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Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

this raises Kapernicker's fantasy value.  He'll be throwing a lot more from behind

Did I draft Crabtree, Vernon, and Carlos Hyde for exactly this reason? Yes I did. 


On a separate note, it wasnt lost on me that Boykin was higher on every fantasy projection list than Jennings or James Jones. Ouch. 

Originally Posted by Pack-Man:

Unless Kaepernick develops beyond his "one read and run" style, they're in a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, this style seems to have worked just fine against the Packers. 

Welker failed his drug test after taking ectasy laced with amphetamines while at the Kentucky Derby, according to

Makes you wonder what performance he was trying to enhance.


Good mood.  Good boners.  Good sex.  Good times.  


I've never met him, but I know a few folks who have and apparently Welker is a feed-lot a-hole of epic proportions.  

Source: Welker took Molly at Kentucky Derby


Wes Welker’s good day at the Kentucky Derby turned out to be not so good.


His winnings that day exceeded $57,000.  But human error resulted in the Broncos receiver being overpaid by nearly $15,000.


Now, he’ll lose a lot more than that due to his four-game suspension.


Per a league source, the banishment under the PED policy happened because Welker took MDMA, a banned substance under the substance-abuse policy, that had been cut with amphetamines, a banned substance under the PED policy.  (Here’s where all the Walter Whites in the crowd will try to claim in the comments and on Twitter that MDMA and amphetamines are the same thing.  They’re not, Jessie.)


Awesome, he's affiliated with a drug made famous in a song  from these D bag's (called Lolly), perfect:


Last edited by packerboi

Hard to punish an owner unless you include draft picks.  I guess this was the best they could do.  Whatever, I really could care less if Irsay got in trouble or not.  Seems like only the players really care.  

Yeah I never really cared that Irsay got in trouble, Rog works for the owners so he wasn't ever going to drop the hammer. This punishment probably means nothing to Irsay. I'm sure he spent $500,000 on booze and coke last month alone so I doubt he cares about the fine. And he's suspended from attending games so he goes from his ridiculous luxury box at Lucas Oil Field to his ridiculously luxurious living room at his mansion. 

His dad was the biggest douche in the NFL, reminded me of Mr. Potter in It's a Wonderful Life. Being "raised" by that asshole would have driven anyone to drink & drugs.


Most of these moronic Colt fans around here have no clue Irsay stole the team from Baltimore and moved it here. Held the city for ransom and then bolted in the middle of the night. His kid is probably cut from the same cloth.

Last edited by Shoeless Joe

Jim Irsay's punishment - Having to watch the first 6 games of the season on a luxury yacht with dozens of attractive young women wearing nothing and high on X 


Poor guy.  

Last edited by Timpranillo

I'm not a fan of the leagues discipline strategy in general and even less of a fan of the new domestic violence standards.  


All it takes is one crazy or scorned woman to file a false claim and these guys are out of Millions of dollars.   Let't not pretend like this doesn't happen all the time in our society, it does.   


Let the courts decide an individuals punishment if he or she commits a crime. Not that I trust the courts to get it right, but at least hat is what they are designed to do.   If the crime is so egregious that employing that person hurts your product, than act accordingly.  The mandatory stuff locks you into a position with no room for common sense.  See people serving life time jail sentences for having a bag of weed thanks to the 3 strikes BS.

Held the city for ransom and then bolted in the middle of the night.
They only moved in the middle of the night because the State of Maryland threatened to take the team by eminent domain.  The next morning -- voilà -- there's nothing left for the state to take.

No matter how much of a scumbag any owner can be, having the government take teams by eminent domain is an order of magnitude worse.

Sure they threatened him with that, because he was threatening to move the team months prior to actually doing it, I should know I was living in Baltimore then. He held the friggen city & state hostage unless everyone bowed down and fulfilled his every wish in addition to kissing his ass.


Then after he stole the team away in the middle of night he refused to even leave the city with the Colts name. He was a complete and total asshole, I can see why you're defending him.

So, Brainded, you're not in favor of the league disciplining players who commit heinous acts of domestic violence because there are false claims tossed out there? Why stop there, how do we know the Ray Rice's baby mama didn't have it coming? Maybe she provoked him. Why should the player be suspended for hitting his gf when she probably hit him first, right? 

Last edited by Grave Digger
Originally Posted by BrainDed:

All it takes is one crazy or scorned woman to file a false claim and these guys are out of Millions of dollars.   Let't not pretend like this doesn't happen all the time in our society, it does.   

I don't believe this is accurate.  I think the policy reads that the league will let the law run it's course before it makes a decision, unless there are extenuating circumstances (ie: video of an NFL player dragging his unconscious fiance from an elevator....).  This scenario happened to Brandon Marshall a few years back and the courts sided with him.   

Last edited by CUPackFan

The 49ers have had 10 arrests since January 2012. (no one has more)


6 of those arrests are between McDonald and Aldon, 3 each. 


Aldon's DUI last year was after leaving a party at McDonalds house


McDonald is one of the stupidest ****ers in the history of forever for throwing another party at his house, inviting 75% of the team, and then abusing his pregnant fiance to the point she had visible bruising on her arms and neck. No way all those team mates fall on a sword for a guy that's probably a month or two away from his next arrest anyways.


McDonald is a POS. Period.   

Last edited by ChilliJon
Here's the timeline, courtesy of the Baltimore Sun.  (I've linked to the second page because that's where the key bits are; there's enough assholery from both sides on Page 1.  I apologize for not being able to get the article to come up in a single-page version.)

March 27, 1984: Irsay presented a new list of demands by phone to De Francis, including a $15 million loan at 8 percent interest; a guaranteed average home attendance of 43,000; and an offer of $6.6 million, up from $4.4 million, to purchase the training complex. Meanwhile, the State Senate approved by a vote of 38-4 the eminent domain legislation that would give Baltimore power to seize ownership of the Colts. It had not yet gone to the House of Delegates.

March 28, 1984: De Francis and Schaefer each tried twice to reach Irsay by phone to tell him the city would accept a new list of demands. Irsay did not take the calls. Shortly before 10 p.m., the moving vans arrived in Owings Mills.

March 28-29, 1984: Colts moved to Indianapolis.

March 29, 1984: Hughes signed the eminent domain bill shortly before noon. The city wired a $40 million offer to Irsay, an offer that is normally a prelude to an eminent domain action.

March 30, 1984: Baltimore filed an eminent domain suit.

So it seems the answer to both questions is "yes".  And as the federal court ruled, the Irsays moved in the middle of the night precisely so that once the suit proceeded, there would be nothing for the city/state to take.
Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

So, Brainded, you're not in favor of the league disciplining players who commit heinous acts of domestic violence because there are false claims tossed out there? Why stop there, how do we know the Ray Rice's baby mama didn't have it coming? Maybe she provoked him. Why should the player be suspended for hitting his gf when she probably hit him first, right? 

No.  I am not in favor of the automatic 6 games.   Each case is going to be unique and millions of dollars are at stake.  I think the least you could do is evaluate each incident independently based on evidence, not public opinion .  

Ray Rice, yeah he deserves six games for his actions.  He could have defended himself without knocking her out cold.  

Last edited by BrainDed

That's wasn't how I remembered it but it was 30 years & 30,000 joints ago. I guess I didn't pay close enough attention to the politics of the whole deal, I just thought (and still do) it was a schitty thing to do to a city who absolutely adored their team.


The asshole could have left them their name and their history.

Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

She probably punched herself and filed a false claim, happens all the time. 


McDonald did go to Florida so I don't think anyone should be surprised he is a POS.


If you don't think a woman would file a false allegation or threaten to do so for personal gain against a young millionaire, you sir, are naive. 

Why do you think the league throws out automatic suspensions for every player accused? I haven't heard Ray McDonald been suspended yet. The NFL waits for the results of the criminal investigation and then the results of their own internal investigation. Also what do you mean by "case by case basis"? Is a punch to the face worse than bruised ribs? Is a broken arm not as sever as a broken jaw? Not following your logic.


I'm not in favor of an automatic 6 games either, I think it should be more. Don't care how much money is at stake. I am Clay Matthew's biggest fan, but if they proved he beat up his gf then I wouldn't want him in GB and I wouldn't cheer for him. Period. 

Of course that happens and the investigation will determine what actually happened. McDonald is innocent until proven guilty, but you will have to excuse me if I don't give him the benefit of the doubt based on his criminal background, his baby mama's bruises and her claiming he hit her. Don't be so naive as to believe that there aren't abused women that recant their stories later when they realize their gravy train might get taken away. That also happens, especially with pro athletes. 

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