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Cant believe the Packers made the super bowl. some of us have been on this board for a long time, over 10 years. We have spent hours and hours going over every move and non move from Ron wolf, Mike Sherman, to Ted Thompson. Endless hours debating whether or not Heimy Heimberger or Antonio Dingle should have made the final roster. Debating the status of the legendary Ron wolf whether he was a good GM or not or just lucky. Some of us have actually grown up from deliberately trying to be negative about absolutely everything to relaizing there are better things in life such as having a family and appreciating just being part of a good situation. Lets hope the pack win next week. Its been a long 11 exhausting 11 years of debating every point to get to the one thing we all want A SUPER BOWL WIN!!
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I was a youngin' when GB won it in '97. If it's a regret I had (like so much of what happens when you're young) it's that I didn't relish it long enough or take it all in like I should have.

This will be a terrific next 2 weeks for non-stop Packers mania. Just take it all in. Enjoy the ride people. It's been a hell of a season and considering the MASH Unit this team was for nearly all season I still have to pinch myself that we're here.

Simply unbelievable job by this entire organization. From Murphy right on down.

'em if you got 'em. and

It's going to be an amazing experience in the next 14 days.
It's been a hell of a season and considering the MASH Unit this team was for nearly all season I still have to pinch myself that we're here.

That right there sums up the difference between this year's team and previously good teams.

I remember the loss to the Falcons in the playoffs at Lambeau. That team was a MASH unit. Others during those runs also had significant injury problems.

TT has been able to fill the holes caused by injuries and not just stick bodies in there, but put in athletes that will continue to play the game at a very high level.

Sherman could not do that. It probably was not his fault either, I can't imagine having to split time between HC and GM nowadays. However, to his discredit, he never stepped up and told Harlan the duties needed to be split in order to be most effective in each position.
Originally posted by oldnavy:
Sherman could not do that. It probably was not his fault either, I can't imagine having to split time between HC and GM nowadays. However, to his discredit, he never stepped up and told Harlan the duties needed to be split in order to be most effective in each position.

Absolutely. Case in point: Before Thompson heads to Dallas he is heading to the Senior Bowl to do some scouting. A GM/Coach can't do that.

Never combine the two positions again. Never.
I was just thinking about my 10 year aniversary coming up.

Some of us have actually grown up from deliberately trying to be negative about absolutely everything to relaizing there are better things in life such as having a family and appreciating just being part of a good situation.

At one point yesterday with about 2 minutes to play, I was close to the fetal position but when I finally came back in the house and had the courage to look at the TV, I just kept thinking..... serenity now!

I've had some great laughs on this site, and gradually learned to tune out the noise and limit posts while drinking.

It also took me a long time to appreciate Henry, but I heard he is now taking medication so that may have something to do with it.
Originally posted by ZUF:
And where is Tooner?

Always loved his "fluff reports". He also had a good website for those going to visit Green Bay... which is how I found TimesFour in the first place.

He's also a very talented photographer... he gave me good advice over the years.

Tooner, if you're lurking, chime in. Man, we're going to the Super Bowl!!!
Originally posted by packerboi:
I was a youngin' when GB won it in '97. If it's a regret I had (like so much of what happens when you're young) it's that I didn't relish it long enough or take it all in like I should have.

I had perspective enough to relish it in '97 - I was born in 1966 so I don't remember SB I&II - just the lean years of the 70s & 80s.

These two weeks will be surreal. There's a lot more coverage now then in the mid-90s. My DVR is going to fill up with Green Bay stuff.

And I remember 9/11 around here and wondering about kworst. Seems like yesterday.
Man, I also just realized it's almost been about 9 years since EternalGameFace used to post on here with his training camp reports (which were excellent).

I believe it was after 9-11-2001 that he decided to make some life changes and we never really heard from him much after that. Or does he just post under a different name now?

But the fact that I remember that means I've been on this board for a heck of a long time. I don't even remember how I ended up here it's been that long.
I'm an old timer here too. Love this site. I can't even imagine being a Pack fan without this site to read and occasionally contribute to.
I don't post much in the way of X's and O's, but I appreciate those that have that insight and share it with the rest of us.
I just have the perspective of 50 yrs+ of Packer watching and coming to realize the privilege it is to be a fan whose team is heading to the Super Bowl. I watched the 66,67,68 games with my Dad while in high school. Went to games in Milwaukee, and at age 18 visited Lambeau for the first time. Still have those pics of walking through the Pack Hall of Fame for the first time.. Nice that we added a Superbowl trophy too- and maybe will again in two weeks.
There is a cameraderie and bond here and amongst Packer fans wherever we gather that is not duplicated in any other area of my life. It's like a family here, even though we haven't met.
One thing that I appreciate most is the respect and good natured ribbing that takes place here. The give and take of that is the stuff that helps these cold winter nights seem more tolerable. From Dickey to Majic Man, to Favre, to Rodgers. It's been quite a ride hasn't it?
I hope you all live to be a fan as long as I have and I treasure each and every day being a member of this Packer family. There's nothing else like it in the sports world.

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