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The Romo campaign is probably the worst though. Hard to be MVP when you aren't even the MVP of your own team(Murray)

said the same thing before the GBP game yesterday, exactly.  he's only in the conversation cuz Cowgirls/Jerruh/money/media machine - not for being a worthy candidate.  **** romo.

Watt for MVP is not dumb at all.  The guy had a dominant year and it's not like he's off the radar screen from the standpoint of other teams gameplanning for him. 

However, Rodgers is more deserving THIS year.  What he did yesterday was unbelievable and I am not sure they win that game if he doesn't return.   In fact, I'll bet he's worth 5-6 wins alone just if he shows up on the field. 

Brent banter aside we have been pretty damn fortunate as Packer fans.  Favre then Rodgers is quite the run.

Now they need to finish this and it starts in two weeks.  I want another crack at the Seahawks in their place too.   That would make the season so much better to defeat the champs at their place.  Then beat Elway and the Broncos to payback from the 97 Superbowl debacle dream from heaven

its simply unreal. this guy is unfazed by everything. calm, cool and collected.

very quickly moving to the top of my list of all time favorite packers.

I think he just topped the list.


I just hope he gets at least another ring before he hangs em up.

love me some TT, but we were fortunate he fell to us in the draft.



Originally Posted by cuqui:

Romo has had a fabulous season. I'm not saying he should be MVP but let's not pooh pooh what he's done this year. He's been terrific and deserves a lot of credit.

Romo always has sparkling stats. The reason why he's not MVP is because it was clear that his team made it an effort to scale back his attempts because when they've relied heavily on him in years past, they got 8-8 seasons. Lesser attempts = lower % chance of Romo screwing things up like he's done in the past


Romo had 435 pass attempts this season. His RB had 392 rush attempts. They ran their offense through Murray, whereas the Packers offense obviously runs through Rodgers


A defensive player cannot win the MVP in this era of football.  The rule changes in the last 10 years favor the offense so much that a player on defense just cannot affect the game like a QB.  It sucks but just look at the standings.  MVP play at QB guarantees a team makes the playoffs every time.  Just look at Rodgers, Manning and Brady.  Those three are in the playoffs every year no matter who else is on the team because they are so good (all have carried some pretty awful defenses to division titles).  However, Watt could not carry his team into the playoffs with what is being called the greatest individual defensive performance ever.  Just let that sink in: the greatest individual defensive performance in the history of the National Football League (as some are saying) was not enough to get his team into the playoffs.  He was great in 2013 as well and his team went 2-14.  That, to me, says it all.  


You can complain all you want but the rules they play by prohibit any non-QB/RB from winning MVP.  Just ask any GM or HC who's job is on the line, who would you rather have this last season: Rodgers with a replacement level 3-4 DE (say, Datone Jones), or Watt and a replacement level QB (say Ryan Fitzpatrick).  Any GM or HC who says Watt is lying.  

Last edited by CUPackFan

Rodgers is the most valuable player in the league right now every year he is healthy. The only player in the league that you MIGHT trade him for would be Andrew Luck - and only because Luck is 6 years younger and potentially more durable.


Watt is a beast, but I wouldn't take Watt and the Texans other Pro Bowler (OT Duane Brown) for Rodgers.


This puts it in perspective. The last three season's Rodgers has been healthy for the full year he's had 122 TDs and 15 interceptions. His worst year was 2012 when he threw for 39 TDS and 8 interceptions. That year the Packers went 11-5 with Alex Green as their leading rusher with 464 yards (Cedric Benson got the second most carries). in 2012, both his top receivers were hurt. Jordy Nelson missed 4 games and played hurt during several others. Greg Jennings missed 8 games and was hurt for several others. The Packers were forced to play Donald Driver - at age 37 and completely washed up - for meaningful stretches and he was able to contribute 8 catches for the year. Unbelievably, Marshall Newhouse started 16 games at LT and a fossilized Jeff Saturday started 13 at center. Think about that. All that happened and Rodgers still put up the 19th highest QB rating in NFL history. And that's his worst healthy season of the last 3.



Last edited by MichiganPacker

When was the last time you actually saw AR sneak it in anyway before this game? His running it in we all know, but the sneak? I think it's been years since he's done that. Yeah, it was a good call... 


But, does anyone have a link to AR saying, "here it comes"? I heard that's what he says as he sneaks it in, but I haven't been able to find video/audio!

Here is a link at Happens right after the video begins after the ad. Yes, he says it.


Lore has it that MM doesn't like calling QB sneaks owing to injury potential. You are right, Packers almost have never done it over the past 10 years.

Last edited by ilcuqui

I think that is dumb. I am a fan of the QB sneak, rather than the deep handoff to a RB.


Tom Brady has done like eleventy billion QB sneaks, don't recall many injuries resulting from it.

Originally Posted by cuqui:

Lore has it that MM doesn't like calling QB sneaks owing to injury potential. You are right, Packers almost have never done it over the past 10 years.

Aaron had a successful sneak vs Atlanta in 2010, don't remember any others


Thanks for the link! Yup, it's obvious he shouts "Here it comes"!! I also love that AR and Lindsley were on the same page and Lindsley got the ball to AR quickly before the DL could really set up. I would hate to be on D against AR as he's so cocky; it would royally p*** me off because he backs it up...  

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

I think that is dumb. I am a fan of the QB sneak, rather than the deep handoff to a RB.


Tom Brady has done like eleventy billion QB sneaks, don't recall many injuries resulting from it.

Odds on winning the MVP


Current odds to win MVP from . . .


Rodgers 1-33 ($1.00 gets you .33 cents)

J.J. Watt 7-1

Brady 12-1

Wilson 20-1

Murray 25-1

Lynch 25-1

Romo 40-1

Peyton 90-1

Originally Posted by Satori:
Originally Posted by cuqui:

Lore has it that MM doesn't like calling QB sneaks owing to injury potential. You are right, Packers almost have never done it over the past 10 years.

Aaron had a successful sneak vs Atlanta in 2010, don't remember any others


He had another one in his first start. Favre also had one against the Cardinals back in 2006, it was his first and only Lambeau Leap (Holmgren forbid him from attempting it, back when he still had the ability to run). They also used to run a lot of sneaks on 3rd and 4th down in Aaron's earlier years. They were almost always really dangerous looking sneaks where he'd try to get low and squeeze through a crease between the guard and center at their knee level, always looked like he was going to wind up with about 1000 pounds linemen on top of him.

Last edited by Pack-Man

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