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Originally Posted by YATittle:
Originally Posted by Tschmack:
Golden Tate is a jag but he's pretty damn shifty in the slot

Detroit gets another score here and it's really going to put the pressure on

This is fun to watch

Nice block on the Bush TD.

**** Tate.

Originally Posted by Pakrz:


Seriously how no idea that was Kate Upton.  

She looks different each time I see her. I didn't know it was her in that commercial either.


Seems like she put on a couple lbs. She should probably do some more cat daddying to work it off.


Don't get me wrong, she's still smoking hot and yes, I would like to bang her, to answer your original question. I wouldn't even need any Busch Lights in me to do it.

Everybody still pissing in their pants over this crap-ass Dallass team?  Even if they come back and win, I'll look forward to the 48-12 ass-kicking they'll be handed next week.


Mike Sherman Packers.

Last edited by JJSD
Originally Posted by PackerRuss:
Originally Posted by Iowacheese:
Originally Posted by Pakrz:

Does anybody else wanna bang the Game of War chick?

Couple busch lights in her and she will dance like a marionette




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Originally Posted by Esox:
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

I have no doubt Detroit has it in them to **** this all up. 

Knock on wood!

Probably lots of wood close at hand with that Kate Upton video.

Originally Posted by Henry:

The Packers did play this Detroit team and beat them.

b..b...but, they lost to them, too 


Seriously, GB is so much better than both these teams...I really don't have a preference who we'd play. I want whoever has the best chance to beat Seattle (probably Detroit over Carolina) to go there next week. 

Nagler makes a good point for once:

@AaronNagler: Everyone comparing Packers and Cowboys o-lines in my timeline are discounting the Rodgers vs Romo factor presnap. Some of this is on Romo.

Originally Posted by cuqui:

Nagler makes a good point for once:

@AaronNagler: Everyone comparing Packers and Cowboys o-lines in my timeline are discounting the Rodgers vs Romo factor presnap. Some of this is on Romo.

What's Nagler flappin' his cock hole about?

Originally Posted by JJSD:


Mike Sherman Packers.

Yeah...lots of parallels. Great offensive lines, awesome running games, suspect defenses, and very good regular season QBs that you just know are going to blow it at the critical moment.

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