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I wonder if Pack will trade up in 2nd round sort of like they did last year, but hopefully not use both picks to trade up.

I have to think TE at this point is such a massive need, they might trade up just in case there is a run on the quality ones like Mayer, Washington, and a couple others.  I could maybe see Washington fall, but I think it’s unlikely Mayer would.  Not impossible, but I think he’s so solid he goes before where the Packers currently are at.

@fightphoe93 posted:

I wonder if Pack will trade up in 2nd round sort of like they did last year, but hopefully not use both picks to trade up.

I have to think TE at this point is such a massive need, they might trade up just in case there is a run on the quality ones like Mayer, Washington, and a couple others.  I could maybe see Washington fall, but I think it’s unlikely Mayer would.  Not impossible, but I think he’s so solid he goes before where the Packers currently are at.

Would rather have Washington or Musgrave over Mayer.

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