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“I stand by my comments. I didn’t think the Packers would win but I was thrilled that they did. They have had a lot of ugly wins and I hope they win it all but the whole world knows it hasn’t been a pretty journey. And you don’t decide what anyone “deserves” 

Has there been a post that sums up this site and captures the pure essence of game threads over the last 15 years better than this stream of prose? 

13X posted:
Boris posted:

You have to DID say they would be "one & done" & that may still happen....but you have to also admit they have improved as a team. 

You said....

Deep run = appearance in NFC Championship Game, IIRC. 

If they win on Sunday vs. the Lions, do you still think they will make it to the NFC CG?

Boris I believe I said they look like a one and done playoff team. 


13X posted:

 Yes they have surprised me and even if they lose the next 2 it was an amazing season especially with a rookie head coach. Doesn’t excuse Troy from his moronic comments he posted from his parents basement 

I know. What a season no matter what happens from here on out. 

Re: Troy's comments -- that's why I posted ...



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  • MerryChristmasRock

The Packers have had some ugly wins, Monday vs the Viks was not one of them.

I don't see them as a 1 and done team with a bye. Rodgers, is still Rodgers. He may not need to throw 40 TDs for them to win, but I'm sure he could if asked.

I agree. There is going to be a game in the playoffs, where Rodgers needs to impose his will, put the team on his back & carry them. Every Championship team....Every one of them has needed some sort of play from their QB to win it all. 

I remember watching Aikman play, all regular season long. All that guy did was turn around & hand the ball to Emmitt --- all regular season. When they got into the playoffs, Aikman turned into a damn good QB, very accurate & won games for them on his arm. After their 2nd Super Bowl, I tipped my hat to Aikman because he was damn good when it counted.

I know when the time comes, Rodgers will answer the bell in SPADES. 

Please let me know who will bet against Aaron Rodgers because I need some extra money.

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