Packers scrapbook -- many of which are referred to in the nomination -- that I thought you might get a kick out of browsing through.  Don't know if I'll win, but greatly appreciate your helping me try!  Thanks so much. 


Last edited by sschumer - Packer Fan HoF'r
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Originally Posted by JJSD:

Done and best of luck, Steve.


Keel is already revving up his candidacy for the 'Oh, How I've Been Wronged by Society' Hall of Fame.  Free maxipads for life upon induction.  

Please don't "talk down" to me like that in a post.  You are the one that embarrassed yourself with that last post.   Use the PM if there's a problem.  Absolutely no reason for you to post that gibberish unless you want to flame.


Anytime someone steps up with politics on one side, I will try to "balance" things out.  The problem is that everyone is so used to it and when the other side speaks up, all of sudden it's "a cause" or something.


Notice the problem in the first post or don't bother responding to the responder.


I don't have a problem with you or anyone.  However, I've seen enough liberal politics thrown into topics/posts that don't need to be there.  So, I am sure TimesFour isn't a political arm of any party or political thought.  So, reply to EVERYONE with your banter when politics is brought up.  I could give a rat's ass what your political beliefs are....I am not a conservative either, I am an independent/libertarian.   I am just tired of seeing the liberals take digs here and there and not get called out on it.


It is time.



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