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It has been an excellent World Cup so far! Scoring is up, speedy play is the rule and not the exception, and... there are still too many diving players. Perhaps they will start giving a free kick to the defenders in the case of dives to help eliminate them, much like hockey has done. But, loved watching Chile's quickness and pressure destroy Spain, the Netherlands' power and precision, and seeing some new countries at the top of the heap. Great fun to watch!

Have to admit it's been a great first week. I thought Ghana's goal against the US was incredible. Cahills goal yesterday was freaking awesome. The flopping is almost getting tolerable. Almost....


Question for those that follow this closely. Pepe was challenging Mueller when Mueller went down like Pepe emptied a 12 gauge shotgun into his chest. Pepe barely brushed him in the face. Pepe goes back and gives him a little forehead bump and Mueller goes into another spastic convulsion. Pepe gets the Red card and the talking soccer heads all agree it's the right thing to do...


Really?!?!?!?! Do you really toss a guy for that when Mueller was blatantly acting the whole thing out? Isn't that an opportunity to try and put and end to the drama? Isn't throwing Pepe out and then having everyone agreeing with it compounding the problem? 

As in the NFL, they always get the second guy.  (I'd like to see more fouls called for diving -- I'm talking to you, Arjen Robben -- just like I'd love to see 15-yard penalties in the NFL on WRs who pantomime the penalty flag motion trying to draw a pass interference call.)

And head-butting is an absolute no-no.  If Pepe had only hurled a string of invective at MΓΌller, you'd probably get one of those situations where multiple players from both sides wind up huddled around each other, leaving the referee to break it up and give the players a stern talking-to.
Originally Posted by Fandame:

It has been an excellent World Cup so far! Scoring is up, speedy play is the rule and not the exception, and... there are still too many diving players. Perhaps they will start giving a free kick to the defenders in the case of dives to help eliminate them, much like hockey has done. But, loved watching Chile's quickness and pressure destroy Spain, the Netherlands' power and precision, and seeing some new countries at the top of the heap. Great fun to watch!

The refs are supposed to give free kicks to the defense in the even of a dive, and yellow cards to the diving loser. They have failed to do this.

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Have to admit it's been a great first week. I thought Ghana's goal against the US was incredible. Cahills goal yesterday was freaking awesome. The flopping is almost getting tolerable. Almost....


Question for those that follow this closely. Pepe was challenging Mueller when Mueller went down like Pepe emptied a 12 gauge shotgun into his chest. Pepe barely brushed him in the face. Pepe goes back and gives him a little forehead bump and Mueller goes into another spastic convulsion. Pepe gets the Red card and the talking soccer heads all agree it's the right thing to do...


Really?!?!?!?! Do you really toss a guy for that when Mueller was blatantly acting the whole thing out? Isn't that an opportunity to try and put and end to the drama? Isn't throwing Pepe out and then having everyone agreeing with it compounding the problem? 

Head butts, no matter how slight are an automatic ejection. Pepe's reputation as an intimidating force didn't help him either. Mueller is a big baby, but a really talented one.

Any use of the head to even touch another guy is going to automatically get a red card. It's partially a holdover from 2006 when Zidane headbutted an opponent in the chest and, IMHO, a consequence of the emphasis today on concussions and using the head to strike someone no matter how lightly.


The diving definitely needs to be addressed, as do the guys who get bumped, go down and roll around forever like a body part was just sawed off, then get stretchered and hauled off, and as soon as they hit the sideline jump up and run back onto the pitch. It's all a game to waste time and everyone knows it, so let's not tolerate it. Guys who get stretchered off should have a mandatory "off-the-field time" and let's see how their teammates like playing with 10 for, say, three minutes. Exception is if a guy is subbed for immediately. That would be like the NFL's miss-a-play rule if you stay down.


Wide receivers pantomiming flag throwing or diving get a 5-yard "Oscar-worthy performance" penalty.  

Its criminal a guy can pull what Mueller did and someone else gets a red card. Nonsense. If I'm Pepe and I get a red card I'm going back at Mueller and really getting my money's worth out of his flopping ass. 


Another question for the Cupheads. 


What's the ruling on roster changes once play has begun? Are roster changes allowed? If a man goes down and out for the tourney are you able to replace him? Or once your roster is set that's it?


Thanks and I'll take the answer off the air.

   A                   1   2   3   4            B                   1   2   3   4
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
1. Brazil            | X |3:1|0:0|   |        1. Spain            | X |1:5|0:2|   |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
2. Croatia           |1:3| X |   |4:0|        2. Netherlands      |5:1| X |   |3:2|
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
3. Mexico            |0:0|   | X |1:0|        3. Chile            |2:0|   | X |3:1|
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
4. Cameroon          |   |0:4|0:1| X |        4. Australia        |   |2:3|1:3| X |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+

  C                    1   2   3   4            D                   1   2   3   4
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
1. Cololmbia         | X |3:0|2:1|   |        1. Uruguay          | X |1:3|2:1|   |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
2. Greece            |0:3| X |   |0:0|        2. Costa Rica       |3:1| X |   |   |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
3. Ivory Coast       |1:2|   | X |2:1|        3. England          |1:2|   | X |1:2|
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
4. Japan             |   |0:0|1:2| X |        4. Italy            |   |   |2:1| X |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+

  E                    1   2   3   4            F                   1   2   3   4
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
1. Switzerland       | X |2:1|   |   |        1. Argentina        | X |2:1|   |   |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
2. Ecuador           |1:2| X |   |   |        2. Bosnia-Herz.     |1:2| X |   |   |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
3. France            |   |   | X |3:0|        3. Iran             |   |   | X |0:0|
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
4. Honduras          |   |   |0:3| X |        4. Nigeria          |   |   |0:0| X |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+

  G                    1   2   3   4            H                   1   2   3   4
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
1. Germany           | X |4:0|   |   |        1. Belgium          | X |2:1|   |   |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
2. Portugal          |0:4| X |   |   |        2. Algeria          |1:2| X |   |   |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
3. Ghana             |   |   | X |1:2|        3. Russia           |   |   | X |1:1|
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+
4. United States     |   |   |2:1| X |        4. South Korea      |   |   |1:1| X |
                     +---+---+---+---+                            +---+---+---+---+

A1                                                                                        A2
  -----------+                                                                +-----------
B2           +-----------+                                        +-----------+           B1
  -----------+           |                                        |           +-----------
C1                       +-----------+                +-----------+                       C2
  -----------+           |           |                |           |           +-----------
D2           +-----------+           +-----------     |           +-----------+           D1
  -----------+                       |                |                       +-----------
E1                                   |                |                                   E2
  -----------+                       |                |                       +-----------
F2           +-----------+           |     -----------+           +-----------+           F1
  -----------+           |           |                |           |           +-----------
G1                       +-----------+                +-----------+                       G2
  -----------+           |                                        |           +-----------
H2           +-----------+                                        +-----------+           H1
  -----------+                                                                +-----------
Originally Posted by Fedya:
That's one of the most interesting posts I've ever read, Pikes Peak.

It was very interesting until the pic I posted disappeared.


the caption read something like this......I don't watch soccer, if I want to witness 90 minutes of no scoring I'll take my friends to a bar.



I saw it during my cocktail hour and it seemed funny at the time.....I guess from now on I'll refer to your movie posts for my humor fix.



England out, Spain out, and Italy possibly out, with a performance like that today against Uruguay.  


It's been a fun Cup to watch, since the times work, and solid performances from teams off the radar.  I enjoy watching the attacking style of play (Costa Rica), more than the building style of play (Spain).


The flopping seems to have dwindled just a bit, but we'll see during the knockout stage and the games are 1 and done.  


I completely agree with the fact, if you get stretchered off, you should be out 5 minutes, before coming back in.  


Also, it should be interesting to see the fall out from the Uruguay player yesterday who was knocked out on the pitch, got taken off, (apparently concussed), and then got right back in the game.   

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