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Originally posted by Hungry5:

After exiting Sunday's game in the second half with a foot sprain, Ryan Pickett is hopeful he'll play in Chicago this week.

"As far as I know, yes," Pickett said. "I'm just a little sore. It's all right."

As of Monday afternoon, Pickett hadn't met with doctors. There wasn't one specific play where he injured his foot.

"My foot just started hurting," he said. "I didn't know what it was. I don't think it's anything serious. I played pretty much the whole game with it."

I would guess that if Pickett hadn't met with doctors by Monday afternoon it isn't that big of a deal. At least I hope so...
Since TT rarely grabs somebody from another teams cuts it looks likely Levine or Underwood would be signed to replace Nick on the roster. TT does like his own guys, recent exception was Green however.

If TT gets somebody other than Levine or Underwood you can probably be sure its someone weve never heard of. Possibly a Safety on some other teams Practise Squad?

Whatever Nicks problem is I sure hope he can make a full recovery and lead a normal life, whether he ever plays again or not is not important in the grand scheme of things. Long term health is.
No, in fact HELL NO! Who is going to play CB if Woodson moves? Tramon is dinged too. Would you rather see a starting defensive backfield of



Doubt Woody moves to Safety as he's too valuable in his slot CB role. Yet with TW out last week Bush had the slot role and Woody played regular CB. But when TW returns we need the versatility Woody brings as a slot CB with TW and Shields as CB's in the nickle.

I think we tried Woody at Safety for a few games a couple or so years ago and as I recall it did not work out as well as the Pack hoped it would?
Time to draft a Safety high:


Packers safety Nick Collins is facing a lengthy recovery after having cervical fusion surgery on Thursday following a Week Two neck injury.

Collins’s agent, Alan Herman, told Tom Silverstein of the Journal Sentinel that it won’t be until some time next year that Collins has an idea whether he’ll be able to resume his NFL career.

β€œHe felt good about everything,” Herman said. β€œHe felt it went well. The point that was made was the you don’t know until six months down the road. You see how the healing process goes. You can’t gauge what will happen, whether there will be any narrowing with the [spinal] canal or remaining tissue. That will be the determining factor as far as his career. It’s all based on the healing process.”

Collins is not in pain and can perform the normal function of daily life, and he might not have needed the surgery at all if he were just an average joe and not a football player. But Collins wanted the surgery because it gave him his best chance to return to the field. He still has a long way to go before he’ll know whether that’s a realistic possibility.
This isn't like the surgery Manning had--at least not in terms of ability to play again. QBs who slip discs their neck and get it fused together face a lot of risk getting it hit again, but Safeties who slip discs in their neck and get it fused together face the total certainty of getting it hit multiple times every game they play. They use that neck when they tackle.

I've had a spinal fusion six years ago. And I know a couple of people who have had fusions as well. (Granted, it's lower back stuff and not the neck). I'm okay, but I don't play golf anymore. The doctor said that it would be okay to play, but I know what I feel when I swing a club, and the back is not the same. I also know someone who did play golf again, once and he wound up back on the surgery table that day (he was 28 yrs old and now walks like someone much, much older). And golf isn't a contact sport.

If Collins comes back to play again, either medical science has recently made miraculous advances in spinal fusion or both the Packers and Collins are nuts.
Originally posted by Herschel:
No, in fact HELL NO! Who is going to play CB if Woodson moves? Tramon is dinged too. Would you rather see a starting defensive backfield of

Ahh... Woodson started the game at safety against the Bears.

Capers disagrees. He went back to CB when they played 5 DB's. Of course, this is the majority of the snaps, but if the Bears game is a indication, Woodson is your safety in the base 3-4.

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