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They say Eddie is starting, I am sure Harris is for some STs work and as a precaution.


I believe this means we will see more of Clay at MLB again dropping into coverage when needed against Kelce.

Originally Posted by Goalline:

Trophies, "their pass rush is on par with ours"?


KC may be among the top 3 pass rushing teams in the league. We have your boy Nick Perry. 

OK Trophies, look who had the last laugh. GB 7 KC 1. Good call, bud. 

Yeah, dude, I was souring on both Perry and Datone before the start of the season, but I certainly do see they have played very good football since the SEA game. With that kind of play from these two former 1st round picks, we become legit. Just what the doctor ordered. I admit I was wrong on both players, and I'm pretty happy about that.


7 sacks for the green & gold last night. The real difference is Aaron Rodgers. The guy is an escape artist, where Alex Smith struggles. Not to mention how quickly Rodgers can find a target, and the multitude of quality targets for him to throw to. The KC pass rush just didn't have a chance. Great work from our OL too.


That was a freaking magical game by Aaron Rodgers. I mean, he's human, and we were 4-11 on 3rd down, but the guy played a nearly flawless game. Amazing. We are witnessing history here.

Last edited by Trophies

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