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Just overall a tough night and you could see the Pack's talent deficiencies in certain spots on full display.  The run defense is clearly a problem that will keep them from being a top defense.   They won't face too many offensive lines as good as the Eagles have, but the Cowboys and Chiefs are in the same tier as the Eagles and they are coming up on the schedule very soon.

Aikman re: the Eagles O line;

”Those were some of the biggest holes I’ve ever seen in this league.”

I’m pretty sure the holes your line opened for Emmitt Smith were bigger. You know, the line that got you into the Hall of Fame, where you don’t belong. 

The Packers got themselves in trouble by stubbornly calling running plays on 1st down the 2nd half in their own territory. With Light making people yearn for the days of Marshall Newhouse or Gary Brown. Then they got in the red zone twice the 4th quarter and gave up on the run. Including a 1st and goal from the 2.

Bulaga and King with their traditional injuries I see.

michiganjoe posted:
Packy posted:

Can’t run the ball.   Can’t stop them from running the ball.   Not much has changed.  

Add in the red zone and ST woes and it's was really an MM game.

Was MM cheering for Philly tonight?

Hey.....Pakrz was at a game that the Pack lost. That's new.

Last edited by Boris
lambeausouth posted:

Notice how Joe Buck went from sounding barely awake as the Packers got to the 1, to excited as a kid on Christmas morning when Philly picked it?

FU, Buck. 

Don't listen.

You have that choice.

Your ears are not victims.

Well. Adams was terrific up until the injury. The pass blocking was stellar until Bulaga's injury. Jimmy Graham played like the TE they thought they signed.

The run blocking was so poor that the HC didn't trust it on 1st and goal from the 2. Light was a major liability. Rodgers had to make plays with his legs.

The defense sucked but the game really turned when the kicking team gave the Eagles short fields on consecutive kicks. The swagger went completely out of the defense and they were on their heels the rest of the night.

I guess the only good news would be that the Pack has 3 extra days to prepare and get healthy for the Cowboys.  Let's just hope some of the injured guys are back, in particular Bulaga and the Adams boys.  

This might be the most talented Cowboys team the Pack has faced maybe since 2007 so let's hope they go in there close to full strength.

Va. Packer posted:

The defense sucked but the game really turned when the kicking team gave the Eagles short fields on consecutive kicks. The swagger went completely out of the defense and they were on their heels the rest of the night.

If the STs coach somehow is directing Crosby to kick those linedrives to the goalline that have been returned for big yardage the past 2 games then we may have another Zook on our hands.

If as I believe is likely the case Crosby cannot consistently kick it deep enough to get touchbacks this has to be Mason's last season in Green Bay.

Crosby's kick out of bounds looked like something a bad high school kicker would do.

Green and Gold posted:

Throw it to the guy with 3 players on him instead of the one that is wide open.😠

The guy came open after the ball was thrown. The guy who came open also looked hesitant on what was supposed to be rub route. He never "rubbed" anybody which is why MVS was bracketed. And MVS let the ball hit his chest. He uses his hands its probably an incomplete pass. I mean it probably still would have been a red zone 0-4.

Last edited by Va. Packer

I expect that if M Adams, Greene, Burks were playing then the run defense would not look as bad as it did. Martinez is really not a great coverage linebacker but he probably led the team in tackles again. I think that this game was real close. I don’t think we lost the game, I think that we just ran out of time. It was really good to see Rodgers get some things going. He was a bit hamstrung by injuries to Bulaga, Adams and Williams. Even Bak played hurt.

Last edited by PackerPatrick

I'll watch the game when I get home. Following the game thread and online it struck me why Gute didn't go after a guy like Mincah Fitzpatrick. GB needs to hold onto all their picks for a while. GB clearly needs a long term solution at RT early in the draft. They need a WR and an athletic ILB. 

Gute did some great work this past off season but this team isn't a player away. They are still a few players away. 


I think a lot of Packer fans, myself included, got a little caught up in the hype. This team still has some major personnel holes to fill. As stated by others, we need OL, ILB, WR, TE.  All of those things will have to wait until the off-season.  It’s very possible that with a good draft and another solid free agency period, we can complete this “soft rebuild”    MLF is going to have some growing pains.  He’s a first time HC.  AR, Adams,  Alexander, Savage, Jones are studs.  

3-1 is way better than I expected to start the year.  I think 7-3 is a possibility heading into the bye week (assuming the injuries don’t continue to stack up).  I know it’s been awhile, but the 2010 season taught me not to get too up or down over any single game. It’s unlikely that this team will win the Super Bowl this year, but if you get hot at the right time, anything is possible. 

Tonight was frustrating because I feel that we could have, and probably should have won. The injuries really cost us, but we were still at the 1 yard line with half a minute to play, and a chance to tie it. If our Oline is at full strength, and we have Adams, I think we score there. Bulaga is just too much of an injury liability. When he's in, he's good. But he's out just too much, and his leaving really hampers a still emerging offense further. 

We're headed in the right direction. We have some guys in the secondary that I think will be as good as any in the league in Alexander and Savage. Clark better be a Pro Bowler this year, minimum. The Smiths were kept in check because the Eagles have a premier O line. 

Next week will tell us a lot. I don't think the Cowboys are as good as everybody is making them out to be. Dak's been next level through three games, but the Giants, Redskins and Dolphins aren't exactly world beaters, defensively. Keep him in the pocket, take away Zeke as much as possible, and make Dak throw. I'll take our chances with our secondary. 

DocBenni posted:


I think a lot of Packer fans, myself included, got a little caught up in the hype. This team still has some major personnel holes to fill. As stated by others, we need OL, ILB, WR, TE.  All of those things will have to wait until the off-season.  It’s very possible that with a good draft and another solid free agency period, we can complete this “soft rebuild”    MLF is going to have some growing pains.  He’s a first time HC.  AR, Adams,  Alexander, Savage, Jones are studs.  

3-1 is way better than I expected to start the year.  I think 7-3 is a possibility heading into the bye week (assuming the injuries don’t continue to stack up).  I know it’s been awhile, but the 2010 season taught me not to get too up or down over any single game. It’s unlikely that this team will win the Super Bowl this year, but if you get hot at the right time, anything is possible. 

Excellent post. 

I got so excited over the unexpected, to me at least, wins over the Bears and Vikings that I certainly got caught up in the hype.

After tonight, I likewise have come to the conclusion that despite all the talent Gutey has brought in, especially on defense, the roster still "has some major personnel holes to fill" as you state above.


It just goes to show the “any given Sunday” adage still applies.  The Eagles lose and they drop to 1-3 and their season is probably over.  They win, and they live to fight another day.   I also know that despite their injuries that Wentz is really good and Philly can be pretty good. 

I’m more annoyed that the Eagles were playing chippy and the refs (and announcers) seemed to be favoring the Eagles. I know, quit whining, but damn it’s frustrating. 

Still, as today breaks they are 3-1 and I think that’s still probably as good as anyone could have expected coming into this year.  I don’t like the fact all the injuries have piled up but they get 10 days to heal up for the Cowboys. 

Oh, and NFLFU on Thursday games.  I hate Thursday night games. 

Va. Packer posted:

 And MVS let the ball hit his chest. He uses his hands its probably an incomplete pass.  


I'm inclined to give MVS a break on the play. They supposedly implemented review on PI for a reason.

NedFlanders posted:

Looked like Russell Wilson in that SB.

That was exactly my thought, though It looked also like the “natural pick” worked the opposite and Shepherd was the guy who was breaking free outside.

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