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@Herschel posted:

If they end up with the #1 pick somehow with Love playing the whole season, Love needs to be replaced because he will have regressed to the point of uselessness.

They'd need to get "ahead" of Carolina, Chicago, Minnesota, Denver, Arizona, and maybe the Giants, Tennessee, and New England.

Carolina's offense is an utter trainwreck and Arizona plays hard but lack talent. Chicago is pretty bad, as well, and Tennessee does not look very good, either.

If we get the #1 overall they better not draft another defensive player in the first. We don’t have a clue what to do with them.

**”We” as in the Packers, Iowa Cheese and his boyfriend Fedya.

@Tschmack posted:


Love thinking 3-2-1 Cancun!

When does the NBA season start??

@PackerRick posted:

How did savage get hurt, I know he didn't hit anybody.

He was hurt coming into the game. Just like Wyatt....and the Packers haven't played a game in 2 weeks.

Last edited by Boris

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