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Originally Posted by Rockin' Robin:

I'm just pointing out that I think the Packers as an organization could have handled the communication around this a lot better. Just seems like way more drama than what's necessary.

It's only a drama if you're looking for one.  For many of us, Rodgers is out until we read he's going to start on Sunday, whatever Sunday that is.  There's no conspiracy or angst between TT/MM/AR12.  There's just a Doctor who says the player isn't healthy enough yet to play.

Last edited by FinnLander
Originally Posted by SanDiegoPackFan:

you guys are too funny....why are you so angry Shoeless?  It's the season!


but...I did seem to hook you with that line...I was trying to make a point:


Just make sure you say the same to the other posters who try to squeeze in politics, too...I don't see you (and others and the mods) as being consistent with that....


Merry Christmas!



The left here can take shots at the right any time they wish.


They are not, however, tolerant of the same thing directed towards them because conservatives are idiots.


Please get with the program.


I'm just here to help.

Last edited by Blair Kiel
Originally Posted by Goalline:

TT is a smart man. Short term thinkers can't wait to see Arod out there. TT knows this is a 10 year relationship with 120 mil invested in it. He is not about to risk an injury that could very well shorten Arod's career.

Yeah. It's TT alright. The only person with enough keen insight to prepare for this by fortifying the position with Graham Harrell, B.J. Coleman, a Vince Young on 2 weeks work and Senneca Wallace. When some lowly posters floated the scenario about shutting Rodgers down because the team's porous defense made playoff success iffy at best they were greeted with derisive comments. Now with Collarbonegate laid bare the same thing is being spun as some brilliant strategy.


The obvious is that the Packers have their own version of Eric Snowden given the number of media leaks that not only undermine what the poor HC gets up there and utters weekly it makes him seem like the Iraqi Information Minister in hindsight. The denial that there were internal discussions about shutting Rodgers down was stupid. Not smart. It just encourages know-it-all fans like us, not to mention the news media, to be skeptical of other versions. All that was needed was "when Aaron Rodgers is cleared to play medically then he will play". Nothing else was needed. Communicating this to the HC so he wouldn't have Rodgers running with the #1 unit with media present (that mistake seems to have been corrected in hindsight) would have also been smart.


The whole thing has been a PR clusterf***. If folks want to pretend that its Thompson's uncanny vision and smarts, not a conservative medical staff that isn't going to put their collective butts on the line, then let him take ownership of the mixed message that has come out of Packerland. And somebody plug those leaks.

Last edited by Va. Packer
Originally Posted by Va. Packer:

The whole thing has been a PR clusterf***.

I don't get that sense.  I think there's a process and they're following the process.  To me, the team has handled it responsibly.   They're making decisions based on the information they have.  


What would you suggest the Packers should have said that would have improved public relations? 



It's not what they should have's what they should have done....I have seen a lot of people injured more than Rodgers brought back to health much quicker.  Heck, Captain James T. Kirk was pronounced dead at least 5 times on Star Trek episodes and every time he was back in the captain's chair and able to overact within an hour....have any of you ever seen any of the Wolverine movies?  Why can't the Packers pull of something like that with Rodgers...the 6 million dollar man was rebuilt, better than he was before, for about the cost of a 1st round draft pick's contract....why couldn't the Pack invest a little in bionics?


That's what gets me so mad about you people....none of you ever deal in reality.

If we were 12 weeks into this thing I think people have every right to question the communication tactics or the medical staff in general.  However, he's still in the recovery "window" of time they thought it might take for him to be able to play so I'm not sure what people want or expect at this point.   I have a hard time believing that the team would intentionally hold him out given everything that's at stake but if he's not ready to go he's not ready to go.   As much as I've bashed Flynn if he plays like he did last week in the second half they should beat the Steelers and that puts them in a position next week to win the division.  


The only baseline I have on this is Charles Woodson - and pretty sure he missed a full 8 weeks with a similar injury.  

The "HIPPA" references really seem to be off base in sports.  Teams, coaches, teammates, etc. very often talk openly about injuries, surgeries, recoveries, diagnoses, prognoses, etc.  of the players.  I'm sure team reps (coaches, owners, medical and training staff, etc.) are very well coached as to what is legal to discuss and what isn't.  I wouldn't even be surprised if players sign a waiver in their contracts that allow teams to discuss "sports-related" injuries.


Rodgers suffered a work related injury.   I'm not an attorney, but I don't think the same HIPPA rules apply in those situations.   It's more of a concern if it's a medical condition or illness that's not work related. 


At least that's been my experience dealing with employees, but I don't have to answer to the media either.    

With the city of Detroit in financial disaster I have expected them to be in the playoffs or SB similar to what happened in New Orleans.  The bad Schwartz is making this difficult.  Green Bay needs to lose this week.  Chicago needs to lose next week.  De toilet wins and they are in. 


That is when the shots from the grassy knoll happen.  A Pass Interference.  A Holding Call on opponents OT.  An aggressive hit to anyone wearing blue and silver.


I hope I am rong.  I don't want to go back to WWE.

What's worse case scenario and what are the odds?  He gets tackled in a way that breaks the bone again, but a full break.  So then misses the rest of the season and is back next year.  Is another break now going to leave the bone more susceptible to future breaks?  Don't know, but by the way they are handling this I assume so.


How many times is he tackled in a game?  Can you do anything to limit those?  I'm sure you could limit it to no more than 5..  What are the odds one of those 5 tackles is done in a way that could break the bone again.  


I think the reward of greater chance of making the dance outweighs the risk when you consider the odds.


Let the man play.

Last edited by BrainDed
Originally Posted by Brak:

Looks like you are wearing scrubs in your avatar.  Maybe you have back up your assertion that Dr. McKenzie is acting on only what the player is telling him? 


You really seem to have some knowledge about this that you aren't sharing.  Not fair to the rest of us.

That picture is of my wife, wise ass. 


I have an opinion. It may be wrong. Perhaps you can tell me exactly what the process is that keeps Rodgers from getting cleared to play.


Are they taking x-rays every wednesday? How do they know the bone isn't healed?


Did the scan from few weeks ago, look so bad that they won't bother to take another one for some weeks.


Why are they letting him practice?

Originally Posted by Boston Jim:

Are they taking x-rays every wednesday?


Yes, they are.


How do they know the bone isn't healed?


Because they take x-rays every Wednesday.


Did the scan from few weeks ago, look so bad that they won't bother to take another one for some weeks.


You have no knowledge about scan schedules for Aaron Rodgers.  None.


Why are they letting him practice?


To be as sharp as possible once he's cleared.


Last edited by Brak
Originally Posted by Tschmack:

If we were 12 weeks into this thing I think people have every right to question the communication tactics or the medical staff in general.  However, he's still in the recovery "window" of time they thought it might take for him to be able to play so I'm not sure what people want or expect at this point.   I have a hard time believing that the team would intentionally hold him out given everything that's at stake but if he's not ready to go he's not ready to go.   As much as I've bashed Flynn if he plays like he did last week in the second half they should beat the Steelers and that puts them in a position next week to win the division.  


The only baseline I have on this is Charles Woodson - and pretty sure he missed a full 8 weeks with a similar injury.  



The Packers have said from day one that AR12 will be on the field when the medical staff says he can go.


The reason this has turned into such a cluster**** is the endless speculation by media, who are not above creating drama and controversy when it suits their ratings needs.


I listen to Bill Michaels fairly often and he was tooting his horn pretty damn loudly that HE thought the Packers were targeting the Atlanta game, following the bye, for ARs return. When you toot that horn 500 times a day, every day, pretty soon fans start to think Michaels actually knows wtf he is talking about. Then comes Atlanta and no AR, then comes Dallas and still no AR and people start asking why. All because of pure speculation by people who don't know jack.


End of soap box rant.

Last edited by Badgeman

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