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Is that moon subject to the long periods of darkness and radical temperature change? It's obvious why they were worried about the uneven surface and the ability of the lunar rover to traverse some of the craters.

Any signs of life on that planet?
If you have 70 floors full of air, what happens to the air when you start pancaking the floors down on top of each other? Does it just disappear?

The "explosions" are really just compressed air escaping as the floors collapse on each other.

Furthermore, if you intended to bring the Towers down with a controlled demolition, why bother with the airplanes, an exercise that almost certainly involved hundreds if not thousands more people?

Look at it this way: If you're planning a crime that you intend to get away with, do you concoct a scheme that involves a few people, or one that involves a few thousand people, any one of whom could blow the doors off your Big Conspiracy by talking?

Occam's Razor.
Last edited by Westy
The firefighters are talking about the building collapsing from above. One firefighter said it "looked like" a bomb exploded in the lobby, not that one did. Another firefighter said he wasn't prepared for the bodies he saw. You cannot determine when that firefighter arrived on the scene, so you cannot conclude that a bomb exploded in the lobby. It appears they took clips from firefighters at different times, put them together and manufactured a case for a bomb being detonated in the lobby.
What about the four before that that said

"we made it outside, we made it about a block."
"we made it at least 2 blocks and we saw...."
"floor by floor it started popping out"
"It was if they had detonated like they planned to take down a building"

I want you people who believe the official story to tell me one thing. If the media had not said anything and you were going by what the "eye witnesses" seen what conclusion would you come to? Keep in mind there are a ton of eye witnesses told to "shut up" by our government. Gag orders. Some paid off not to talk.
Originally posted by TravisLL:
What about the four before that that said

"we made it outside, we made it about a block."
"we made it at least 2 blocks and we saw...."
"floor by floor it started popping out"
"It was if they had detonated like they planned to take down a building"

I want you people who believe the official story to tell me one thing. If the media had not said anything and you were going by what the "eye witnesses" seen what conclusion would you come to? Keep in mind there are a ton of eye witnesses told to "shut up" by our government. Gag orders. Some paid off not to talk.

Ok I'm not into politics at all and even less than that into conspiracy theories, however I admit to watching both sides of the coin because it is fascinating at times. I have to ask you this.....

If you truly believe the gov't of this country would attack itself simply to be able to build up the defense budget or launch a war, why would you continue to live in this country?

I don't want to hear lame excuses like "I can't afford it" either. You obviously can since you have internet access and paid out $60 for some DVD's. I want an honest answer to that simple question. If you truly believe in this (which is certainly your prerogative) why would you continue to live here?
Originally posted by TravisLL:
What about the four before that that said

"we made it outside, we made it about a block."
"we made it at least 2 blocks and we saw...."
"floor by floor it started popping out"
"It was if they had detonated like they planned to take down a building"...

"floor by floor it started popping out" "It was (as) if they had detonated like they planned to take down a building"...

The "floor by floor" statement proves nothing. The last statement, ("It was (as) if...", is a figure of speech, not a statement of fact. It doesn't prove anything either.
Originally posted by TravisLL:
I want you people who believe the official story to tell me one thing. If the media had not said anything and you were going by what the "eye witnesses" seen what conclusion would you come to? Keep in mind there are a ton of eye witnesses told to "shut up" by our government. Gag orders. Some paid off not to talk.
I would conclude that two missle launcher pod-equipped radio-controlled drones painted like American Airlines 767s were flown into the WTC at 550 mph to create a diversion so George Dubya Bush could order a controlled demolition of the towers using explosives planted by his little brother.

I also believe the moon shots were faked, the Umbrella Man fired poison darts, Elvis, Janis & Jimi are still alive and living in a commune on a Carribean island, and that Eric Torkelson is the greatest running back in NFL history.

Curiously enough, I read all that on the internet. (Except for the Torkelson thing - I made that one up myself. Like it?)
Curiously enough, I read all that on the internet. (Except for the Torkelson thing - I made that one up myself. Like it?)

It's on the internet now, Westy... you'll start a revolution if you keep this up.
Originally posted by Westy:
I would conclude that two missle launcher pod-equipped radio-controlled drones painted like American Airlines 767s were flown into the WTC at 550 mph to create a diversion so George Dubya Bush could order a controlled demolition of the towers using explosives planted by his little brother.

This is correct. And, somehow, Whittington knew it, and was threatening to blow the whistle, and that is really why Cheney shot him.

Don't expect this one to go away soon, folks.
I think 911 was way to clean, way too conveniant. 4 planes hijacked the same morning. Flown by pilots by all accounts couldnt fly worth a damn but hit their targets with precision. The towers neatly fall down in implosion fashion. The pentagon hit in an area that was undergoing repairs or something so was least occupied area.

Then they magically find a highjackers passport in the smoldering ash. And quickly identify all the hijackers and that it was mastermind by Bin Laden.

If the intelligence of this country had such tight wraps on these guys that they can identify them that fast it makes me believe that either a) the event was allowed to happen b) pretty much the whole story was bs and its an inside job.
Originally posted by the-icon:
I think 911 was way to clean, way too conveniant. 4 planes hijacked the same morning. Flown by pilots by all accounts couldnt fly worth a damn but hit their targets with precision. The towers neatly fall down in implosion fashion. The pentagon hit in an area that was undergoing repairs or something so was least occupied area.

Then they magically find a highjackers passport in the smoldering ash. And quickly identify all the hijackers and that it was mastermind by Bin Laden.

If the intelligence of this country had such tight wraps on these guys that they can identify them that fast it makes me believe that either a) the event was allowed to happen b) pretty much the whole story was bs and its an inside job.

To Quote the Movie PCU "Merc,you have to lay off the pipe"
Ok I'm not into politics at all and even less than that into conspiracy theories, however I admit to watching both sides of the coin because it is fascinating at times. I have to ask you this.....

If you truly believe the gov't of this country would attack itself simply to be able to build up the defense budget or launch a war, why would you continue to live in this country?

I don't want to hear lame excuses like "I can't afford it" either. You obviously can since you have internet access and paid out $60 for some DVD's. I want an honest answer to that simple question. If you truly believe in this (which is certainly your prerogative) why would you continue to live here?

I love my country, but fear my government as everyone should. I don't want to move out. I love my country. I love my freedom. Which is why I am very concerned that our freedoms are being stripped away in the name of "terrorism" manufactured by people who have hi jacked our government. There motive is global government or a new world order.

I'm not into conspiracies. I'm into truth. I love the truth. I simply want to know the truth. If the truth of the matter was we landed on the moon i'd embrace that. If the truth of the matter was evolution was true i'd embrace that. Jesus walk this earth and told everyone "the truth" but people mocked him, laughed at him, and ultimately killed him. I am absolutely convince this world is under deception and will continue be decieved.

Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth? - Galatians 4:16

The moon landing is unimportant when compared with issues like evolution/creation or what happen on 9/11. Some people for whatever reason hate the truth. I have studied quite a bit on several topics. What is more valueable? Someone who appeals to authority, stands for the majority, and is well respected or someone who stands for the truth despite what is popular. Despite what the majority opinion is. Despite what people may say about them.

Here how I break this down. Either the bible is true or its not. The book claims to be perfect. So either it is or its not. The book of revelations says one world government, one world religion and one world currency. After much study I have concluded that there is a world wide conspiracy to bring about a new world order, one world currency (possibly euro), one world religion ( new age? every religion is acceptable besides christianity), a mark to buy sell and trade (RFID posssiby). 9/11 was done on purpose to pass the patriot act. Very simliar to what Hilter did. He burned down the Reichstag which gave him an excuse to pass the enabling act which set him up as dictator. This is exactly what George Bush is doing now. This is not about George Bush either. He is a puppet. If he goes another will come. They are promised power, fame, whatever if they do what the globialist want. Anyone that does a serious study on this with an open mind will come to the same conclusion.

If i'm crazy please watch some of these clips







I think the only problem between those that believe and those that don't believe is how they view the world. Same deal with evolution and creation. How do you view the world. I realize my statements are unpopular, but they are the truth. I wouldn't defend a lie, or even a hunch. Its the God's honest truth.
Originally posted by TravisLL:
I love my country, but fear my government as everyone should. I don't want to move out. I love my country. I love my freedom. Which is why I am very concerned that our freedoms are being stripped away in the name of "terrorism" manufactured by people who have hi jacked our government. There motive is global government or a new world order.


Do you just sit around and just think this stuff up?
Originally posted by the-icon:
I think 911 was way to clean, way too conveniant. 4 planes hijacked the same morning. Flown by pilots by all accounts couldnt fly worth a damn but hit their targets with precision.
The hardest part of flying a plane is landing it safely and the second hardest part is taking-off. Neither were an issue.

The only real "flying feat" associated with 9/11 was the Pentagon hit, which was substantially more difficult than ramming planes into 1100 ft. towers, which some experts claim could be done with rudimentary knowledge of navigational procedure and several hours in a flight simulator. Another thing to consider is that they had near-perfect flying weather at the targets; high ceilings and exceptional visibility.

Also, some argue the Pentagon was actually Target B and chosen because they were off-course and too low for Target A, which was the White House, and the radar track seems to support that notion.

For those of you who for some reason are inclined to believe this was an inside job, you need to think carefully about what it would take to pull a plot like that off without getting caught (which is what you're suggesting). Think of how many people in how many different positions would need to be complicit in a scheme like that, and then ask yourself if it makes even an ounce of sense.

Had the planes not been involved, then yeah, maybe it's an inside job, but the notion that anyone could get away with both the hijackings and a controlled demolition is just to much to swallow.
Last edited by Westy
All you need is a computer and Microsoft Flight Simulator to train for instrument and navigation. They include information to take some of the tests right in the box with the software.

Most gamers had already been well versed in flying computer simulation planes into those skyscrapers. It was just a natural thing that you did when you played with that software.

I'm pretty sure it was disclosed that some of the terrorists in fact had this software in their personal belongings.

Of course this would have been used as a reference guide or practice. Its been well documented that many of them also had the formal training at flight centers in Florida.
Its just a hard pill to swallow for me. To nail the targets like that, with lets say limited training, flying a jumbo jet on a suicide mission under extremely high stress, knowing they are about to die. Its possible though, Im not saying its impossible.

All three nail their targets, and the fourth, shot down or whatever.

Then the buildings fall perfectly down, both of them. As well as an adjacent building, that falls down in implosion fashion seemingly for no reason.

But lets hypothetically say it was terroists, no inside job etc. How was it allowed to happen. The CIA and mossad have tight wraps on these guys, and can produce all the names of the hijackers, pics etc. Yet have no knowledge of this operation, which would seem took a lot of time and money to pull off.

That would give credence to a situation sorta like Pearl Harbor where it was allowed to happen.

Either way, in my mind the story being told doesent really add up. And if it does add up, there were people very asleep at the switch.
So the US government killed those people by bringing down the towers and Pentagon, but OBL was more than happy to claim responsibility instead of turning the tables and saying the US government did it which would have been even more damagin to the US.

Is that this thread in a nutshell (at least recently)?

Get yours today!
My take:

1. Egos, chain of command and ownership issues within and between intelligence agencies prevented pertinent information from being acted upon prior to the attacks. It was the tragic result of decades of complacency, in-fighting and power-grabbing, which may or may not have been exacerbated when Dubya took over for Clinton and intelligence community people were wondering how or if the change would affect their jobs & careers.

2. During the attacks, the lack of established protocol and a pervasive "I just don't believe what I'm seeing" attitude prevented fighters from being scrambled and/or the planes from being shot down before they reached their targets.

Think about it - you have fifteen minutes or so to decide whether to blow a fuel-laden airplane full of American citizens out of the sky, perhaps even over a densely-populated area. Do you do it, or do you just hope & pray that something happens to prevent the hijackers from doing whatever it is they're planning to do? Or, to add another element to the equation, do you hope & pray that the plane(s) in question were not hijacked at all, just out of communication and looking to return, or maybe even headed to a foreign country to initiate a hostage situation?

Tough question, yes?

I think we all tend to claim in hindsight that we would have done this or would have done that, but would we have? Really?

3. A lot of people (including me) watched the towers fall straight down and thought, "Wow, that was strange-looking", largely because logic tells us 1100 ft, perfectly rectangular towers wouldn't fall straight down, they'd probably topple over. But the reality is they were designed to fall straight down in the event of catastrophic structural failure, which is precisely what happened when the horizontal, floor load-bearing cross beams began to soften and distort due to the heat, which ultimately compromised the connecting pin mechanisms and caused them to fail.

(Contrary to conspiracy theories focusing on internal temperatures, the beams didn't need to melt, they just needed to be heated enough to expand or twist.)

But some people - after seeing all the baloney about an alleged "controlled demolition" and still being a little unsure that towers that size would just collapse on themselves and fall straight down - embrace the conspiracy theories. And that's fine, but what they're embracing are theories that are several hundred orders of magnitude more complex than the explanation they just rejected, and that doesn't make any sense, either.
Last edited by Westy
Lets not forget about the Clinton administration putting up the intelligence "Wall" that prohibited different agencies from comparing notes and sharing information.

Its no wonder something slipped through the cracks.

No...its not just Clintons fault. But it sure didn't help.
Originally posted by BackThePack:
Originally posted by TravisLL:
I love my country, but fear my government as everyone should. I don't want to move out. I love my country. I love my freedom. Which is why I am very concerned that our freedoms are being stripped away in the name of "terrorism" manufactured by people who have hi jacked our government. There motive is global government or a new world order.


Do you just sit around and just think this stuff up?

So Nash and Hall were behind the terror attacks, I would have never knew. Tooo Sweet. Four Life.
I look forward to the day I'll be able to tell my Grandchildren about the day Grandpa joined a discussion board on the internet was part of the Mother of All Threads. It's been an honor to be part of this.

Get your red crayons ready, we're about to start the cameras.
For those of you who for some reason are inclined to believe this was an inside job, you need to think carefully about what it would take to pull a plot like that off without getting caught (which is what you're suggesting). Think of how many people in how many different positions would need to be complicit in a scheme like that, and then ask yourself if it makes even an ounce of sense.

This is exactly why someone should be skepical of the official story. You expect me to believe that a bunch of islamic men whos leader is hiding in a cave hi jacked 4 planes perfect timing, precision flying and aiming, first objective twin towers total success, 2nd objective attack possibly the heaviest guarded area in the word (pentagon) with total success. Then you have the fact they do it with box cutters. Interesting story about them box cutters also. I don't have the interview off hand but I believe some guy in the cia came up with that idea in the 70's. I'll dig for that if anyone is interested. Look at this list...

9/11 (8:55 am) - President Bush goes into a holding room inside Booker Elementary to speak with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice who tells him it was a commercial plane that crashed into the WTC.

9/11 (8:57 am) - Flight 77's radar stops near the Ohio/Kentucky border and is the only one of the four hijacked planes that wasn't able to be tracked via radar the whole way

• 9/11 (9:00 am) - The CIA began an exercise to simulate a plane crashing into one of it's buildings.

• 9/11 (9:16 - 9:26 am) - U.S. Solicitor General Ted Olson -- who has admitted in public that the U.S. government lies and who helped stopped the Florida recount that helped Bush win the '00 election -- claims his third wife, conservative commentator and author Barbara Olson, called him collect from Flight 77 twice via her cellphone, is the only one that describes that the hijackers had box cutters, never mentions the hijackers nationality or how many there were, and was one of only two of the 64 passengers on board to have allegedly called from the plane.

• 9/11 - Box cutters weren't allowed pre-9/11 by the airlines industry.

• 9/11 - Two of Mohamed Atta's luggage, which contained incriminating evidence, were the only luggage of the 81 passengers aboard Flight 11 that didn't make it on the plane.

• 9/11 (6:00 am) - NORAD was in day two of a week long exercise called "Vigilant Guardian" in which some of it's military participants thought the first reports of the hijackings later on in the day were "part of the exercise."

9/11 - Defense contractor, The Carlyle Group, is hosting a business conference in D.C. in which featured honored guest is one of Osama Bin Laden's brother.

9/11 - All of the five alleged Flight 77 hijackers lived in a motel right outside the gates of the NSA -- the U.S.'s most powerful spy agency in which it's 38,000 employees are sworn to a lifetime of secrecy.

• 9/11 (6:47 am) - The WTC 7's fire alarm system is placed on "TEST" mode for an eight hour period for "maintenance or other testing" in which any alarms that are received from the system are not shown on the operator’s display and are considered the result of the maintenance or testing and are ignored.

Sources and more in this link
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
Alright Westy , but I'm blaming Sonny on Henry....

I think you better blame Sonny of Johnny Z. Fits right into his height specifications. I'll take the blame for Leif Garrett.

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