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Except for being a queens fan, Viking Girl (Lynne?) was good people.
I was at the 2002 X4 get together at Kroll's, along with I2H, Ships2, and a bunch of other people that I'd have to check in my archives to name. 

Her Packer fan husband was a wood worker...?
His family including the mom, all had equipment related names, ?helmet, ?cleats, etc.

Cracked Helmet?

Goalline posted:
Rusty posted:
Boris posted:

Explain The word "MeAting"

Some other people have inquired about the source of MeAting and coincidentally the whereabouts of the late great Iowacheese.

Iowacheese was a legendary X4 poster/punching bag. His goofy, down-home persona (as well as him being a diehard Iowa fan) and posting style made him an easy target for good-natured mocking and other ribald chicanery. Not only could IC take his bashing like a champ, he could respond just as quickly with another humorous beatdown towards his accuser.

Because IC was a vaguely in-the-closet cop, he wasn't that bright, and sometimes typing the English language was too much for his minuscule Hawkeye brain to handle. Among the many solecisms he created:

  • Meat instead of meet (i.e. "Let's Meat")
  • Ewe instead of you
  • adding -ya to the end of poster's usernames
  • He once tried to copy and paste a link to a picture stored on his hard drive in a post here. Literally, the post ended up reading: [IMG]C://My Computer/My Pictures/Picture_1.JPG[/IMG]

There are many other examples of IC-isms

Despite being a beloved X4 regular, IC has not been seen since an incident in PMs when a pissing match gone awry led to someone involved getting doxxed. IowaCheese is a sweet boy and we all hope and pray he returns to X4 one day.

Post of the year. You did forget to add that he and Fedya were in a relationship. That is why he insisted on adding "ya" at the end of everyone's names.

Last edited by Henry

Before Boris (then FRZ)  took over, a lot of douche bags dominated this forum. Yes, someone had to say it. It was like an annoying high school clique who thought they were hot schit. And the Mods were terrible.

I wish them well in life but honestly there's not a lot of that crowd that I miss. And I sure as hell don't yearn for the old days of this forum either. Schit like the Politics Forum damn near shut this place down. I'm glad this is in large part a true Packers forum where Packer football dominates the conversation. I think we give most members here a long leash before taking any disciplinary action and I am happy to report nearly everyone here is well behaved and post valuable information/takes.

PackerRuss posted:

I've been on here for about 10 years, great thread to get some background.  I didn't know some of those jokes.  


Who was the old school dude with the Bucks avatar?  What happened to Diggr, and the guy from New England that hates everyone and everything?  He was worse that cboy

That would be kworst.  And he posts time to time very infrequently.  He's mellowed since he had kids.

RoyalWulff posted:

There was another dudette on here at the same time.  She had the hots for Scott Mitchell, one of many failed Loins QB's.   I think she got married and then left?



Lorenzo's Babe (L Babe). Had a mad sexual crush on Brett. Great sense of humor. 

Let's not forget one of the biggest Viking dolts ever to post here : "The CHAMP" . Talk about obtuse. His whole premise for being here - and I still believe the reason he chose his user name - was that the vikings were indeed champs as evidenced by their "NFL Championship" . Problem is, not sure if he didnt think it through or was just too young to know better, their  "championship" equates to today's NFC Championship. (The AFL Champion Chiefs kicked their ass in the Super Bowl a week later  !!!  


Packdog posted:
RoyalWulff posted:

There was another dudette on here at the same time.  She had the hots for Scott Mitchell, one of many failed Loins QB's.   I think she got married and then left?



Lorenzo's Babe (L Babe). Had a mad sexual crush on Brett. Great sense of humor. 

Let's not forget one of the biggest Viking dolts ever to post here : "The CHAMP" . Talk about obtuse. His whole premise for being here - and I still believe the reason he chose his user name - was that the vikings were indeed champs as evidenced by their "NFL Championship" . Problem is, not sure if he didnt think it through or was just too young to know better, their  "championship" equates to today's NFC Championship. (The AFL Champion Chiefs kicked their ass in the Super Bowl a week later  !!!  


NFC Championship trophy was called the Ed Thorp Memorial Trophy. Last team to win the Ed Thorp was Minny in 1969. Teams didn't keep the Thorp permanently. It was kept for a year by that years NFC Champ. Like the Stanley Cup. 

The Ed Thorp should be displayed in the Pro Football Hall Of Fame. It isn't because the Vikings lost it. As the story goes it was last seen in a maintenance shed by the Vikings facilty. 

Theres probably a joke about them losing 4 Lombardi Trophies too but that would be mean and spiteful. Dumb****s. 

Last edited by ChilliJon
ChilliJon posted:
Packdog posted:
RoyalWulff posted:

There was another dudette on here at the same time.  She had the hots for Scott Mitchell, one of many failed Loins QB's.   I think she got married and then left?



Lorenzo's Babe (L Babe). Had a mad sexual crush on Brett. Great sense of humor. 

Let's not forget one of the biggest Viking dolts ever to post here : "The CHAMP" . Talk about obtuse. His whole premise for being here - and I still believe the reason he chose his user name - was that the vikings were indeed champs as evidenced by their "NFL Championship" . Problem is, not sure if he didnt think it through or was just too young to know better, their  "championship" equates to today's NFC Championship. (The AFL Champion Chiefs kicked their ass in the Super Bowl a week later  !!!  


NFC Championship trophy was called the Ed Thorp Memorial Trophy. Last team to win the Ed Thorp was Minny in 1969. Teams didn't keep the Thorp permanently. It was kept for a year by that years NFC Champ. Like the Stanley Cup. 

The Ed Thorp should be displayed in the Pro Football Hall Of Fame. It isn't because the Vikings lost it. As the story goes it was last seen in a maintenance shed by the Vikings facilty. 

Theres probably a joke about them losing 4 Lombardi Trophies too but that would be mean and spiteful. Dumb****s. 

Well, if the Vikings won it, how good could it be? 

Some of the former posters could be entertaining

cav and his love of all things Miami Hurricanes comes to mind 

The Champ and his love of the Queens and suckage 

Jockular Fiasco and his battery throwing love for the Eagles 

Kworst and his love of hating everyone and everything 

Hank- the other one - and his love of posing shirtless Lol 

Old Sarge and his love for being totally fake 


Packdog posted:
RoyalWulff posted:

There was another dudette on here at the same time.  She had the hots for Scott Mitchell, one of many failed Loins QB's.   I think she got married and then left?



Lorenzo's Babe (L Babe). Had a mad sexual crush on Brett. Great sense of humor. 

Let's not forget one of the biggest Viking dolts ever to post here : "The CHAMP" . Talk about obtuse. His whole premise for being here - and I still believe the reason he chose his user name - was that the vikings were indeed champs as evidenced by their "NFL Championship" . Problem is, not sure if he didnt think it through or was just too young to know better, their  "championship" equates to today's NFC Championship. (The AFL Champion Chiefs kicked their ass in the Super Bowl a week later  !!!  


Someone once asked 'The Champ' why he chose that moniker and he replied that it was because all of his friends called him 'Champ'.

Charming fellow.

antooo posted:
Packdog posted:
RoyalWulff posted:

There was another dudette on here at the same time.  She had the hots for Scott Mitchell, one of many failed Loins QB's.   I think she got married and then left?



Lorenzo's Babe (L Babe). Had a mad sexual crush on Brett. Great sense of humor. 

Let's not forget one of the biggest Viking dolts ever to post here : "The CHAMP" . Talk about obtuse. His whole premise for being here - and I still believe the reason he chose his user name - was that the vikings were indeed champs as evidenced by their "NFL Championship" . Problem is, not sure if he didnt think it through or was just too young to know better, their  "championship" equates to today's NFC Championship. (The AFL Champion Chiefs kicked their ass in the Super Bowl a week later  !!!  


Someone once asked 'The Champ' why he chose that moniker and he replied that it was because all of his friends called him 'Champ'.

Charming fellow.

And he really loved it when we always posted his name as The Chump.   He also proclaimed himself a NASCAR genius. 

That was a great walk down memory lane. I remember two seasons ago getting in to a twitter feud with Nagler about Teddy Bridgewater. He was convinced Bridgewater was a plug-and-play NFL ready QB who would be the best QB in the class. I told him Teddy needed to sit and put on some weight and he got pissed I was disagreeing with him. He's a baby. 

packerboi posted:

Before Boris (then FRZ)  took over, a lot of douche bags dominated this forum. Yes, someone had to say it. It was like an annoying high school clique who thought they were hot schit. And the Mods were terrible.

I wish them well in life but honestly there's not a lot of that crowd that I miss. And I sure as hell don't yearn for the old days of this forum either. Schit like the Politics Forum damn near shut this place down. I'm glad this is in large part a true Packers forum where Packer football dominates the conversation. I think we give most members here a long leash before taking any disciplinary action and I am happy to report nearly everyone here is well behaved and post valuable information/takes.

Eat schit.

Allegedly SquirrelPees parents back yard bumped up against the back yard of Shermans parents, thus the connection to them from her.

Been a few really good female Packer fans here over the years.

The one I miss the most is MsPackman, she really knew her stuff (think she actually knew Boris or had met him along the way from another board). Could be rong but she, as well as other females, objected to the annual Miss Times Four contest, and may be why she stopped posting. 

Like I said, I'm retiring in 3 weeks, recovering from surgery and my memory is not exactly sharp as a tack these days.

However, there USED to be a wonderful gent on here (Jeff Ash, I believe) who was a sports writer for a Green Bay newspaper.   If I recall correctly, he used to post here every year during training camp with some great analysis and observations on how all the rooks (and vets) were playing.  That was some great stuff.

Before that, there was a Listserv for Pack Fans, and he posted to that.   I don't know if that Listserv evolved into this web site or not, but I'm pretty sure he was on both until one year when he said he just didn't have the time and would have to bow out.

If he's still here, even as a lurker, I'd like to thank him for his posts.   They were very informative and much more specific than the usual pre-season hype!

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