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For those of you who don't believe we actually went to the moon, then how do you explain the rocks? Try getting around that one!

We can bring back rock samples without having a man on the moon. I'm not following that logic.

Also the-icon mentioned nasa had problems just getting the rockets to work.
There is a bunch of reasons to be skeptical about the moon landings.

You go to NASA website right now you can learn about the big bang. You want to call that science? They do. You can learn about our universe being 14 billion years old. By the way a "light year" is a distance not a time. You can also learn about the oort cloud that was made up because they couldn't explain short period comets. It never occured to them that the age of the universe might be wrong. So if people want to call me a "flat earther" then we can get into just what exactly you believe. I'd love to go there.
Sribel has been arrested for trespassing on Neil Armstrong's property after Armstrong turned down repeated requests for interviews, and Buzz Aldrin punched Sribel out after being paparrazied & ambushed for an interview by him outside of a hotel.

I have the video of both of these. All he does is hold out a bible and say "swear on the bible you walk on the moon" after asking him about 4 times he calls him a coward and Buzz Aldrin decks him. Neil Armstrong turned down 5000 dollars so that he didn't have to say "I swear on the bible he walked on the moon". Armstrong said the bible probably fake. Another guy son wanted to call the CIA and have them "waxed" as they were leaving the property.

I'm looking at the fake shot of being half way to the moon. Here is just some of what they are saying.

Hey Houston, you suppose you could turn the earth a little bit so we can get a little bit more than just water?

Roger, I don't think we have much to go with...looks like you'll have to settle for the water.

11 houston, were gonna take, thinking about taking our voice up link to another site. If you stand by we'll see if we can improve the quality. over.

Ok johnny. we'll stand by for your call.

Apollo 11, Houston, we'll try it once more on this cd request. We'd like 10 minutes with the cd. can't make out this part We should also try, you might try an entry position. over

Roger, we seeing ahhhh a side of the view viewed from the space craft seeing the eastern side of the pacific ocean. We have not been able to visually pick up the hawaiian island chain, but we can clearly see the western coast of north america ahhh the united states, the san wang kin valley?, california, mexico down ahhh as far as (can't spell the city) and you can see down through central america as far as venezuela and columbia. I'm not sure you'll be able to see all that on your screens down there.

Ahhh roger we just wanted a narrative so when we get the play back we can sort of correlate what we are seeing. thank you very much


What they were doing there was someone in the space craft was holding up a transparancy in front of the window in the sapce craft. They had the lights dimmed and they were filming the earth trying to get a good picture of them being half way to the moon.

I want to see someone explain this.
can't make out this part

Here let me help you out, my audio copy is "stellar"!

Houston, we have an E.T. peeking thru our port-side hatch window, please advise...

Roger, Roger... wait, your name isn't Roger... OK, we're viewing the exterior camera now will advise shortly...

{5 minutes elapse}

Apollo this is mission control, that isn't an E.T., it's Elvis. And we're not certain but it looks like he's holding a Slushy, did you guys order that?!

Negative Houston, we ordered a pizza.
Last edited by Shoeless Joe
What they were doing there was someone in the space craft was holding up a transparancy in front of the window in the sapce craft. They had the lights dimmed and they were filming the earth trying to get a good picture of them being half way to the moon.

I want to see someone explain this.

After extensive research I was able to locate the "transparancy" Travis referred to (there were actually two of 'em and I had to kill three CIA agents to obtain 'em!). NO WONDER the entire population of the earth was duped!!

I have to be careful though, there's a black van outside my window as I type this and I swear I can hear a helicopter rotor overhead...

Originally posted by TravisLL:
I have the video of both of these.
And I bet you paid $29.99 for it too, right?

If you did, you paid thirty bucks for videotape of Sibrel's run-ins with Armstrong and Aldrin, because everything else on that tape is available in the public domain, for free.
All he does is hold out a bible and say "swear on the bible you walk on the moon" after asking him about 4 times he calls him a coward and Buzz Aldrin decks him. Neil Armstrong turned down 5000 dollars so that he didn't have to say "I swear on the bible he walked on the moon". Armstrong said the bible probably fake. Another guy son wanted to call the CIA and have them "waxed" as they were leaving the property.
Does he tell you in the videotape that he spent months harrassing both of them, and that he lured Aldrin to the hotel under completely false pretenses so he could ambush him for an "interview" to put on the video?

Furthermore, both Aldrin and Armstrong knew who this guy was and what he was up to, and Armstrong himself is an intensely private man.
I'm looking at the fake shot of being half way to the moon. Here is just some of what they are saying.

Hey Houston, you suppose you could turn the earth a little bit so we can get a little bit more than just water?

Roger, I don't think we have much to go with...looks like you'll have to settle for the water.

11 houston, were gonna take, thinking about taking our voice up link to another site. If you stand by we'll see if we can improve the quality. over.

Ok johnny. we'll stand by for your call.
Umm, " suppose you could turn the earth a little so we can get a little bit more than just water" is quite obviously a JOKE! They're "asking" Mission Control to turn the earth because the view angle they have shows mostly water...which is precisely what's being referred to when Houston responds "try an entry position", which would change the angle and position of the spacecraft istelf....which is what you would do if you were trying to get a better (or different) view from a tiny window.
What they were doing there was someone in the space craft was holding up a transparancy in front of the window in the sapce craft. They had the lights dimmed and they were filming the earth trying to get a good picture of them being half way to the moon.

I want to see someone explain this.
I already have, in a previous post.
Last edited by Westy
How many thousands - no, tens of thousands - of NASA employees, contractors, subcontractors, and military personnel were involved in the Apollo program over the years? Do you people who think it was a hoax seriously believe that not one of them has ever stepped forward to tell the truth? Every one of those tens of thousands of people has gone 30+ years without ever breathing a word of this secret? You can't possibly believe that.
This reminds me a little of a "debate" I got into with a guy who claimed the planes that hit the WTC were really radio-controlled drones painted like American Airlines jets and that one of them had a missile-launcher pod attached to it's wing (which he claims is "clearly visible" in some of the pictures).

According to him, the drones were rolled-out out of secret hangars at Logan in the middle of the night and were able to take off without arousing any suspicion, pretending to be the scheduled AA flights. Microseconds before the second plane hit the tower it fired a missile from it's launcher pod in order to create a big hole into which the plane could fly, thereby ensuring maximum penetration.

But wait! That's not the whole story. Not even close.

See, the radio-controlled drones were actually just a diversion designed to deflect attention away from what was really happening, which was that George W. Bush (who's brother was somehow allegedly connected to WTC maintenance) was busy ordering the ignition of a series of stragtegically-located explosives in the towers, which ultimately brought them down.

And what about bin Laden, you may ask?

Well apparently he was in on it, too. Seems Binny himself loved Dubya's idea and was willing to take full credit for the attack, just to enhance his legendary status in his growing terrorist organization.

And they planned it all while faking a trip to the moon.

(OK, I made the last part up. Big Grin )
Does he tell you in the videotape that he spent months harrassing both of them, and that he lured Aldrin to the hotel under completely false pretenses so he could ambush him for an "interview" to put on the video?

Furthermore, both Aldrin and Armstrong knew who this guy was and what he was up to, and Armstrong himself is an intensely private man.

Quite frankly I don't care what he did. He had them both on camera and I saw how they acted. They were a bunch of cowards. All they had to do was put there hand on the bible and "I swear I walk on the moon". Buzz turned down 5000 dollars and told him the bible was probably a fake.

And I bet you paid $29.99 for it too, right?

If you did, you paid thirty bucks for videotape of Sibrel's run-ins with Armstrong and Aldrin, because everything else on that tape is available in the public domain, for free.

Paid $60 for all four. Paid $15.00 a piece and well worth it. I'd say Astronuts Gone Wild was the best. Here is his sale policy. "For purchases of individual DVD titles, satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. Returns are accepted for any reason within 30 days of purchase. However, refunds are not available for purchases of sets of DVDs or for individual DVDs purchased as part of a set."

I watch him lure most of the astronuts in under false presense (make them feel good then pop the question and the film in front of them) and I don't have a problem with that.

Umm, " suppose you could turn the earth a little so we can get a little bit more than just water" is quite obviously a JOKE! They're "asking" Mission Control to turn the earth because the view angle they have shows mostly water...which is precisely what's being referred to when Houston responds "try an entry position", which would change the angle and position of the spacecraft istelf....which is what you would do if you were trying to get a better (or different) view from a tiny window.

It wasn't a joke. If this is part of the public record bring up the link and watch yourself. Also think about what your saying. Why are they even filming chunks of the earth on apollo 11 a day before the moon landings. Why did the guy inside the craft have the lights off holding a circle transparency in front of the window in LOW EARTH ORBIT. They were right next to earth. The reason they didn't want the water was because if your suppose to be 1/2 to the moon and you have an earth filled with water and no land its not going to look very believable. Also if you think they are looking at the whole earth in that picture you need your head checked. There is a couple things that are absolutely undeniable. One of them being they were holding a transparency in front of the window and the 2nd being they were in low earth orbit. If you want to debate what happen after the that or why they were doing that i'm listening.

I'm going to post video footage and clips and I want you to explain to me whats going on.
Forget the video clips because the file is too big. Here are some pics though.

Definately Apollo 11 and the video wasn't suppose to be released

Definately Apollo 11 1969 GMT 1:15 - 1:30

Someone has to be prompt to "talk". By the way if this is the "whole earth" where are the stars? Is the sun to bright?

Getting the space craft nice and dark so the outside looks like "space". If you don't believe the quote in the picture i'd be more than happy to get the audio.

Three frames of pictures showing the earth and the inside of the space craft as they are turning on the lights. I'll get more if this isn't convincing enough.
This one clearly shows the earth
It was fun (and easy) making fun of you guys, but you went too far calling Buzz Aldrin & Neil Armstrong "cowards". They're cowards because they want nothing to do with a nut-job like Sibrel?!?! My God, Aldrin shoulda put a cap in his arse. Aldrin and Armstrong (heck, ANY astronaut for that matter) are two truly brave and great Americans who put their lives on the line to explore something totally unknown. And you are what again? Never mind, I already know.

Go ahead and align yourself with that wild-eyed frothing psycho, but watch out when you start throwing that coward crap around. To me the real cowards are the ones perched behind their keyboards in soiled undies and try to find conspiracies in every historical event that's ever happened. Or the ones who stalk brave Americans and cram microphones in their face to try and garner attention for their whacked-out theories.

Cowards... Pot+Kettle+Black... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Shoeless Joe
Originally posted by TravisLL:
I watch him lure most of the astronuts in under false presense (make them feel good then pop the question and the film in front of them) and I don't have a problem with that.
No, I imagine you probably don't have a problem with that, but what I think you're failing to realize is that Aldrin, Armstrong or any of the other lunar astronauts do not answer to Sibrel. Thing is, though, if Mr. Sibrel was a legitimate researcher or had approached them differently (particularly Aldrin), he may have gotten an interview. But he's a clueless thug, so Buzz decked him.

Go Buzz.
It wasn't a joke. If this is part of the public record bring up the link and watch yourself.
You're missing the point. It wasn't "a joke", they were joking.

Look, you obviously believe Sibrel and everything he feeds you, which is certainly your prerogative, but it also makes you inaccessable to anything in the way of reason or common sense, which makes any further discussion of the matter pointless.

If you think the US could fake moon landings and get away with it, that's up to you. It totally blows my mind that anyone could conveniently ignore the obvious impossibility of something of that magnitude and complexity, particularly considering the Russians were watching us like hawks, but my mind has been blown before.
Last edited by Westy

OMG, this topic is priceless. Well worth the $60 you pissed away.

As to the 911 nonsense, who murdered all of the passengers on the 4 flights that didn't really crash? Or are the planes that crashed into the Pentagon and Sommerset, PA exempt from this particular crackpot theory?

BTW, Craig Nall was born 10 years after the moon landing. Makes you think, doesn't it?
Originally posted by T-Buck:
Rams RB Marshall Faulk revealed himself as a moon-landing consipracy theorist in an interview a couple years ago. He's an intelligent, normal guy, talking about football and stuff ... and then he unleashes the moon landing stuff out of nowhere. It was awesome.

I love moon-landing conspiracy theorists and believe they enrich our lives and make our planet a better place.

moon-landing conspiracy theorists rule!
Originally posted by pacfan:
It's probably been mentioned already, but if the moon landings were faked how could they possibly pay off, or get rid of the thousands of people that were working for NASA, who were in the know and would immediately blow the whistle on faked landings?
Yeah, and like some NASA insider wouldn't have written a kiss & tell book and made millions of dollars by now.

Heck, even Deep Throat couldn't stay quiet for this long.
Originally posted by PackerHawk:
As to the 911 nonsense, who murdered all of the passengers on the 4 flights that didn't really crash? Or are the planes that crashed into the Pentagon and Sommerset, PA exempt from this particular crackpot theory?
He (and others) claim those people didn't even exist, that the passenger manifests were drawn-up in advance, by Dubya. Just imaginary people. All of them.

What about the supposed victims families and inevitable interviews and stories?
Actors & actresses, paid by the government. They're all in on it.

The Pentagon and PA planes?
The Pentagon attack was supposedly planned so people wouldn't immediately suspect the government, and the PA plane (drone) was shot down by military fighters before it could make it back to it's target - The White House. (According to the whackjobs, it's no accident that Dubya was "conveniently" in Florida at the time). And in the case of the PA drone, that was a screw-up. Someone in the military didn't get the memo, because they were not supposed to shoot it down.

Further, the Pentagon plane was not even a large commercial jetliner as reported, it was a small regional jet or perhaps a military fighter...or maybe even a missle.

Remember, all this was just a diversion so Dubya could get away with blowing the towers with pre-planted explosives.
Last edited by Westy
I'll debate all day. You can't run me off, lol. By the way someone said I hide behind a keyboard. I'd be more than willing to set up a public debate on anyone of these subjects. Pick the subject 9/11, moon landings, or creation/evolution. I'm no coward I can assure you that. You just let me know.

Notice how shoeless joe left out the 3rd picture. The 3rd picture shows the earth. I'm sorry there Joe, but the DVD was 768 MB was too much so I had to snap shot some of these. Its also clearly the earth behind him once he turns on the light. Thats on another DVD which I didn't have time for but will post more tonight after work. By the way I don't see you dealing with the evidence but rather attacking the messenger.

Shoeless I want to put you on the spot here. The first pic you posted of Aldrin that the earth 130,000 miles away like they are saying or is that someone hold up a transparency up to the window. I don't think this is tough at all. State your answer for the record.


Go ahead and align yourself with that wild-eyed frothing psycho, but watch out when you start throwing that coward crap around. To me the real cowards are the ones perched behind their keyboards in soiled undies and try to find conspiracies in every historical event that's ever happened. Or the ones who stalk brave Americans and cram microphones in their face to try and garner attention for their whacked-out theories.

I'm not trying to draw attention to myself and I don't think Bart sibrel was either. He perhaps like myself wants to know the truth. Either way were going to find out the truth one of these days either here on earth or judgement day.
Originally posted by TravisLL:
I'll debate all day. You can't run me off, lol. By the way someone said I hide behind a keyboard. I'd be more than willing to set up a public debate on anyone of these subjects. Pick the subject 9/11, moon landings, or creation/evolution. I'm no coward I can assure you that. You just let me know.

Then quit calling these brave men cowards, or at least do it to their face instead of behind a keyboard.

Notice how shoeless joe left out the 3rd picture. The 3rd picture shows the earth. I'm sorry there Joe, but the DVD was 768 MB was too much so I had to snap shot some of these. Its also clearly the earth behind him once he turns on the light. Thats on another DVD which I didn't have time for but will post more tonight after work. By the way I don't see you dealing with the evidence but rather attacking the messenger.

I'm sorry, but your "evidence" could be made by any 12 yo with a computer and Photoshop. But here's the 3rd picture, I'll post it and erase any shadow of doubt...

A blurry picture of the earth, or it could be a picture of a headlight on an '85 Pacer. Yup I'm convinced.

Shoeless I want to put you on the spot here. The first pic you posted of Aldrin that the earth 130,000 miles away like they are saying or is that someone hold up a transparency up to the window. I don't think this is tough at all. State your answer for the record.

For the record... hmmmmmmmm... yup I still think you're a nut-job. Actually it looks to me like a UFO... oooops, I had better not go there with you... My God, that could be the reflection of a flashbulb on the glass, someone holding up a butane lighter, a fricken candle!!! You do realize just how easy it is to alter images & video dontcha?!?! How you can call that crap evidence is waaaaaaaaay beyond me, but then again I always thought of myself as semi-normal. So for the record I think you and your ilk are full of pooey. I also think Elvis is still dead, God didn't drive a UFO, Oswald worked alone, Lindsey Lohan DID have a boob job, and Big Foot is Robin Williams in an ape suit. But I do have a question... how can you have a picture of someone talking? Is there a special lens that picks up sound?! ("The first pic you posted of Aldrin talking")


Go ahead and align yourself with that wild-eyed frothing psycho, but watch out when you start throwing that coward crap around. To me the real cowards are the ones perched behind their keyboards in soiled undies and try to find conspiracies in every historical event that's ever happened. Or the ones who stalk brave Americans and cram microphones in their face to try and garner attention for their whacked-out theories.

I'm not trying to draw attention to myself and I don't think Bart sibrel was either. He perhaps like myself wants to know the truth. Either way were going to find out the truth one of these days either here on earth or judgement day.

I know the truth already, you and your ilk will besmirch anybody's good name to propogate your whacked-out agenda. Not to mention stalk 'em, harass 'em or crucify anyone who doesn't agree with your "theories".

Last edited by Shoeless Joe
Originally posted by pacfan:
I think it was the red arrow in one of those pictures that convinced me.
Not too many people know this, but the Red Arrow affect was actually created when Buzz Aldrin grabbed a crayon and started drawing on the command module window.

If you listen really closely to the corresponding audio portion of the tape you can clearly hear him say, "This is the earth, right here. Right where I drew a red arrow with my Lunar the pointy part."

It's true. I read it on the inernet. Wink Big Grin
The video clip of my "snap shot" is on the web site. I didn't doctor the picture as you will see in the video. I have better things to do.

Go to

Click on video sample #2 and watch it for yourself. Then explain to me what you saw.

Then quit calling these brave men cowards, or at least do it to their face instead of behind a keyboard.

They are cowards and I don't have to say it to anyone face to make it anymore truthful. They got fame, money, and used our tax dollars to lie. Thats not what I call brave.

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