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Originally posted by cuqui:
Lots of twittering that Mike Mularkey, Falcons OC, has been picked to get the Jaguars HC position. Gabbert better start practicing QB sneaks.

Am I the only one scratching my head, IMO that offense has been underperforming for two years at least and scoring 0 points last week?
Originally posted by Boris:
People scratched their head when MM was hired too after coming off the 32nd ranked offense in SF

You are right, and honestly I don't know much of the guy except to watch his team play. I thought MM was not a good choice at the time and was obviously wrong, but if I had to pick a new coach, I would want them to impress me in their current position.
Throwing this out for discussion.

Should the NFL set up some rules that prevent teams not in the playoffs from having interviews with teams still in the playoffs, until those teams and coaches are out of the playoffs?

Why should teams that qualify for the post season have to deal with distractions like having coaches prepare for interviews when they have games to prepare for?

Is it best if the NFL simply say's no coaching staff additions until after the Super Bowl? PFT has a story about NE adding McDaniels and brings up a good point that player rosters are frozen once the playoffs start and that it should be the same for coaching. I'm saying the entire interview process should be frozen for teams in the playoffs as well.

If a team not in the playoffs wants to bring in a coach that's not in the playoffs, fine. But in a case like the Raiders. They would have waited until middle February to get McKenzie if they had to. Same goes for a lot of the moves taking place.
If there are contracts involved, then both parties need to agree to the interview and that could or could not be approved by the regulatory party (i.e NFL). If team A is okay with Coach-1 interviewing with Team B during a playoff run and the league is okay with it, then who cares?

In the case of McDaniels... he was out of a job so he's free to do whatever he wants.
The McDaniels thing is what it is. I have no issue with it.

If an assistant coach asks to interview with team B, it put's team A in a bit of a tough spot. No HC or GM want's to be played as the guy that refused to let an assitant try and move ahead. So more often than not, they allow it. I'm willing to bet most of them would prefer to not have to deal with it though during a playoff run.

Good point regarding contracts.
Should the NFL set up some rules that prevent teams not in the playoffs from having interviews with teams still in the playoffs, until those teams and coaches are out of the playoffs?

This goes back to the 2000 season, when both of the Defensive Coordinators in the Super Bowl were (before the playoffs) considered hot head coaching candidates, but neither got an HC job that year because they couldn't be interviewed until after their teams were out of the playoffs.

The race-obsessed media whined and shrieked about how unfair this was to Ravens coordinator Marvin Lewis, and ignored how it was unfair to the other guy, who has since led one team to a Super Bowl game and is currently still in the playoffs as the head coach of another. But they couldn't advance a political agenda with him.

Anyhow, I digress. The upshot of the 2000 season was that teams could interview the assistant coaches of playoff teams that had a bye up until the end of Wild Card weekend.
Good God, what has happened to my beloved Buccaneers? Sherman? Childress? Phillips??

Cowher, Jimmy Johnson, Dungy, Gruden, Mariucci... why can't we get any of those guys?

Schottenheimer... I am okay with him. He is old school and I am okay with guys like that. Work hard, teach the fundamentals, improve work ethic... the guy has churned out winners everywhere he goes. It would be poetic justice for him to finally get to a Super Bowl with the Bucs one day (not that I am holding my breath).

Marty Ball would not be too different than BucBall under Dungy...

Bring in someone to kick their rears and shape their attitudes to that of men instead of excuse-makers.
Originally posted by CALBuccaneer:

Cowher, Jimmy Johnson, Dungy, Gruden, Mariucci... why can't we get any of those guys?

I don't think any of those guys are interested in coaching anymore. Gruden obviously wants to hear his name come up whenever there's a HC position available, but unfortunately for the rest of us he seems content doing MNF and that ridiculous QB show he does.

I don't think Cowher coaches again either. He was a good coach in a very well run organization, and I wonder if he doesn't realize that on some level. If he does come back, he's going to want a lot of power. If that happens, in my opinion he'll be in over his head and his new team won't have near the success that his Steelers teams did.
I thought Gruden was still being paid by the Bucs because he was fired.

As long as he doesn't take another coaching gig he can cash the paycheck from the Bucs until that contract expires and the cash paycheck from ESPN as well.

He'd probably lose money if he took a HC job.
Fisher has a fair amount of history in LA- both as a player for USC and a coach for the LA Rams under John Robinson

LA fans will embrace the Rams return to the city and Fisher will help that effort
There were reports, that he didn't want to take the Rams job, because of the "impending" move to LA. The other report, I just saw, said that he wanted MIA, but Ross (the owner) wouldn't give him a 50-50 split on personnel decisions with Peterson (football czar, not GM).
Originally posted by Hungry5:
I can see that... but I wasn't sure he'd want to do another relocate after going through that with the Oilers.

Its probably like doing a remodel- its total hell while you are going through it but much of that fades after a few years...

He is uniquely qualified to captain the ship during a relocation and that may have been part of the draw for both the Rams and the League

SoCal will end up with the Rams and Chargers, exactly what the League wanted all along
Anyone catch that Reggie in Oakland may want Dom? Rumor is out there. I can see Reggie using Dom as a stop-gap for a couple years as they grow a coach of their own. Moss is another possibility. Also, Philbin is still in the running in Miami.

Now that our guys can get interviewed earlier than last year, I can see us losing more coaches than in the past.
Originally posted by Boris:
Weird that Williams contract expired. Lame duck DC? Is that the norm?

Payton restructured his contract to bring Williams aboard before the 2009 season. I'm sure there were incentives in his deal and I think his defenses in 2010 and 2011 nixed whatever chances he had at an extension if he wanted one. Last year's debacle in Seattle and Saturday's loss in San Francisco were due in large part to the collapse of our defense.

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