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Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:

It feels like bugs crawling all over my that's not the meth talking (this time)'s cheering Golden Tate as he ran in for that touchdown.


I need to cleanse my soul.

I read that to my wife! 

Originally Posted by PackerRuss:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Sure am scared of Dallas.

I was one of them talking up Dallas, a week ago, they haven't started this game, the same way they have the past month.  


Sure am scared of Dallas.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Sure am scared of Dallas.

The Packers would beat them, but they're not a cream-puff like Carolina. I'd rather see the Packers get the cream-puff and Seattle get the team that at least has a small chance at at upset. Seattle would likely beat Detroit by two scores, but they'd probably beat Carolina by 3-4 scores.

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