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what a game.  An outside shot for Kentucky was essentially a turnover, but when it counted, they made the biggest shot of the game. 


In my opinion, a huge factor in Bucky's great season was the changes to hand checking, cause no one in the country for the last 10 years has been better a playing defense with their feet than the Badgers.  Tonight, Kentucky just lowered the shoulder time and time again.  If you can't defend that with your feet, what can you do?  Bucky would have been better off letting them shoot, rather than get all those and ones in the second half. 


Great game, ****ty outcome.  Impressive season all in all from these Badgers. 

Agree on lowing the shoulder and charging the lane. Sometimes the player had both arms wrapped around the ball like a fullback running through the line.


That is not basketball.


Randell looked like a good player, the rest of the guy just charge into the lane and throw up some schit at the rim.


3 pointer at the end was clutch though. Guy made the money shot.

Some things that I question?


Why was Kaminsky so timid in the first half?  He really came alive in the second half.


Gosser has to either put his hand in the Kentucky's guy's face, or make him drive.  If they score of the drive it's a tie game.


What happened to Koening in the second half?  He was playing a helluva game in the first half, and then you don't see him in the second half.


Why didn't UW put more players on the line when Jackson was shooting his free throws?  In that pressure pack situation you want to make your teammate as comfortable as possible on the line.


Sucks to lose this game.  What a bummer.

Man, I don't know what to say. The stat line will show we shot well from three point range, but on the shots we missed, there were no second chances. No offensive rebounds. When Kentucky missed, a lot of the time they got the ball and another shot. 


The Badger offense got timid late in the game, too. Two bad turnovers back to back, and too many times it seems that we had no plan on who was going to shoot the ball. Lots of passing around from behind the three point line, and desperation shots with 4 seconds left. 


Just once I would like to see a Badger team that meets the athleticism of the other team. We're always the slower, less athletic team, in basketball or football. We get agonizingly close, but come up just short. 

The Badgers missed one free throw all night so it's hard for me to be super critical of Jackson there.  However,  he had a couple of real bonehead turnovers down the stretch and in a close game that did hurt them. 

Gasser did not play a great game and how they allowed the open look I'll never understand.  Aaron Harrison sunk a bomb at the end of the Michigan game to close that game out and he does it again. 

Sad to see Brust go but let's see what they do next year
Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

Man, I don't know what to say. The stat line will show we shot well from three point range, but on the shots we missed, there were no second chances. No offensive rebounds. When Kentucky missed, a lot of the time they got the ball and another shot. 


The Badger offense got timid late in the game, too. Two bad turnovers back to back, and too many times it seems that we had no plan on who was going to shoot the ball. Lots of passing around from behind the three point line, and desperation shots with 4 seconds left. 


Just once I would like to see a Badger team that meets the athleticism of the other team. We're always the slower, less athletic team, in basketball or football. We get agonizingly close, but come up just short. 

Bullschit.  We are right there. You not have posted had Wisconsin won.  There was one possession where the Badgers had 4 chances and didn't score.  Or one missed free throw. Either time  was the game right there.

Originally Posted by ammo:

Bullschit.  We are right there. You not have posted had Wisconsin won.  There was one possession where the Badgers had 4 chances and didn't score.  Or one missed free throw. Either time  was the game right there.

Everything I said was true. Don't like it? Tough. We were "right there", but we still lost. 


Don't know what "you not have posted had Wisconsin won" is supposed to mean, so I can't comment. 

As much more athletic Kentucky was...


the sequence of Traevon having 3 ft's followed by Kentucky's half court offense followed by Wisconsin having a last posession is a sequence UW would win most of the time.


One missed FT which you can't lay a lot of significance to (2/3 isn't terrible)


followed by the Kentucky guy sticking a frigging 3 from about 3.5 feet from the arc


followed by Traevon missing a shot by what telecasters estimated was an inch.


a shot that would have won the game regardless of what took place before



I don't know.


Just really, really, really painful.


It's like karma shoving a poker right up my ass.  I

UK was bigger than UW.


More athletic?  maybe at certain positions.  But Julius Randle versus Dekker?  Dekker is more athletic.  Kaminsky versus Johnson... Kaminsky is more athletic.  Jackson is quicker than Harrison.  The length of UK won the rebounding battle on the inside.  The refs also were stroking UK bigtime in the second half.  There were about 10 offensive fouls throughout the game that could have and should have been called.. but never were.  Note:  lowering your shoulder into the chest of a defender is an offensive foul... just like a blocking/body penalty is for the defender when he is trying to impede your progress.   


The new NCAA rule concerning block/charge has pretty much defaulted into an always blocking penalty rule.  The two fouls trae picked up in the first half were both obvious charges... both blown, why.. because of this rule change which in essence has devolved the refs from making a judgement call into just always calling a block.  It was pretty bad throughout the tournament.  Teams playing good positional defense were getting assraped by refs and offenses from schools like Kentucky, Tennessee, Floriduh who basically just plow to the rim and pray for a foul or a board after the original shooter plows over 2 defenders.


That rule changed so much in the NCAA play this season... it's making the game turn into a pick and dive to the basket league.. like the NBA.  Passing?  What's that.

UK's size at nearly every position was a big advantage. Badger fans may not want to hear this, but UK did not play as well as it had in previous tourney games. They reverted back to their "regular season" self at many point during the game. Poor defensive effort (not fighting through screens, chasing their men, standing & watching long rebounds) on their part. Their PG (Harrision #5) tried to give the game away by taking 2 terrible shots & then fouling Jackson on the "3" (after he had traveled). UW played about as well as they could, altough they did not seem as prepared for UK doubling Kominski as I would have thought. Many times UK switched & Kominski had an advantage but they were reluctant to throw it to him because of the double.  

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