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Originally posted by TravisLL:
[QUOTE]This pic shows the shadow created by these..
The flash before it hit?..I don't know..sunlight

Lets just ignore that thing on the bottom of the plane for one second dave.

* William Rodriguez, the last survivor pulled for the rumble says there was bombs going off inside the building.

* Fireman say there was bombs going off inside the building.

* A video shows bombs going off in every corner as its falling down

* The scientific evidence says a them planes can not bring down them buildings.

* Alex Jones was on his show july 27th telling his listeners to call the government because the federal govenment was planning an attack on lower manhattan.

* little kids were pointing to them buildings saying "that building is going to be down tomorrrow".

* a decalssified governemnt document (operation northwoods) says the governemnt was planning on hijacking planes, bombing US ships again (US Maine) and blaming this on cuba to start a war.

* Dick Cheney was in charge of NORAD that day. He told them to stand down that it was a CIA drill and allowed it to happen. Someone in NORAD disobeyed orders and shot down one of the planes heading to the capital.

* Building #7 came down. It wasn't hit by a plane at all.

* The pentagon was hit by a missle. There is PLENTY of cameras around that area. They will not release one of them. Witnesses say "missle". Evidence says "missle".

I can not help people who would rather believe a lie. This is about the moon conspiracy any how and I want to see someone comment on the sample #2 video.
Originally posted by cblatz:

Are you saying that Canada attacked us? Wink

Oh YEAH!!!...who did you think it was?....those Canadians...they are sneeky.. Wink
I guess I should point out that this a pic of a 767..same a/c that hit the building...and those odd things under the a/c are just what I have pointed out....nothing else...
Maybe that flash is from behind the grassy knoll? Big Grin
Originally posted by TravisLL:
* Fireman say there was bombs going off inside the building.
* The scientific evidence says a them planes can not bring down them buildings.
* little kids were pointing to them buildings saying "that building is going to be down tomorrrow".

Fireman said this?...anyone else hear this? I never have.
A 767 full of fuel bound for the west coast can make one hell of an explosion....and cause a lot of heat....looks like it could happen to me.
Who are these kids you are quoting?...and how the hell would they! Confused

We know Travis, we know. So go ahead and believe!! And please don't let anything like, oh I don't know, facts get in your way!!

Lunar Lunacy

NASA chimes in

Bad Astronomy

Moon hoax

Wow, actual scientists can explain this stuff. So Travis, your degree is in what? Astro Physics? Are you a rocket scientist?
What is Hal Holbrook's REAL position on this. Is he still alive? Does he still do that Twain thing?

To kind of quote Twain, this thread is gonna make someone "madder than a Presbyterian in Hell."
Originally posted by Westy:
Originally posted by pacfan:
I think it was the red arrow in one of those pictures that convinced me.
Not too many people know this, but the Red Arrow affect was actually created when Buzz Aldrin grabbed a crayon and started drawing on the command module window.

If you listen really closely to the corresponding audio portion of the tape you can clearly hear him say, "This is the earth, right here. Right where I drew a red arrow with my Lunar the pointy part."

It's true. I read it on the inernet. Wink Big Grin

Shoeless Joe - watch the sample #2 video your head is in the sand again. They have a whole web site called talk orgins that defends evolution as a fact. Scientist that believe it. Does that make it a fact?

Dave - Watch the video I linked ... 2mins into it the fireman talk. Let the video load all the way and watch as the towers collapse. You can clearly see bombs going off in the corners as it falls. Its towards the end of the video.
Shoeless Joe - watch the sample #2 video your head is in the sand again. They have a whole web site called talk orgins that defends evolution as a fact. Scientist that believe it. Does that make it a fact?

Well Travis my background is in engineering. I even worked for a company that was a sub-contractor for NASA. We supplied the spaceflight hardware (Imager & Sounder) for the GOES weather satellite program. I know and have worked with dozens of NASA scientists. So yeah, I'm gonna believe them over a wild-eyed frothing whacked-out zealot. But that's just me.
Shoeless Joe

Its about a 2min clip of them faking being 1/2 way to the moon. Even if we did go to the moon you should be asking somebody why are you trying to fake being 1/2 to the moon on the apollo 11 mission. Its not some whacked out zealot either. The guy is not even in the clip. Its just a clip obtain (by accident IMO) from NASA. Tell me what your seeing. Thats all. Maybe you or someone can convince me they are doing something else.
Shoeless Joe - watch the sample #2 video

Travis, I tried to watch the video but that "site" kept trying to install "flat-earth cookies" on my computer!! Thank God I had my patent pending Reality Filter engaged!!

Unfortunately this photo was downloaded before the filter kicked in...

So you do not beleive there would'nt be any type of cleaning equipment/items...or anything else flammable in the WTC's at all..nothing that could possibly heat up and explode?..causing all the these "what sounded like explosions" that the firemen heard or saw?...electronics, computers...etc etc that just might catch fire and explode?...
I believe that is very plausable dave. Couple things that I came across that maybe you not aware of. WIlliam Rodriguez, last suvivor pulled from the ruble, stated in an interview that bombs were going off just before the plane hit the tower. He was a janitor worked there for 20+ years. He some of what he said....

He was late for work. Should have been there at 8:00 in the morning. He came in at 8:30. At 8:30 he was in the basement. 8:45 he hears a huge explosion from under his feet. It came from one of the sub levels. A guy that was standing in front of one of the sub elevators was burned badly. He came running in the room where Rodriguez was and said "explosion, explosion, explosion". Seconds later he hears the plane hit above the building. He said the walls shook and the cement was cracking. Then the sprinkler system was activated.

If you want to hear the interview yourself its at I recommand downloading it and its 30 mins into it they start talking to Rodriguez. He told the 9/11 commission his story and they left out alot of things (imo on purpose).

Also that site that doesn't work anymore has bomb popping out as it collapses. Its from the video "loose change".

Apparently they are 10-15 people that have a similiar story as rodriguez but most of the are afriad to talk. Some of them have been given a gag.

I also like to point of for those that want to make, people like me, to be some nut ...that there is very respected people saying the governemnt is doing this stuff.

Craig Roberts - former Marine Sniper

Paul Craig Roberts - former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration

Mel Gibson

His Dad

George Galloway - British MP

Jack McLamb - Phoenix Police Department
(1976 - 1986)

Texe Marrs - former USAF officer

Congressman Ron Paul

Professor Steven E. Jones - Brigham Young University Physics Professor
Originally posted by TravisLL:

I also like to point of for those that want to make, people like me, to be some nut ...that there is very respected people saying the governemnt is doing this stuff...

George Galloway - British MP

Galloway!?!?! "Very respected"??

You've got to be kidding.

Drinking milk and being scratched like a cat.

Make sure you watch the video in the upper right corner.

Here's the video!
Originally posted by TravisLL:
lol I seen that before. Well was respect before that little stunt.

Respected by some unfortunately. But before this stunt he was still Saddam's lapdog and involved in Oil-for-food.
I never bothered to read this thread, because I never doubted the moon landing and didn't figure it was worth discussing. I cannot believe I almost missed out on one of the funniest threads ever. If I was running this place this thread would be archived.
Originally posted by brosto1:
I never bothered to read this thread, because I never doubted the moon landing and didn't figure it was worth discussing. I cannot believe I almost missed out on one of the funniest threads ever. If I was running this place this thread would be archived.

Same here,I cant believe I actually read this whole thread.

it made me ROFLMAO tho after a long work week.

Originally posted by brosto1:
If I was running this place this thread would be archived.

You are running this place and this thread will be archived. Smiler

Congratulations to everyone. The politics forum actually can be a fun place.
Originally posted by Shoeless Joe:
Originally posted by TravisLL:
I'll debate all day. You can't run me off, lol. By the way someone said I hide behind a keyboard. I'd be more than willing to set up a public debate on anyone of these subjects. Pick the subject 9/11, moon landings, or creation/evolution. I'm no coward I can assure you that. You just let me know.

Then quit calling these brave men cowards, or at least do it to their face instead of behind a keyboard.

Notice how shoeless joe left out the 3rd picture. The 3rd picture shows the earth. I'm sorry there Joe, but the DVD was 768 MB was too much so I had to snap shot some of these. Its also clearly the earth behind him once he turns on the light. Thats on another DVD which I didn't have time for but will post more tonight after work. By the way I don't see you dealing with the evidence but rather attacking the messenger.

I'm sorry, but your "evidence" could be made by any 12 yo with a computer and Photoshop. But here's the 3rd picture, I'll post it and erase any shadow of doubt...

A blurry picture of the earth, or it could be a picture of a headlight on an '85 Pacer. Yup I'm convinced.

Shoeless I want to put you on the spot here. The first pic you posted of Aldrin that the earth 130,000 miles away like they are saying or is that someone hold up a transparency up to the window. I don't think this is tough at all. State your answer for the record.

For the record... hmmmmmmmm... yup I still think you're a nut-job. Actually it looks to me like a UFO... oooops, I had better not go there with you... My God, that could be the reflection of a flashbulb on the glass, someone holding up a butane lighter, a fricken candle!!! You do realize just how easy it is to alter images & video dontcha?!?! How you can call that crap evidence is waaaaaaaaay beyond me, but then again I always thought of myself as semi-normal. So for the record I think you and your ilk are full of pooey. I also think Elvis is still dead, God didn't drive a UFO, Oswald worked alone, Lindsey Lohan DID have a boob job, and Big Foot is Robin Williams in an ape suit. But I do have a question... how can you have a picture of someone talking? Is there a special lens that picks up sound?! ("The first pic you posted of Aldrin talking")


Go ahead and align yourself with that wild-eyed frothing psycho, but watch out when you start throwing that coward crap around. To me the real cowards are the ones perched behind their keyboards in soiled undies and try to find conspiracies in every historical event that's ever happened. Or the ones who stalk brave Americans and cram microphones in their face to try and garner attention for their whacked-out theories.

I'm not trying to draw attention to myself and I don't think Bart sibrel was either. He perhaps like myself wants to know the truth. Either way were going to find out the truth one of these days either here on earth or judgement day.

I know the truth already, you and your ilk will besmirch anybody's good name to propogate your whacked-out agenda. Not to mention stalk 'em, harass 'em or crucify anyone who doesn't agree with your "theories".

If I nest even more quotes, does this post get any odder? Wink
Originally posted by PackerHawk:
Originally posted by Shoeless Joe:
Now all we need to do is find...

Robin Williams?

Okay, who sold you guys the naked pictures of my wife??
Let me guess was it money grubbing Armstrong?
Originally posted by johnnie gray:
hey - how did neal armstrong get on top of the wtc on 9/11?
He was beamed up there through one of the wing-mounted missle pods.

See, it's like this:
One missle pod was used to blow a hole in the WTC four nanoseconds before the plane hit, and the other was actually a high-velocity, time-warping transporter stolen from the Starship Enterprise used to beam Neil Armstrong from the moon-fakery set in Los Angeles in 1969 to the top of the World Trade Center Towers in New York on September 11th, 2001.

If you listen really closely to the NASA tapes you can hear them talking about it. In fact I believe Buzz Aldrin drew-up a flow chart about it using one of his Lunar Crayolas.

Hey, I know this is far-fetched, but if you don't believe it, just send $60 to Bart Sibrel and he'll send you four DVDs that explain the whole thing, complete with crayon drawings, stick figures and everything.

Really. He will. Trust him. At least 63 people in the country do. Wink

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