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Originally posted by cuqui:

Good thing Burnett is looking fully recovered, Aside from the occasional brain cramp Morgan has played very well so far, especially in run support.

In TT and Capers I trust. But again, tough loss. Hope this doesn't end Nick's career.

Everyone has to remember that Burnett played in his, what, fifth or sixth NFL game yesterday? The kid's doing remarkably well at this stage in his career, if you ask me. And he's going to get better every week...which is good, considering he's now our best safety.
Originally posted by Oldtimer:
I've seen this movie before. Didn't care for it the first time around, hate it even more the second time.

Though the movie had it's ups and downs it sure was worth watching after we saw the great ending.

We've seen before that we can overcome an injury filled year but you just can't do it every year.
Ugh. Terrible news. Get well, Nick.

As for the 2011 Packers, in TT, MM and Capers we trust. As much as we will miss Collins, I have complete confidence in these guys. We've seen them work magic before. I'm confident that they can do it again.
Good news for Collins, though, is that he does not have stenosis, according to Herman. Stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column, and players who have it and sustain neck injuries often have to retire.

Disc problem suspected for Collins

Nick Collins' agent, Alan Herman, said Collins will see spine specialist at Hospital For Special Surgery in New York City later this week.

More from Alan Herman on Collins' injury: "We understand there was some disc involvement but we don’t know what extent."
From Pete Prisco this summer on naming the most over and underatred players on every team:

Green Bay Packers
Overrated: S Nick Collins. He is a good tackler, but he has trouble in coverage at times. There's no way he should have been All-Pro last season.
Underrated: Tramon Williams. (see above) Want to bet he goes to the Pro Bowl in 2012? He's a great story in perseverance, going from undrafted player, being cut by Houston, then to nickel corner and then to top starter.

Wow. That's too bad.
Only good news is we only have 12 players left to match last year's 15 or so on injury list or out for year. Maybe it's required to win another Super Bowl.
MM will certainly not let it be an excuse and will expect the next guy in line to step it up.
Still is not good news though.
It sucks, but quite frankly, a safety duo of Charlie Peprah and Morgan Burnett is still decent. There will be a dropoff in big plays, but I think these guys can do a solid job. The biggest problem now is.. if either Peprah or Burnett goes down, then they are truly F'ed.

Personally, I'm still more concerned about mediocre pass rush from the D-Line than I will be about the safety play. Though after a few weeks without Collins I may change my mind.
This really sucks. It sucks the most for Collins. I doubt he will ever play again with that kind of injury. Neck surgery would be a disaster for his career. I hope he gets well soon.

Why the hell did MM say the prognosis was good yesterday? He gave me false hope.
Seems odd that last night MM said the prognosis is good and now he's out for the year. Bad medical report or was MM assuming too much? Seems like he usually leaves it to the medical staff so seems like someone didn't know what they were talking about.
I would guess the good prognosis from MM is that Nick is up and walking around and able to function like a normal human rather than heading into surgery with questions of paralysis.
Sounds like MM had the same false hope...

"McCarthy said when he first went to the podium for his post-game press conference, he had been told a pair of tests looked good. But later, before the team left, another test showed a problem."

That'll teach him to be so open with the public regarding injuries from now on.
What really burns my ass is I see so many guys lead with the crown of their helmet, like that chump from Atlanta, and they don't get hurt. Collins just tries to make a clean tackle and now this. We really need someone to step up from nowhere, ala Bishop when Barnett got hurt, to pick up the slack. We also need some more pass rush opposite of Matthews to help our secondary. Pull some magic out of your hat, TT.
Originally posted by Boris:
It's that whole compression of the spine thing. I rewatched it numerous times now.

That's how I saw it. Looked like the head was pushed down into the body with the neck staying perfectly straight. It looked like it had the potential for a ruptured disk or cracked vertebrae.

Hopefully the doctors have good news. If they have to do any major neck surgery there is always the chance they would have to do spinal fusion which would limit the range of motion for his head and could be career-ending. They do have some type of artifical disks but I have no clue if they can be used in the cervical region and, if so, if it would be safe enough to continue a football career. You wouldn't think so.

Tough break for Collins. I feel worse for him than I do for the Packers. This is an unforgiving business and the next man in will have to get the job done.

And not to make light of the situation, but how about the quote from McCarthy:
"He has a neck brace on and he's walking around," he said. "You would never know (he's injured)."
Sorry Coach. I've never seen anybody try to make a fashion statement with a neck brace.
You just knew given the MM presser yesterday that it was far more serious than what we thought. I really like McCarthy, but he's the worst when it comes to disclosing injuries.

Hopefully this isn't a career ender. We've seen that with other Packers DBs like Tim Lewis and Craig Newsome.
Hopefully, not as bad a Sterling Sharp. Not sure if many remember Gary Berry but I think he had the same thing. Your health is always more important than your career. I know Vince had this order but I'm sure health of his players was VERY important.

Green Bay Packers
Originally posted by Max Headroom:
Put me down in the 'hope you get better soon, Nick, and can have a healthy, full life' and to my own selfish 'this sucks'.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Get better quick Nick!! We will miss you!

And I have to agree with other posters, TT sets this schmidt up so "next man" come into play. I thought Peprah did very good last year and has alot of experience. I think he can fill the role. Now the question is, who is going to step up and take advantage of the roll to fill, that could be the 'next' roll.

Weren't they working Underwood towards Safety? Is he still out there?
Originally posted by Cavetoad:
Weren't they working Underwood towards Safety? Is he still out there?

Underwood is still a FA yes but the Packers liked MD Jennings more and I assume still do. He looked good at times in pre-season and has good upside.
Levine is another possibility. He looked pretty solid but missed most of training camp with a concussion, which obviously hurt him

They'll likely look at adding either him or Underwood...or moving BUsh to Safety than entertaining the thought of bringing an OLDER, crappy tackling Sharper

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