The good:
Once again, a lot of individual players having good performances that amount to nothing in the end. Spriggs was probably the nicest surprise.
The bad:
Anything and everyone that has any connection to our current defense. To say that we have been decimated by injury would be an understatement. And we have guys playing hurt who have no business being on the field, but they are put out there to trot around the best they can simply because there's nobody else available.
Our veterans, especially our 'stars', are woefully under-producing, and show no leadership at all. Why Burnett, HHCD, Peppers, or Matthews weren't so far up in Jones' face, chewing his ass good after that horrendous penalty is beyond me.
Ditto for the coaches for not immediately sitting his ass on the bench. Worst penalty by a Packer since Charles Martin.
With that said, I remain convinced that they are capable of playing much better football that the chit show we are currently being subjected to. I get young, inexperienced players with marginal talent are not going to be All-Star, but not being able to defend ANYTHING I don't.
I also don't understand how players can regress so bad after one year. Last year, we were excited about Rollins and Randall, and was even clamoring for Gunter and Elliott to get some playing time. Clay was having a good season at ILB, our DBs were getting INTs; even Hyde used to be a ballhawk and playmaker. This year...they're totally lost and can't even find their bearings. We are at -6 on turnover differential because we can't produce a fumble or INT.
A few weeks back, Joe Thomas was playing very well. The last couple of weeks, he's been Brad Jones-bad. How does this happen?
The ugly:
In the last 2 weeks alone, ARod has been out-played by the likes of Marcus Mariotta and Kirk Cousins. Not necessarily all his fault, but our offensive production can't keep up with our opponents.
Don "Turnstile" Barclay has turned into a total pussy. Over the last 2 years, he's shown he can't play tackle and now guard. He might sneak a respectable game in on occasion, but if he's up against anybody with the least little bit of talent, he turns into a blocking sled. They should've left him in DC, and asked for an address to ship his locker contents to.
The defense continues to play at a historical level--historically bad, that is. Did you all catch the graphic last night of opponent's passer rating vs our DBs? And broke some kind of franchise record dating back to the 1950's for defensive suckage. And there's not a fix coming...