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How did Larry Bird first hurt his back?  I was a Celtics fan. Always wanted to go to the Garden (the real one.) Finally went in 86. Before the season, he hurt his back shoveling gravel for his mother. Of course the day of the game I went to, he aggravated his back climbing out of his Jeep.

My HS shop teacher taught us "You have "X" amount of lifts in your back." He was right.

Poo Poo it all you want. But you'll be crying in your Frosted Flakes when Kraft or any other key player misses time because of doing something stupid.

My company due to insurance coverage  concerns made all employees take a course called “Pro Back”.  One thing they stressed was just because you wake up with a sore back it does not mean you damaged it the day before.  It could have been weeks or even years ago.

@Pikes Peak posted:

One thing they stressed was just because you wake up with a sore back it does not mean you damaged it the day before.  It could have been weeks or even years ago.

Translation: You can't prove your back injury is work-related, so we're not paying out.

@Packiderm posted:

That's part of the job. Making a 1000 lb snowman isn't. Weights in a weight room are also balanced for the most part. As a back surgery survivor, it doesn't take much.

Bring us up to speed when Kraft has his first back operation.

@Iowacheese posted:

Just here for the health and fitness advice from the pickle ball playing/pickle juice drinking boomers.  

I got you..  After 40, stay in the 8 to 12 Rep zone.    Your brain is going to tell you, “let’s see if ya can get it.”     Speaking from experience, ya can, but don’t.   Because you won’t be able to put your socks on for 2 weeks.

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