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I'm starting to get on the bandwagon of drafting Alabama NT Jesse Williams. The guy is an absolute tank. I've never seen him get pushed back by an OL, not once. He gets great leverage, he has incredible functional strength (as opposed to weight room strength), and he has a great motor. He doesn't offer a ton of speed as a pass rusher, but he will hold his gap and not let anything go up the middle. Very much like a raw Haloti Ngata.
Count me in with the "we trade back in the first round" group. I think the first pick will be a WR because we are going to lose Greg Jennings, and we have a pass first offense. According to mocks right now, the top WR's will be gone by the middle of the 2nd round. Good RB's and MLB's can be gotten in the latter 2nd and 3rd rounds. If we do trade back in the 1st round I believe we will trade back up to get a mid-3rd round pick and have 5 picks in the first four rounds. Besides WR, I think RB, MLB, DT and TE (or G/C) will be the top 5 picks if we draft for need.

As of now I think that Robert Woods, WR, USC will be the pick. The only thing that makes me wary of us taking Woods is that it would make 3 out of 4 years that we take a USC player in the 1st or 2nd round. If DeAndre Hopkins is still available as some mocks and player grading sites are showing he will be, he would be a good alternative choice to Woods.

But there is way too much water to go under the bridge before the draft.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
I'm starting to get on the bandwagon of drafting Alabama NT Jesse Williams.

I'd like this. Defensive middle will be the priority... either DL, LB, or S in the first 4 rounds, in no particular, order.

I think they tag Jennings.

Especially if Worthy really did have ACL surgery. That would really change the equation on the defensive line for basically the whole season next year. With both of our lines mediocre at best, I don't think we can afford to spend high picks on skill players. We need big ugly guys.
Grave Digger; Only the GB staff and Derek Sherrod will know how healthy he is- but should he be blowing up the wt room and running extremely well GB may pass on an OT in rd 1 if not Lane Johnson has become a sexy pick because he fits TT's mold of smart athletic men. While I agree that D-line will be a priority and a your pick of the Alabama Nt is a good one. Should GB take Williamson Rd 1 then maybe Kyle Long in Rd 2. This pick would enable barclay to move to guard and Lang to Center and have a pretty good back up crew of EDS and Newhouse!

A guy I have like for a couple of years (Margus Hunt) might be available in early rd 3 who would fit TT's goal of a tall DE.

I just don't see TT taking a RB before rd 3 and maybe not till rd 4. I think he will build the two walls of his team and and troll for depth as he always does
I do agree Lane Johnson is intriguing, but I can't see them going OT in round 1 three times in 4 years. We will get Sherrod and Bulaga back and we still have Barclay and Newhouse. That's three guys who have started double digit games. I think Thompson will gamble on what he has. Never say never with TT though.

Hunt is a really interesting player that I can't really make a judgement on as far as projections go. Certainly the physical tools are there, the size is there, and the motor is there. I'm not sold on him though, especially with an early pick. He's a boom/bust player (to borrow the cliche). The boom is you get Brett Keisel more than likely.

Agree on RB. I don't see a RB in this draft that TT would see as a value early on. The real value will be in the mid-rounds, we will probably see a solid run on RBs in round 4 IMO.
This is what I would like to see:
1st round - Barrett Jones, C Alabama
2nd round - TJ McDonald, S LSU
3rd round - Jon Bostic, LB Florida
4th round - Ricky Wagner, T Wisconsin

Barrett Jones would definitely start on day one. McDonald and Bostic could be starters as well if Hawk and Woodson are released. Wagner probably doesn't have the foot speed to play LT, but he would add some much needed depth on the O-line.
I see Vaccaro as a smaller, faster Morgan Burnett. He has great range, he supports the run well, solid tackler, but he's not the ball hawk that his predecessor Earl Thomas was/is. Best case scenario you're getting a really solid Safety back there. Not an Ed Reed type, but he will make a lot of plays. Worst case scenario you're getting a more athletic Charlie Peprah who can support the run, but is only an average pass defender. JMO though.

Ogletree is a raw athlete at this point. He's big, he's strong, he's fast, he can hit/tackle, and he can cover. His question mark is on the mental/attitude side. Best case scenario, he gets his head on straight and you're getting an All-Pro ILB. Worst case scenario you're getting Torrance Marshall.
Originally posted by Johnny Boy:
GD if you have your option do you draft O-Line, Tight End or D ??

It depends on what is available honestly. I wouldn't rule out any position in round 1 except QB, FB, CB, Punter, and Long Snapper...CB is only untouchable because I think we're truly stocked at that position. Everything else should be fair game IMO, best player available. You could make a case for any position, other than the ones previously mentioned, for being the top position of need...

RB: No impact player here other than scat back DuJuan Harris.
TE: Finley is most likely gone and the rest of the players are ST/situational players.
OT: Who knows how Sherrod will rebound from being off the field for over a year and Newhouse has been up and down. Bulaga is coming off injury and Barclay has also been up and down.
OG: Sitton is a Pro Bowler, but Lang has struggled in the run game.
C: Saturday is a goner and Evan DS is clearly a just a spot player.

DE: Neal is up and down, Worthy is coming off an ACL, Pickett and Wilson are primarily run stuffers only. Daniels showed promise, but he's not a starter IMO.
NT: Raji is solid, but where's the depth?
OLB: Who knows how Perry will rebound from injury, Walden is clearly not starting caliber, and Moses is a situational player.
ILB: Who knows how Bishop and Smith will rebound from injury, Hawk is most likely a goner due to his bloated cap number, and Jones is a UFA.
S: Burnett has been up and down, Jennings has had more down than up, and McMillan has looked great at times and awful others.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Worst case scenario you're getting Torrance Marshall.
That's a pretty awful worst case scenario. I remember him starting in place of Nate Wayne in a game against the Titans back in '01 where Skip Hicks tore the defense to ribbons. That guy was as about as smart as a goldfish. IIRC, he got something like a 6 on the Wonderlic.
from what i've seen, Minter (LSU), Bostic (Florida) and Reddick (UNC) all seem to be great LB prospects. Minter is going in the first round. Guys like Bostic or Reddick will go on day 2 most likely.

and keep your eye of Khaseem Greene from Rutgers. he's more of a weakside LB but could fit nicely in the Packers D.

Safety Jonathan Cyrpien is a name that keeps coming up in the Senior Bowl coverage. He's had a really productive career at FIU and is terrific at playing the run.
Last edited by bubbleboy789
While it would be nice if the Packers could get a top-notch feature back, their biggest issues on offense are the OL and offensive philosophy. Grant/Green/Harris/Starks form a pretty good committee, they're just running behind a junk OL (C and LT are the problem areas obviously) with coaches who have developed an addiction to passing over the past two seasons.
Last edited by El-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by Pack-Man:
While it would be nice if the Packers could get a top-notch feature back, their biggest issues on offense are the OL and offensive philosophy. Grant/Green/Harris/Starks form a pretty good committee, they're just running behind a junk OL (C and LT are the problem areas obviously) with coaches who have developed an addiction to passing over the past two seasons.

A lot of names but don't see a real running back threat there which we haven't had in awhile. A back to make the D respect our running game and plan their D with him in mind along with A-rod would be awesome. O-line can be good if players get healthy, especially Sherrod.

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